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 Title: Improving access, quality and service delivery of the TVET sector to marginalized rural communities through innovative approaches  Implementing.

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Presentation on theme: " Title: Improving access, quality and service delivery of the TVET sector to marginalized rural communities through innovative approaches  Implementing."— Presentation transcript:


2  Title: Improving access, quality and service delivery of the TVET sector to marginalized rural communities through innovative approaches  Implementing partners: › TUSDEC – technical up gradation and skill development company; › PMN – Pakistan Microfinance Network  Project dates: 02/08/12 to 01/08/15  Duration: 36 months  Location: › AJK: Muzaffarabad › KP: Lower Dir, Upper Dir and Swat › Sindh: Kashmore, Jacobabad and Shikarpur

3  Overall objective: To enhance socio-economic development through the improvement of access to TVET services in rural areas of Pakistan  Specific Objective: To improve availability, quality, relevance and equity of TVET services specifically for marginalized community members (women, youth, disabled and IDPs) in rural areas of AJK, KPK and Sindh provinces

4 Result 1: Demand driver vocational training programs are designed for marginalized communities (women, youth, disabled and IDP communities within a rural setting) Activities − Assessment of TVET services and Labour market survey − Multi stakeholder roundtable at the district (or multi-district where appropriate) level - Publication of a report on the trends of local labour market - Development of curricula

5 Result 2: Increased access to TVET services and improved workers rights for marginalized communities Activities - Selection of TVET centres to be supported - Training of TVET trainers - Delivery of services/ trainings

6 Result 3: Linkages between TVET graduates and industries are enhanced, and self employment opportunities are promoted through provision of tool kits and improved access to MFIs information and services Activities - Skills for life/basic business management training - Distribution of tool kits - Linkages with the private sector - Linkages with microfinance sector

7 Target groups  8,000 individuals (men/women) who receive training (at least 1/3 women)  60 TVET trainers (through ‘Training of Trainers’)

8  Target: rural marginalised populations, especially women, youth, disabled persons and IDPs  Location: › AJK: Muzaffarabad › KP: Lower Dir, Upper Dir and Swat › Sindh: Kashmore, Jacobabad and Shikarpur

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