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Investing where it matters: How can current investments be better targeted to respond to Key Populations 15 TH APRIL 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Investing where it matters: How can current investments be better targeted to respond to Key Populations 15 TH APRIL 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Investing where it matters: How can current investments be better targeted to respond to Key Populations 15 TH APRIL 2015

2 Opportunities available in country.  GF – NFM inclusive country dialogue  Contributing to the new GF strategy ( online 27 th April 2015, Addis May)  PEPFAR COP 15 - $68mil  PEPFAR COP 16 – revised PEPFAR strategy aligned to UNAIDS fast tracking 90-90-90 treatment targets  Prioritization on focus on locations and populations with highest burden of disease

3 How has BONELA and its network partners, other CSO’s and KP groups organised ourselves in this regard.  ELHR & KP Sector on the CCM  Contributing to various TWG’s  Several consultative meetings and email updates with the constituency throughout the country dialogues  Due diligence on COP 2014 reprogramming and contributing meaningfully to COP 16

4  Inclusion of KP & Human rights programming in revised NSP’s  Recognition of the need to Invest in KP programming through Botswana IC  Membership/ inclusion of KP’s on CCM, continued advocacy for full seat.  KP’s included in the CCM PIP development committee (MHGJ)

5  Provision of an opportunity to see greater commitment of domestic financing even though Botswana is supporting more than 65% of HIV budget.  Provision of an opportunity to bring CSO’s together from the North & South to meaningfully contribute to priority setting and programme split - currently CSS allocation is 10% of country allocation  Endorsement by the BCCM of 2 regional proposals on KP (HIVOS) and Human Rights & the law (ARASA)

6 Challenges experienced.  Meaningful consistent involvement of CSO’s and KP’s in GF & PEPFAR Funding processes; - not having a dedicated person - not having sufficient resources (including to feedback to constituencies)  Adequate knowledge across CSO’s &KP’s on cross cutting human rights issues  Timeframe to contribute to reprogrammed COP  Capturing of data to support proposed interventions

7  Lessons learned. There are allies across other sectors who you can leverage to support HR & KP Programming. CSO’s and KP groups should have dedicated focal point for HIV & TB financing

8  Thank you.  Muito Obrigado  Merci Beaucoup.  Kealeboga

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