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Calcasieu Parish Mechanical Treatment Plant Inspection Program Calcasieu Parish Division of Planning and Development November, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Calcasieu Parish Mechanical Treatment Plant Inspection Program Calcasieu Parish Division of Planning and Development November, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Calcasieu Parish Mechanical Treatment Plant Inspection Program Calcasieu Parish Division of Planning and Development November, 2011

2 Why Does the Parish Need Mechanical Sewer Plant Inspections?  Compliance with Storm Water Quality Permit

3 Why Does the Parish Need Mechanical Sewer Plant Inspections?  R esponsibility to address health and safety needs of our citizens.

4 What will the inspectors be looking for?  Electrical hook-up

5 What will the inspectors be looking for?  Working Blower Motor

6 What will the inspectors be looking for?  Need For Storage Tank Pump-Out

7 Summary of Follow-up Questions:  Can a homeowner repair their own on-site mechanical sewer system ?  Yes, in accordance with State law, a homeowner may repair or maintain some components and in certain situations

8 Examples of Minor Repairs and Maintenance:  Replacement of air filters: FILTER

9 Examples of Minor Repairs and Maintenance:  Removal of ant piles in and around system: ANTS IN TIMER BOX

10 Examples of Minor Repairs and Maintenance:  Removal of ant piles in and around system: ANTS IN BLOWER MOTOR

11 Examples of Minor Repairs and Maintenance:  Replace or maintain electrical components: GFCI RECEPTICLE

12 Examples of Minor Repairs and Maintenance:  Repair air lines: AIR LINE

13 Examples of Minor Repairs and Maintenance:  Replace blower motor: BLOWER MOTOR

14 Examples of Major Repairs and Maintenance:  Disassembling and assembling blower motor: BLOWER MOTOR DISASSEMBLY AND ASSEMBLY

15 Examples of Major Repairs and Maintenance:  Pumping out system’s tank: TANK PUMP OUT

16 Summary of Follow-up Questions:  Can individuals schedule mechanical sewer system inspections with the Police Jury?  Yes.  Call the Division of Planning and Development Sewer Inspection Hotline at (337)721-3847

17 Summary of Follow-up Questions:  Can a homeowner submit documentation to the Calcasieu Parish Police Jury indicating that their system is working?  Yes.  Must be submitted by a State licensed and certified individual.

18 Average Cost / Maintenance Fees Per System (5 year period):  Capital Costs  Operations and Maintenance Costs

19 Average Capital Costs:  System Installation Fee (1)--------------- $3,400  * Blower Motor Replacement --------$600/5 yrs (amortized @ $120/yr) (1) INCLUDES FIRST TWO YEARS’ INSPECTION COSTS * BASED ON BLOWER MOTOR LIFE EXPECTANCY OF 4-7 YEARS

20 Estimated Operations and Maintenance Costs With Extended Service Contract:  Electrical Cost (2)------------------------------$690/5 yr  Extended Service Contract(3) --------------$825/3 yr (TWO PER YEAR FOR THREE YEARS)  Pump-out --------------------------------------- $380/5 yr Projected Cost to Operate ------------------ $1,895/5 yr $31.58/mo  Service Fees (4)------------------------$112.50/hr (varies) (2) ELECTRICAL COST OBTAINED FROM SYSTEM MANUFACTURERS (3) EXTENDED SERVICE CONTRACT FEE DOES NOT INCLUDE REPAIRS (4) SERVICE FEE DOES NOT INCLUDE REPAIRS. NOT INCLUDED IN O&M COST

21 Estimated Operations and Maintenance Costs With Homeowners Maintenance License:  Electrical Cost (2)------------------------------$690/5 yr  Pump-out --------------------------------------- $380/5 yr Projected Cost to Operate ------------------ $1,070/5 yr $17.83/mo  Service Fees (4)------------------------$112.50/hr (varies) (2) ELECTRICAL COST OBTAINED FROM SYSTEM MANUFACTURERS (4) SERVICE FEE DOES NOT INCLUDE REPAIRS. NOT INCLUDED IN O&M COST

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