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Walter Stillman Elementary School New Parent Orientation September 4, 2013.

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1 Walter Stillman Elementary School New Parent Orientation September 4, 2013

2 We Believe…  In providing your child with a safe and stimulating learning environment in which he/she can flourish.  In educating the whole child by addressing social, emotional, and academic growth.  In the importance of preparing your child to be an educated, active, contributing member of our global society.

3 Arrival and Dismissal  School begins at 8:30. Those who arrive after 8:40 are considered late.  Students enter school through the designated door closest to their classroom. They will be dismissed from these same locations at 3:10. Drive Way Entrance Class Windsor Road EntranceClass Door 1 1B, 1Z Main Door 3E, 3P, 5E, 5N, 5PL Door 2 KP, KS, 1D Outside Classroom DoorKW Door 3 3L, 4Bo, 4Ba, 4S Library Door2Fo, 2Fr, 2H

4 Our Terrific Teachers  Preschool  Ms. DeWitt  Dr. Benz  Kindergarten  Ms. Wellman  Ms. Schwartz  Ms. Mason  First Grade  Ms. Berg  Ms. Donohue  Ms. Zawadzki  Second Grade  Ms. Fox  Ms. Friedman  Ms. Harris  Third Grade  Ms. Emma  Ms. Pita  Ms. Lee  Fourth Grade  Ms. Bailey  Ms. Bonard  Ms. Shenloogian  Fifth Grade  Ms. Eisenberg  Ms. Lynch  Ms. Palma  Mr. Nissenbaum

5 Our Spectacular Specialists  Physical Education  Mr. Gansel  Mr. McIntosh  Art  Ms. Taylor  Vocal Music  Ms. Cassidy  Ms. Crawford  Instrumental Music  Mr. Carolan  Library  Ms. Shaffer  Spanish (2-5)  Ms. Mayz  School Nurse  Ms. Hess  Special Education  Ms. Agner  Ms. Sussman  English Language Learning  Ms. Park  Ms. Yi  Basic Skills Instruction  Ms. Lyons  Reading Recovery  Ms. Brave  Guidance Counselor  Ms. Kandel  Child Study Team  M

6 Lunch and Recess  Students can bring or purchase lunch  School lunch is offered through the H.S.A. and must be pre- ordered.  begins on September 19 th.  Organized by trimester  Deadline for first session is  There are two student lunch periods. Each period is divided so that 20 minutes is devoted to recess. 11:30-12:15  Grades 1 and 2: Lunch followed by recess-  Grade 3: Recess followed by lunch 12:20-1:05  Grades K and 5: Lunch followed by recess  Grade 4: Recess followed by lunch

7 After School Activities  School Aged After Care (SAAC)  This program is available before school and after school. Specific information is located on our website under the “district” tab.  Clubs!  The H.S.A. sponsors and organizes a variety of clubs in which your child can participate. Clubs are offered Monday through Friday and take place immediately after school. Pick up time is 4:10. More information will follow regarding club offerings.

8 The Home School Association  The H.S.A. is an organization comprised of dedicated parents who work tirelessly to help our school and enrich the Stillman experience!  The Lunch Program  Clubs  Cultural Arts Programming  Stillman Story Newsletter  School Directory  Student Planners  School Supply Packs  Class parents  Family Day/Field Day  Portrait Night  Book Fairs  And much, much, more!

9 H.S.A. Meetings  The H.S.A. open meetings are held at Stillman at least once a month, usually on a Tuesday. Meetings are held in the morning and evening alternatively in order to accommodate as many people as possible.  The Frist meeting will be on Tuesday, September 17 th at 9:00 AM.

10 Communication is Key  You can request a meeting with your child’s teacher or principal at any time during the year.  Fall Conferences will be held on December 5 th and 6 th.  Spring Conferences will be held on March 27 th and 28 th  Speak to your child’s teacher about their preferred method of communication.

11 Contact Information  School Office:  201-816-7711  Email   Website   Honeywell  Sign up for the Honeywell alert system and Genesis parent portal by going to the district website and clicking on the tab for “Web Resources.”

12 Back to School Night  Tuesday, September 24 th  I look forward to seeing you all there!

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