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Parent Education Night: Coping with Attention Deficit- Hyperactivity Disorder Franklin Towne Charter Elementary School January 31, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Parent Education Night: Coping with Attention Deficit- Hyperactivity Disorder Franklin Towne Charter Elementary School January 31, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent Education Night: Coping with Attention Deficit- Hyperactivity Disorder Franklin Towne Charter Elementary School January 31, 2012

2 Team Members Juliet Rusak-Director of Special Education Patricia Robb-Kindergarten Teacher Tonia Burns-Parent Marielle Martino-School Psychologist

3 Goals for the evening…. Develop an understanding of characteristics of ADHD Hear a parent’s perspective on ADHD Learn strategies used in the classroom Learn strategies that can be used in the home setting Learn how accommodations can be provided through a 504 service agreement

4 What is Attention Deficit- Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)? A neurobiological condition that becomes evident within the early school years. 3-5 % of children have been diagnosed with ADHD (Approximately 2 million children in the United States). These children have difficulty with both behavior and cognitive functions. Three subtypes of ADHD: ▫Predominately Inattentive ▫Predominately Hyperactive-Impulsive ▫Combine Type

5 Symptoms of ADHD: Predominately Inattentive Difficulty sustaining attention Appear not to listen when spoken to directly Failure to complete school work or follow through with instructions Difficulty organizing tasks

6 Symptoms of ADHD: Predominately Hyperactive- Impulsive Hyperactivity: ▫Fidgets with hands or in seat ▫Often leaves seat in the classroom ▫Difficulty engaging in play quietly ▫Talks excessively

7 Symptoms of ADHD: Predominately Hyperactive- Impulsive Impulsivity: ▫Often blurts out answers before questions have been completed ▫Difficulty thinking before acting ▫Interrupts or intrudes on others

8 Symptoms of ADHD: Combined Type The child must exhibit hyperactivity, impulsivity, and inattention. Please note that these symptoms should be evaluated by a trained professional as a formal diagnosis includes more than a child presenting these symptoms.

9 Topic: Organization Some children with ADHD have difficulty organizing their materials in order to begin their homework assignments. Discussion Questions: Discuss with the group ways to organize materials (for instance, planner, bringing homework books, homework environment, etc.) to make children more successful. What other strategies can we provide to children to increase organization at home? Write these suggestions on the chart paper provided.

10 Topic: Remaining Focused Some children with ADHD have difficulty remaining focused on their homework. Discussion Questions: Discuss with the group ways to keep children focused (for instance, the environment the student completes their homework, providing breaks, rewards, etc.) What other strategies can we provide to children to increase focus at home? Write these suggestions on the chart paper provided.

11 Topic: Starting Homework Some children with ADHD have difficulty starting their homework. Discussion Questions: Discuss with the group ways to have children begin homework tasks (for instance, allowing the child to choose an activity, providing breaks, etc.) What other strategies can we provide to children to increase independence when starting a homework task?

12 Section 504 service agreement Eligibility for Section 504 is based on the existence of an identified physical or medical condition that substantially limits a major life activity. A 504 plan spells out the accommodations that will be needed for these students to have an opportunity to perform at the same level as their peers, and might include such things as blood sugar monitoring, an extra set of textbooks, specialized seating, or tailoring homework assignments.

13 504 continued… 504’s are updated annually, but can be amended as needed. General Education teachers are mandated to follow the accommodations to ensure that a child with a disability is not excluded from participating in the curriculum.

14 Section 504 Plan Process at FTCES Documentation of medical diagnosis provided to school Team meeting held to discuss accommodations that may be needed for the child in the classroom Team documents strategies that will be used in the classroom-all members sign document and review annually

15 Resources Sign up for a free email newsletter: CHADD ( Children and Adults with Attention- Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) Chapters Handouts on table!

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