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Sweet Jesus.

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Presentation on theme: "Sweet Jesus."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sweet Jesus

2 Sweet Jesus, sweet Jesus,
what a wonder You are. You are brighter than the morning star. Sweet Jesus

3 You are fairer, much fairer, Than the lily that grows by the wayside, Precious, more precious
than gold. Sweet Jesus

4 I’ll live for Jesus, day after day,
I’ll live for Jesus, O come what may, The Holy Spirit, I will obey, I’ll live for Jesus day after day, I’ll live for Jesus day after day. Sweet Jesus

5 Sweet Jesus, sweet Jesus,
what a wonder You are. You are brighter than the morning star. Sweet Jesus

6 You are fairer, much fairer, Than the lily that grows by the wayside, Precious, more precious
than gold. Sweet Jesus

7 I’ll live for Jesus, day after day,
I’ll live for Jesus, O come what may, The Holy Spirit, I will obey, I’ll live for Jesus day after day, I’ll live for Jesus day after day. Sweet Jesus

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