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SDI - Selective Dissemination of Information הדרכת אוניב. תל אביב, אוניב. בן - גוריון, אוניב. חיפה ומכון וייצמן למדע אפריל 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "SDI - Selective Dissemination of Information הדרכת אוניב. תל אביב, אוניב. בן - גוריון, אוניב. חיפה ומכון וייצמן למדע אפריל 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 SDI - Selective Dissemination of Information הדרכת אוניב. תל אביב, אוניב. בן - גוריון, אוניב. חיפה ומכון וייצמן למדע אפריל 2002

2 SDI -2--2- Session Outline What is SDI? SDI creation and updating. The SDI process in ALEPH. Setting up SDI to run automatically. HTML files for the Web OPAC interface. New developments. SDI in MetaLib.

3 SDI -3--3- What Is SDI? SDI = Selective Dissemination of Information. Patrons may request the library to send them email messages each time a new title which interests them is added to the library collection. See also: Current Awareness Alerts

4 SDI -4--4- The SDI Workflow Summary

5 SDI -5--5- SDI in ALEPH Patrons can specify in the Web OPAC a number of search strings (in CCL format) which will be run through all (or part) of the database at regular intervals. Each time the search is run and a new match was found, the system will send the bibliographic record, in the requested format, to the patron by email.

6 SDI -6--6- Access to SDI (1) In order to create and update SDI queries, a patron must have: A Local User Record (Z305 - at least for the ADM library). Appropriate authorization for their profile*: * Release 12.4 onwards Z61-SDI-PERMISSION

7 SDI -7--7- Access to SDI (2) The setting up of SDI queries is done from the User screen of the Web OPAC. It can be accessed only by patrons with a valid log-in/password (or pincode).

8 SDI -8--8- Accessing SDI Records After signing in and selecting the ADM Library, the User Information page comes up. Click on the link

9 SDI -9--9- Display of SDI Records

10 SDI -10- Add/Update SDI Record

11 SDI -11- The Oracle Table - Z325 01 z325 \ 02 z325_rec_key \ 03 id......................6798222 03 sequence................0002 02 z325_open_date............20000305 02 z325_update_date..........20000305 02 z325_last_action_date.....20000305 02 z325_sdi_name.............Jacobean drama 02 z325_delivery_type........E 02 z325_print_format.........001 02 z325_sdi_interval_count...002 02 z325_sdi_interval_type....W 02 z325_sdi_message..........Jacobean Tragedies 02 z325_print_sort...........01 02 z325_sdi_request..........wti=jacobean and wti=traged? 02 z325_sdi_filter........... 02 z325_sdi_base_list........BOOKS; User ID Date of last search

12 SDI -12- SDI Message to Patrons The format for the email message sent to patrons is: usm01/form_lng/ bor-sdi-00. It includes library details as well as details pertaining to the SDI request.

13 SDI -13- The SDI Process In order to run the SDI searches, pick up their results and mail them to the patrons, a process called p_sdi_01 should run. Using the job scheduling available in ALEPH (job_list), this process can be set to run at regular intervals.

14 SDI -14- Setting Up the SDI Process W1 23:30:00 Y USM50 p_sdi_01 USM50 alephe/tab/job_list alephe/tab/job_list.conf W1 W YYYYYYY (The above setting will run the process p_sdi_01 nightly at 23:30.)

15 SDI -15- The SDI Process When the SDI process runs, it goes through all Z325 records. Depending on the Search Intervals defined, the Last Action Date and today’s date, it defines which searches should be run today.

16 SDI -16- The SDI Process The logical bases defined in the SDI record are taken from alephe/tab/ tab_base.lng. Either the whole database, or a logical part of it, can be added to the HTML page.

17 SDI -17- SDI HTML Files (in www_a_lng) File nameFunction bor-sdi-head bor-sdi-body List of SDI records for patron bor-sdi-tail bor-sdi-no-sdi“There’s no SDI” message sdi-update sdi-update-0Update SDI Record sdi-delete sdi-delete-0Warning before deletion

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