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Diario 11/08 Change from singular to plural en inglés: Weve been working with verbs (action), now we will work with a few nouns. In English, words like.

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Presentation on theme: "Diario 11/08 Change from singular to plural en inglés: Weve been working with verbs (action), now we will work with a few nouns. In English, words like."— Presentation transcript:


2 Diario 11/08 Change from singular to plural en inglés: Weve been working with verbs (action), now we will work with a few nouns. In English, words like the, mi, a/an are in front of nouns: the book, my book, a book. We can make them plural: the books, my books, some books. How do you pluralize in English? 1.the clock 2.the party 3.the deer 4.the mouse 5.the wolf the parties 6. the parenthesis 7. the phenomenon 8. the zero 9. the die 10. the person the clocks the deer the mice the wolves the parentheses the phenomena the zeros, the zeroes the dice the persons, the people

3 masculine person, place, thing, idea NOUNS Many masculine nouns end in -o: río banco piano carro

4 masculine feminine person, place, thing, idea NOUNS Many feminine nouns end in –a: casa plaza guitarra familia

5 masculine feminine la clase el mapa la mano person, place, thing, idea NOUNS For nouns that end in other letters, learn their gender: naríz (nose) f. árbol (tree) m. televisión (tv) f. parque (park) m. Note: These are exceptions!

6 masculine feminine la clase el mapa la mano person, place, thing, idea NOUNS Do not think of a thing as boy or girl. The gender of a noun was determined sometime in the history of the word or from its origin (Latin, Greek, Arabic, etc.)

7 masculine feminine la clase el mapa la mano person, place, thing, idea NOUNS Remember the gender is assigned to the noun! As an English speaker you are not accustomed to this detail. have gender & number. masculine or feminine singular or plural

8 masculine feminine la clase el mapa la mano person, place, thing, idea NOUNS Now … lets make things plural. have gender & number. masculine or feminine singular or plural

9 masculine feminine la clase el mapa la mano person, place, thing, idea NOUNS have gender & number. masculine or feminine singular or plural los las

10 el la el la Changing the noun to plural Los hombres Los museos Las casas Las mujeres Los hoteles Las universidades Los gansos (the man) (the men) (the museum) (the museums) (the house) (the houses) (the woman) (the women) (the hotel) (the hotels) (the university) (the universities) First, determine the gender of the noun (m/f), and write the definite article (el/la). Second, look at the last letter of the word and add: -s or -es

11 Z C spelling change el la Los peces Los lápices Las cruces (the fish) (the pencil) (the pencils) (the cross) (the crosses) FYI: El pez is fish as in the living being. Fish as a food dish is el pescado. (Just like we say the beef and not the cow when its a food dish.)

12 Nouns are also used with these … unos unas mis tus sus

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