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Page No. 1 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 09/2011) Pre-decisional John Love Lead Increment Scientist (LIS) Andrew Tucker LIS Rep Cindy Romero LIS Rep ISS Increments 37&38.

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Presentation on theme: "Page No. 1 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 09/2011) Pre-decisional John Love Lead Increment Scientist (LIS) Andrew Tucker LIS Rep Cindy Romero LIS Rep ISS Increments 37&38."— Presentation transcript:

1 Page No. 1 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 09/2011) Pre-decisional John Love Lead Increment Scientist (LIS) Andrew Tucker LIS Rep Cindy Romero LIS Rep ISS Increments 37&38

2 Page No. 2 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 09/2011) Pre-decisional ISS Increments 37&38 Lead Increment Scientist (LIS) team Increment Research Team (IRT) responsibilities Lead Increment Scientist (LIS) role Weekly Science Summary (WSS) Science Requirements Tracking Database (SRTD) Research Statistics Research Plan Investigation Locations External Investigation Sites Investigations by Stage Crew Assignment Matrix Closing Remarks Agenda

3 Page No. 3 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 09/2011) Pre-decisional The IRT: o integrates priorities among all partner investigations in the tactical and execution phases of the Increment pair o develops recommendations on research requirement changes and issues resolution, including assessing impacts to potential flight plan changes Increment Research Team (IRT) CSAESAJAXA NASA All USOS Partners are represented in the Increment Research Team (IRT)

4 Page No. 4 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 09/2011) Pre-decisional Tactical Phase –Integrated Load Shed Table priorities –Science Symposium –Science Requirements Tracking Database (SRTD) –Priorities for Preliminary and Final OOS –Crew Science Briefing –Voluntary Science Briefings –Cold Stowage Priorities –Increment pair assessments and replanning Execution Phase –Weekly prioritization of activities –Weekly submittal of Weekly Science Summary (WSS) to crew –Replanning support as required –Management of research requirements –Identification and recommendation of Voluntary Science candidates Post-Mission Phase –Crew debriefings –Lessons Learned –30-day reports –Increment Research Summary and Accomplishment Report Increment Research Team (IRT)

5 Page No. 5 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 09/2011) Pre-decisional Lead Increment Scientist (LIS) IPM POM LIS The Triad consists of the Increment Payload Manager (IPM), the Payload Operations Manager (POM, Lead POD), and the Lead Increment Scientist (LIS) for an assigned Increment pair. Triad members work together to plan and execute the research plan during an Increment pair, leading their respective organizations in the performance of their duties. The Triad uses the IRT priorities, along with rack and facility maintenance requirements, to determine the optimal weekly scheduling of utilization activities, while considering other ISS non-utilization activities and constraints. The LIS is responsible for the overall coordination and integration of research requirements and objectives across the USOS during increments starting at Increment minus 18 months. Conducts weekly IRT and participates in IMMT, ISS Ops Tag, WPR, CEF reviews, etc. as well as in RICB, RPWG, PMIT, etc. Products include WSS, SRTD, etc. The LIS is represented by the Lead Increment Scientist Representative (LIS Rep) function on-console (at MSFC), and serves as the authority for providing integrated research inputs and science decisions as required.

6 Page No. 6 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 09/2011) Pre-decisional The Weekly Science Summary (WSS) is a product generated by the LIS Team Delivered to the on-orbit crew every Friday evening, as well as to a wide distribution that includes all ISS Science Teams, JAXA, ESA, CSA, and various NASA centers and organizations Provides the following for current investigations: –Payload name and general description (using “mouse-over” feature) –Status of investigation / crew member performing –Total runs planned for the increment –Runs completed as of the end of the reporting week –Description of activities performed during that week –Supplemental information (when appropriate): graphs, pictures, video, other Provides “Featured” investigations for the following week with the following information from the ISS Program Scientist Toolbox: PAO Summary, Earth Benefits, Space Benefits Provides “Breaking News” from the Program Scientist Office Format Excel table with separate tabs for “Weekly Science Summary”, “Featured Investigations”, and “Breaking News”; other tabs as needed for highlights, pictures, graphs, etc. “Mouse-over” feature pops-up brief summary of investigation – consistent with PAO summaries in the ISS Program Scientist Toolbox Weekly Science Summary (WSS)

7 Page No. 7 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 09/2011) Pre-decisional Schedule Wednesday morning - LIS Rep on console sends request for inputs Thursday by 3PM - Inputs due to the LIS Rep on console for consolidation, review, and editing (as necessary) Friday Noon – LIS and LIS Reps complete review and deliver to POD –Inputs for activities performed on Friday may be sent as early as possible on Friday or included in the following week’s WSS Friday Evening – WSS is delivered to the ISS crew Consistency Crew requested consistency across investigations –Some investigations provide extensive information about week’s operations, while others provide very limited information Include status and significance of activities performed Describe issues, potential source of problem (if known), “big picture” words on future related steps/activities (do not provide direction) Per crew request, use layman’s terms as much as possible; they use the information in this report to communicate ISS science to the public via PAO events The WSS does not / must not provide direction to the crew; information that may be interpreted as direction will be removed prior to uplink. Weekly Science Summary (WSS)

8 Page No. 8 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 09/2011) Pre-decisional Rationale Persistent need for Increment-wide tool to rapidly identify remaining utilization requirements for execution during progression of an Increment pair Increment utilization content and complexity significantly increased –Approach for improved understanding of mid-level (between PTP and OOS) research requirements needed by IRT to support Triad management of the research plan –Quantitative tool to assess pre-Increment pair and real-time changes required by IRT to streamline analyses and justify complex priority decisions under constrained resources Objectives Research Planning Phase: constrained resource bottlenecks, crew time justification Tactical Phase: impact analyses, replanning, validation of planning inputs Execution Phase: tracking remaining requirements, support of 4-WLA priorities, identification of candidates for requirement replanning and acceleration/deferment Format Excel database of mid-level requirements; events/sessions discrete and definable Sortable and filterable; basic visualization tools Timeline For an Increment pair, initial build of SRTD generated during Research Planning Phase, followed by refinement and finalization during Tactical Phase Expected incorporation into ORBIT tool (4 th spiral) Science Requirements Tracking Database (SRTD)

9 Page No. 9 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 09/2011) Pre-decisional ISS Research Statistics Working data as of June 30, 2013 Number of ISS Investigations for 37&38 : 165 106 NASA/U.S.-led investigations 59 International-led investigations 44 new investigations –0 CSA –3 ESA –9 JAXA –32 NASA/U.S. Over 400 Investigators represented Over 500 scientific results publications (Exp 0 – present) Number of Investigations Expedition 0-32: 1549

10 Page No. 10 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 09/2011) Pre-decisional Biology and Biotechnology Educational Activities & Outreach Human Research Bone & Muscle Physiology Bisphosphonates (Control), Hip QCT (P), Intervertebral Disc Damage (P), Spinal Ultrasound, Sprint, CARTILAGE (P), Sarcolab (P), Hybrid Training (P) Cardiovascular & Respiratory Systems Cardio Ox, Ocular Health BP Reg, Vascular Human Behavior & Performance Journals, Reaction Self Test, Circadian Rhythms Nervous & Vestibular Systems Manual Control (P), Reversible Figures, Space Headaches, V-C Reflex (P) Microbiology / Cellular APEX-02-2, BRIC-18-1, ISS University Research (UR)-1, Micro-5, Micro-7, NanoRacks Modules-23, -38, T-Cell Act in Aging, VIABLE (ASI) Cell Mechanosensing-1, Stem Cells Animal Biology NanoRacks Module-26, MDS (R), MSG LSAH c/o, Medaka Osteoclast-2, Space Pup Educational Demos EPO Demos, ISS Ham, Sally Ride EarthKAM, Story Time From Space, YTSL (R), EPO Parmitano*, JAXA EPO 12 (Report, Try Zero G, Video Taking) Student Experiments NanoRacks Module-9 Educational Competitions SPHERES Zero Robotics Cultural Activities Kibo Robot Air, Water, Surface Monitoring Amine Swingbed, DIAPASON (R), Interact, Multi-Gas Monitor Avionics & Software DTN, NanoRacks Module-39*, SNFM Communication & Navigation ISTAR Comm Delay Prep, OPALS (E), SCAN Testbed (E), SPHERES RINGS, Vessel ID System Orbital Environment STP-H4 (E) Robotics & Imaging 3DA1 Camcorder; HDEV (E), Robonaut, RRM, RRM-P2, ESA Nodding Mechanism+ Plant Biology APEX-02-1, Biotube-MICRo, BRIC-18-2, Petri Plants, Seedling Growth-1 (R), VEG-01, GRAVI-2, Aniso Tubule, CsPINs, Resist Tubule Radiation Measurement ALTEA (R), HiMassSEE, REM, DOSIS-3D, Area PADLES 11, Radi-N2 Spacecraft Materials MISSE-8 FSE (E) Technology Demonstration ESAJAXANASACSA Key: (P) Pre/Post BDC only, no In-flight ops (E) External Payload (R) Return only Deployables Cosmogia Dove CubeSats, ArduSat-2, GOMEX-2, Lituanica, MIT CubeSat, SkyCube, UaPSat-1, WarriorSat-1 Macromolecular Crystal Growth CASIS PCG (GCF-1, GCF-2a, GCF-2b, HDPCG-1, HDPCG-2), CPCG-HM, HDPCG (MERCK PCG), JAXA PCG Thermal Technology TEM Pre-decisional Earth & Space Science Physical Sciences Astrobiology/Astrophysics/ Heliophysics AMS-02 (E), Solar-SOLACES/SOLSPEC (E) MAXI (E), MCE (E) Earth Remote Sensing CEO, Hyperspectral Imaging (E), HREP-HICO/RAIDS (E), ISERV, SMILES (E) Small Satellites & Control Technologies NanoRacks ArduSat-1, NanoRacks ArduSat-X, PPOD, SLOSH, SPHERES VERTIGO, TechEdSat-3P Combustion Science BASS (R), BASS-2, FLEX-2, ICE-GA (ASI), Atomization Complex Fluids ACE-M2, BCAT-3, -4, BCAT-6 (R), DECLIC ALI (R), InSPACE-3, BCAT-C1 Fluid Physics BCAT-KP, CCF, CFE-2, DECLIC HTI-R (CNES), FASES, FASTER, SODI-DCMIX#2, Dynamic Surf-1 & -2 Material Science SpaceDRUMS MSL Batch 2a set1 & 2, CETSOL-2, MICAST-2 Hicari, Ice Crystal-2 Fundamental Physics Soret Facet Biochem Profile, Functional Task Test (P), Pro K, Repository, ENERGY, Biological Rhythms 48h Integrated Physiology & Nutrition Other Aurora Photography, Ham Video+, NanoRacks Module 27, UBNT, MVIS Controller 1 Human Microbiome Microbiome Vaccine Development NLP-Vaccine-21 Immune System Salivary Markers Habitability & Human Factors Body Measures Classroom Versions of ISS Investigations CSI-06, Windows on Earth Crew Healthcare Systems SKIN-B Near Earth Space Environment SEDA-AP (E) ISS Increments 37&38 Research Plan

11 ISS Increments 37 & 38 Investigation Locations - Principal location for each experiment - Racks and Facilities in bold text Facility Acronyms CIR - Combustion Integrated Rack EDR - European Drawer Rack EMCS - European Modular Cultivation System EPM - European Physiology Module FIR – Fluids Integrated Rack FSL – Fluid Sciences Lab HRF – Human Research Facility MARES – Muscle Atrophy Research and Ex Sys MELFI – Minus Eighty deg. Laboratory Freezer MSG – Microgravity Sciences Glove box MSPR – Multi purpose Small Payload Rack MSRR - Materials Science Research Rack WORF - Window Observation Research Facility MSG LSAH, BASS-2, CCF, InSPACE-3, SODI-DCMIX US Lab - Destiny EXPRESS Rack-1 MERLIN-4/CPCG-HM DTN, CGBA-4 /Micro5, MAMS, SAMS-II, MERLIN-3 EXPRESS Rack-2A ABRS/APEX-02-1, -2, GLACIER, CGBA-6/CSI-06, DTN, Micro5, Plate Reader/ NanoRacks Module-27 CIR - MDCA-FLEX-2, ICE-GA MSRR/MSL MSL Batch 2a-Set 2 WORF ISERV, Sally Ride EarthKAM FIR LMM ACE-M2, Petri Plants MELFI-3 3DA1 Camcorder, Body Measures, BRIC-18-1 & -2, CASIS PCG (GCF-1, HDPCG-1, HDPCG-2), CEO, CFE-2, EPO Demos, HDPCG, HiMassSEE, ISTAR Comm Delay Prep, Petri Plants, Radi-N2, REM, Robonaut, SNFM, Story Time From Space, UBNT, Windows on Earth ELC2 MISSE-8 FSE S3Truss AMS-02 ELC4 RRM/RRM Phase 2 EXPRESS Rack-8 Amine Swingbed, Biotube-MICRo, CGBA-5 /Micro7, ISS University Research (UR)-1, CGBA-2/ NLP-Vaccine-21, RTS EXPRESS Rack-6 AMS Laptop, GLACIER, MERLIN-1, -2 EXPRESS Rack-7 MERLIN-5/ CPCG-HM, GLACIER ELC3 SCAN Testbed VIABLE FGB ELC1 OPALS, STP-H4 CUPOLA EDR T-Cell Act in Aging, FASTER HRF-2 BP Reg, RC, GDS, PFS ENERGY EXPRESS Rack-3A EMCS/GRAVI-2, GLACIER, VEGGIE/VEG-01 Columbus Pro K, Microbiome, Ocular Health, Radi-N2, Reaction Self Test, Repository, Reversible Figures, HDEV Solar Salivary Markers, SKIN-B, Space Headaches, Spinal Ultrasound, Sprint, Vascular, Vessel ID System FSL FASES, MVIS Controller-1 3DA1 Camcorder, Biochem Profile, Bisphosphonates, Cardio Ox, Circadian Rhythms, DOSIS-3D, Energy, Ham Video, EPO Parmitano +, ISS Ham, Journals, EPM BP Reg DOSIS-3D, ENERGY BIOLAB MARES HRF-1 Ultrasound-2, SLAMMD HREP-HICO/Hyperspectral Imaging, RAIDS EXPRESS Rack-5 SpaceDRUMS RYUTAI Dynamic Surf-1 & -2, PCG, Ice Crystal-2, Soret Facet EXPRESS Rack-4 DECLIC (HTI-R), NanoRacks Multi-Gas Monitor, Modules 9, 23, 27, 38, 39 MELFI-1 Space Pup, Stem Cells SAIBO Aniso Tubule, Cell Mechanosensing-1, CsPINs, Resist Tubule MELFI-2 SMILES SEDA-AP MAXI MCE JEM - KIBO MSPR Atomization, Medaka Osteoclast-2 3DA1 Camcorder, Area PADLES 11, BCAT (3, 4), BCAT-C1, BCAT-KP, Bio Rhythms-48hr, Kibo Robot, JAXA EPO-12 (Report, Try Zero G, Video Taking), SNFM, SPHERES Interact, Radi-N2, RINGS, SLOSH, VERTIGO, Zero Robotics, TEM JEM Airlock JSSOD CubeSats, NRCSD CubeSats KOBAIRO Hicari CEO, Story Time from Space ESA Nodding Mechanism PPOD SpaceX Trunk Extension SpX-3 (Sortie) CASIS PCG GCF-2a & 2b, NanoRacks Module-26 Pre-decisional

12 Page No. 12 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 09/2011) Pre-decisional MISSE 8 FSE RRM RRM-P2 SCAN Testbed SMILES, SEDA-AP, MAXI, MCE, HREP-HICO/Hyperspectral Imaging, HREP-RAIDS HDEV SOLAR OPALS STP-H4 ISS Increments 37&38 External Investigation Sites

13 Page No. 13 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 09/2011) Pre-decisional External or no crew time Critical/Mandatory Science Stage 37-3 CDR/F. Yurchikhin (RS) FE5/L. Parmitano FE6/K. Nyberg NASACSAESAJAXA 3DA1 CamcorderHiMassSEE* NanoRacks Module-9 (Orb-D1) SpaceDRUMSMVIS Controller-1CIRCADIAN RHYTHMSAniso Tubule (HTV-4) Amine SwingbedHREP/HICO, RAIDS*Ocular HealthSpinal UltrasoundRadi-N2 DOSIS-3D Dynamic Surf-1 & -2 (HTV-4) AMS-02* Hyperspectral Imaging* Pro KSTP-H4* (HTV-4)ENERGYHicari BCAT-3, -4ICE-GA (ASI)REMUBNT ESA Nodding Mechanism Ice Crystal-2 (HTV-4) Bisphosphonates*InSPACE-3Reaction Self TestVERTIGO Ham Video (HTV-4) JAXA EPO-12 (Try Zero G, Video) CCFInteractRepositoryVIABLE (ASI)MSL Batch 2a Set 2MAXI* CEOISERVRINGS (HTV-4)Windows on Earth Reversible Figures MCE* CFE-2ISS HamRobonautZero RoboticsSKIN-BResist Tubule (HTV-4) DECLIC HTI-R (CNES) ISTAR Comm Delay Preparation RRM Phase-2 (HTV-4) Solar- SOLACES/SOLSPEC* SEDA-AP* DTN*MicrobiomeSally Ride EarthKAMSpace HeadachesSMILES* EPO DemosMISSE-8 FSE*SCAN Testbed*Vessel ID System*Soret Facet FLEX-2 NanoRacks ArduSat-1, NanoRacks ArduSat-X, TechEdSat-3P (HTV-4) SNFM* Space Pup (HTV-4) ISS Increments 37&38 Investigations by Stage

14 Page No. 14 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 09/2011) Pre-decisional Stage 37-6 CDR/F. Yurchikhin (RS) FE1/O. Kotov (RS) FE2/S. Ryazanskiy (RS) FE3/M. Hopkins FE5/L. Parmitano FE6/K. Nyberg NASACSAESAJAXA 3DA1 CamcorderFLEX-2 Multi-Gas Monitor (37S) SCAN Testbed*BCAT-C1 BLB Maintenance (GRAVI-2) Aniso Tubule (HTV-4) Amine SwingbedHiMassSEE* NanoRacks ArduSat-1, NanoRacks ArduSat-X, TechEdSat-3P (HTV-4) SNFM*BP Reg CIRCADIAN RHYTHMS Area PADLES 11 (36S) AMS-02*HREP/HICO, RAIDS* NanoRacks Module-9 (Orb-D1) SpaceDRUMSMVIS Controller-1DOSIS-3D (36S)Biological Rhythms 48h BCAT-3, -4 Hyperspectral Imaging* Ocular HealthSpinal UltrasoundRadi-N2ENERGY Dynamic Surf-1 & -2 (HTV-4) Biochem ProfileICE-GA (ASI)Pro KSTP-H4* (HTV-4)Vascular ESA Nodding Mechanism Hicari Bisphosphonates*InSPACE-3Reaction Self TestUBNT Ham Video (HTV-4) Ice Crystal-2 (HTV-4) Body MeasuresInteractREM (37S)VERTIGOMSL Batch 2a Set 2 JAXA EPO-12 (Report, Try Zero G, Video) CCFISERVRepositoryVIABLE (ASI)Reversible FiguresMAXI* CEOISS HamRINGS (HTV-4)Windows on EarthSKIN-BMCE* CFE-2 ISTAR Comm Delay Preparation RobonautZero Robotics Solar- SOLACES/SOLSPEC* Resist Tubule (HTV-4) DECLIC HTI-R (CNES) JournalsRRM Phase-2 (HTV-4)Space HeadachesSEDA-AP* DTN*MicrobiomeSalivary MarkersVessel ID System*SMILES* EPO DemosMISSE-8 FSE*Sally Ride EarthKAMSoret Facet Space Pup (HTV-4) External or no crew time Critical/Mandatory Science ISS Increments 37&38 Investigations by Stage

15 Page No. 15 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 09/2011) Pre-decisional Stage 38-6 CDR/O. Kotov (RS) FE2/S. Ryazanskiy (RS) FE4/M. Tyurin (RS) FE3/M. Hopkins FE5/R. Mastracchio FE6/K. Wakata NASACSAESAJAXA 3DA1 Camcorder BRIC-18-1, -2 (SpX-3 Crossover) DTN*ISS Ham NanoRacks Module-23 (SpX-3 Crossover) Reaction Self TestSpinal UltrasoundBCAT-C1 FASTER (SpX-3) Aniso Tubule (HTV-4) MAXI* ACE-M2 (SpX-3)Cardio Ox EPO Demos ISS University Research (UR)-1 (SpX-3 Crossover) NanoRacks Module-26 (SpX-3 Sortie) REMSprintBP Reg GRAVI-2 (SpX-3 Crossover) Area PADLES 11 (36S) MCE* Amine Swingbed CASIS PCG GCF-1 (SpX-3) FLEX-2 ISTAR Comm Delay Preparation NanoRacks Module-27 (SpX-3 Crossover) Repository Story Time (Orb-1) MVIS Controller-1 Ham Video (HTV-4) Atomization (Orb-1) Medaka Osteoclast-2 AMS-02* CASIS PCG GCF-2a, 2b (SpX-3 Sortie) HDEV* (SpX-3)Journals NanoRacks Module- 38 (Orb-1) RINGS (HTV-4)STP-H4* (HTV-4)Radi-N2MSL Batch 2a Set 2 Biological Rhythms 48h PCG APEX-02-1, -2 (SpX-3 Crossover) CASIS PCG HDPCG-1 (SpX-3) HDPCG (MERCK PCG) (SpX-3 Crossover) MSG LSAH c/o (Orb-1) NanoRacks Module-39 (Orb-1) Robonaut T-Cell Act in Aging (SpX-3 Crossover) ESA Reversible Figures Cell Mechanosensing-1 (SpX-3 Crossover) Resist Tubule (SpX-3) BASS-2 (Orb-1) CASIS PCG HDPCG-2 (SpX-3) HiMassSEE* Micro-5 (SpX-3 Crossover) NLP Vaccine-21 (Orb-1) RRM Phase-2 (HTV-4) UBNT BLB Maintenance (GRAVI-2) Solar- SOLACES/SOLSPEC* CsPINs (SpX-3 Crossover) SEDA-AP* BCAT-3, -4CCF HREP/HICO, RAIDS* Micro-7 (SpX-3 Crossover) NRCSD CubeSats (Orb-1): ArduSat-2, Cosmogia Dove, GOMEX-2, Lituanica, MIT CubeSat, SkyCube, UaPSat-1, WarriorSat-1 Salivary Markers VEG-01 (SpX-3) CIRCADIAN RHYTHMSSpace Headaches Dynamic Surf-1 & -2 (HTV-4) SMILES* BCAT-KP (Orb-1)CEO Hyperspectral Imaging* MicrobiomeOcular Health Sally Ride EarthKAM VERTIGODOSIS-3D (36S)SODI DCMIX#2 (53P)HicariSoret Facet Biochem ProfileCFE-2ICE-GA (ASI)MISSE-8 FSE*OPALS* (SpX-3)SCAN Testbed*VIABLE (ASI)ENERGYVessel ID System* Ice Crystal-2 (HTV-4) Space Pup (HTV-4) Biotube MICRo (SpX-3 Crossover) CPCG-HM (SpX-3)InSPACE-3 Multi-Gas Monitor (37S) Petri Plants (SpX-3 Crossover) SLOSH (Orb-1)Windows on Earth ESA Nodding Mechanism JAXA EPO-12 (Report, Try Zero G, Video) Stem Cells (SpX-3) Bisphosphonates*CSI-06 (Orb-1)Interact NanoRacks ArduSat-1, NanoRacks ArduSat-X, TechEdSat-3P (HTV-4) PPOD* (SpX-3)SNFM*Zero RoboticsFASES Kibo Robot (HTV-4) TEM for Orb-1* Body Measures DECLIC HTI-R (CNES) ISERV NanoRacks Module-9 (Orb-1) Pro KSpaceDRUMS External or no crew time Critical/Mandatory Science ISS Increments 37&38 Investigations by Stage

16 Page No. 16 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 09/2011) Pre-decisional This chart is NOT final. Human research list may change based on results from Informed Consent Briefings. Updated per CQRM dated June 11, 2013. InvestigationInc 37 - FE5 Parmitano Inc 37 - FE6 Nyberg Inc 37/38 - FE3 Hopkins Inc 38 - FE5 Mastracchio Inc 38 - FE6 Wakata Human Research Biochem Profile -- - Biological Rhythms 48 -- Bisphosphonates - - - Body Measures -O - BP-Reg (Blood Pressure Regulation) - - Cardio Ox --OO Cartilage (pre/post) - - Circadian Rhythms --- ENERGY - -- Functional Task Test (pre/post) - Hip QCT (pre/post) - - - Hybrid Training (pre) ---- Intervertebral Disc Damage (pre/post) - - -- Journals --- - Manual Control (pre/post) -- Microbiome - Ocular Health - PFS (Pulmonary Function System) O ISS Increments 37&38 Crew Assignment Matrix

17 Page No. 17 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 09/2011) Pre-decisional This chart is NOT final. Human research list may change based on results from Informed Consent Briefings. Updated per CQRM dated June 11, 2013. InvestigationInc 37 - FE5 Parmitano Inc 37 - FE6 Nyberg Inc 38 - FE3 Hopkins Inc 38 - FE5 Mastracchio Inc 38 - FE6 Wakata Human Research Pro-K -- Reaction Self Test - - Refrigerated Centrifuge Repository - - Reversible Figures - - Salivary Markers -- -- Sarcolab (pre/post) O--- Skin B - -- - SLAMMD (Space Linear Mass Measurement Device) - Space Headaches - Spinal Ultrasound O Sprint ---- Ultrasound 2 UMS (Urine Monitoring System) --- - Vascular (CSA) - -- - V-C Reflex (pre/post) ---- ISS Increments 37&38 Crew Assignment Matrix

18 Page No. 18 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 09/2011) Pre-decisional This chart is NOT final. Updated per CQRM dated June 11, 2013. Training for new investigations is still TBD. InvestigationInc 37 - FE5 Parmitano Inc 37 - FE6 Nyberg Inc 38 - FE3 Hopkins Inc 38 - FE5 Mastracchio Inc 38 - FE6 Wakata Biology and Biotechnology Aniso Tubule - -- APEX-02 (Advanced Plant Experiment ) -- -- Biotube-MICRo* BRIC-18 (training is OBT) Cell Mechanosensing -- -- CPCG-HM* CsPINS -- -- GRAVI-2 - - JAXA PCG -- -- Medaka Osteoclast-2 - - Merck PCG / HDPCG (training is OBT) Micro-5 -- - Micro-7 -- - NanoRacks Module-23* NanoRacks Module-38* NLP Vaccine-21* CASIS PCG GCF-1 (no training req’d) CASIS PCG HDPCG-1 & 2 (training is OBT) Petri Plants (training is OBT) Resist Tubule (CCD C/O, Run 1, & Run 3) - -- Resist Tubule (Run 2) ----- ISS Increments 37&38 Crew Assignment Matrix

19 Page No. 19 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 09/2011) Pre-decisional This chart is NOT final. Updated per CQRM dated June 11, 2013. Training for new investigations is still TBD. InvestigationInc 37 - FE5 Parmitano Inc 37 - FE6 Nyberg Inc 38 - FE3 Hopkins Inc 38 - FE5 Mastracchio Inc 38 - FE6 Wakata Biology and Biotechnology Stem Cells ----- T-Cell Act in Aging -- VEG-01 (training is OBT) Viable (training is OBT) Earth Sciences Crew Earth Observations (CEO) Education Activities CSI-06-- - EPO Demos EPO Parmitano ---- ISS Ham Radio - - JAXA EPO 12* Kibo Robot* -- - -- NanoRacks Module 9* NanoRacks Module 39 Sally Ride EarthKAM - SPHERES- SPHERES Zero Robotics* Story Time from Space* Windows on Earth* ISS Increments 37&38 Crew Assignment Matrix

20 Page No. 20 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 09/2011) Pre-decisional This chart is NOT final. Updated per CQRM dated June 11, 2013. Training for new investigations is still TBD. InvestigationInc 37 - FE5 Parmitano Inc 37 - FE6 Nyberg Inc 38 - FE3 Hopkins Inc 38 - FE5 Mastracchio Inc 38 - FE6 Wakata Technology Demonstration 3DA1 Camcorder* Amine Swingbed* Area PADLES 11* DOSIS 3D - - DTN* HiMassSEE* Interact* ISTAR Comm Delay Prep* Multi-Gas Monitor (training OBT) MVIS Controller 1* NanoRacks Module-27* Radi-N2----- REM (Radiation Environment Monitor)* Robonaut Mobility Skills-- - Robonaut Taskboard - Robonaut Teleops- - RRM-Phase-2 (Robotic Refueling Mission)* SNFM* SPHERES Rings* SPHERES Slosh (training is OBT) SPHERES Vertigo- --- UBNT* Vessel ID - - ISS Increments 37&38 Crew Assignment Matrix

21 Page No. 21 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 09/2011) Pre-decisional This chart is NOT final. Updated per CQRM dated June 11, 2013. Training for new investigations is still TBD. InvestigationInc 37 - FE5 Parmitano Inc 37 - FE6 Nyberg Inc 38 - FE3 Hopkins Inc 38 - FE5 Mastracchio Inc 38 - FE6 Wakata Physical Sciences ACE-1* Atomization---- BASS-2--- - BCAT-3, -4 - - BCAT-C1 - - BCAT-KP - - CCF* CFE-2- - DECLIC HTI-R- -- Dynamic Surf* FASES - - FASTER -- - FLEX-2 - Ice Crystal-2- -- ICE-GA* InSPACE-3- - - MICAST-2* MSL Batch 2a Set 1 & 2 -- - SODI-DCMIX #2 - - Soret Facet- -- SpaceDRUMS- - - ISS Increments 37&38 Crew Assignment Matrix

22 Page No. 22 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 09/2011) Pre-decisional This chart is NOT final. Updated per CQRM dated June 11, 2013. Training for new investigations is still TBD. InvestigationInc 37 - FE5 Parmitano Inc 37 - FE6 Nyberg Inc 38 - FE3 Hopkins Inc 38 - FE5 Mastracchio Inc 38 - FE6 Wakata Racks ABRS (training is OBT) BIOLAB EDR EMCS - - EPM GLACIER HRF O O MAMS* MELFI O MERLIN MSG O MSL -- - MSPR- -- MSRR -- - Plate Reader (training is OBT) Ryutai L&M* Saibo L&M-- -- SAMS - - VEGGIE (training is OBT) ISS Increments 37&38 Crew Assignment Matrix

23 Page No. 23 ISS_CM_019 (Rev 09/2011) Pre-decisional Thank you very much for your continued support to ISS Research With your support we will be able to meet all of the science program objectives and metrics for ISS Increments 37&38 Closing Remarks

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