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Fabio Iocco Wenner Gren fellow at Oskar Klein Center for Cosmoparticle Physics Stockholm, 15/11/11 “A dark look on my work” “A look on my dark work” “My.

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Presentation on theme: "Fabio Iocco Wenner Gren fellow at Oskar Klein Center for Cosmoparticle Physics Stockholm, 15/11/11 “A dark look on my work” “A look on my dark work” “My."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fabio Iocco Wenner Gren fellow at Oskar Klein Center for Cosmoparticle Physics Stockholm, 15/11/11 “A dark look on my work” “A look on my dark work” “My dark jobs” “??”

2 CV outline o 2003 Master thesis at Università di Napoli (Italy) o 2007 PhD at Università di Napoli (Italy) / Stanford University (USA) o 2007-2008 Postdoc at Oss. Astrofisico Arcetri, Firenze (Italy) o 2008-2009 Postdoc P2I at CEA/Saclay (France) o 2009-2011 Postdoc Marie-Curie at IAP Paris (France) o Today Postdoc at OKCCP

3 Research Outline Primordial Nucleosynthesis (BBN) First Stars in the Universe (Population III) WIMP DM and Stars (Population III – local Galaxy stars) DM and the Recombination of the Universe in CMB Multichannel Dark Matter searches Microlensing and Rotation curves

4 Primordial Nucleosynthesis (BBN): Cosmology + Baryonic physics Light primordial element abundances My original results: Cosmological parameters (with WMAP1) Light element abundances with tight nuclear uncertainties (after WMAP3) Heavier elements in Standard BBN (case for exotic BBN-scenarios) A public BBN code release An invited thorough review 5 Publications (including a Physics Report) and Proceedings

5 The First Stars (Population III) They form at the center of small halos at z > 10 They are very massive primordial chemistry effects: H 2 cooling inefficient, lack of CO… My original results: Low energy neutrinos (nuclear phases + SN explosion) High energy neutrinos (GRB phase) Turbulence during SN phase (dust formation) 2 Publications and Proceedings

6 WIMP DM & Population III (Dark Stars) PopIII live at the center of the halo IF DM is weakly interacting and self annihilating effects on the first stars dramatic On top of DM cusp! 500 AU My original results: Scattering energy feeding original idea Stellar formation phase with plain annihilation Proto-stellar phase with plain annihilation Main Sequence phase with scattering Observational signatures and constraints (with current HST and prospects for JWST) 6 Publications and Proceedings

7 Asymmetric DM, Sun and local stars Non annihilating DM scatters and transport energy changing temperature and density profiles It affects the neutrino flux Constraints on Spin Dependent cross section My original results: Up-to-date computations of effects on the Sun, constraints Effects on stars toward the Galactic Center 1 Publication (+1 submitted paper) and Proceedings EXCLUDED !

8 DM annihilation and the IGM   e  p W primary HE shower heating and ionization Courtesy of T. Slatyer GeV scale keV scale

9 …and its absorption by the surrounding gas (coupling DM induced shower to IGM) Photoionization, IC scattering, pair production (on CMB  and matter),  scattering [Slatyer et al. `09] “Opacity window” of the Universe

10 Self-annihilating DM and the IGM: a model independent approach Main effect of injected energy: ionization of the IGM [Galli, FI et al. `09], [Cirelli, FI, Panci `09] Free electron fraction DM parameters!

11 Self-annihilating DM and the CMB [Galli, FI et al. `09] Modifying TT, TE, EE with additional e - (by DM annih)

12 Comparing constraints 3x10 -26 e+e-e+e- +-+- Dwarf-Galaxies constraints on other channels vary, see Llena-Garde, for the Fermi Collaboration Gamma-constraints from dwarf Galaxies (approx.)  +  - channel

13 CMB signals of DM: a model dependent analysis Prediction of CMB signal for each point: scanning SUSY parameter space pipe-in tools like micr OMEGA multichannel DM searches (+ direct (recoil) detection, neutrinos, gamma-ray astrophysics, etc…) cross-section couplings- primary shower CMB spectrum

14 Basic idea: take home Rotation curves (all matters) Microlensing optical depth (only compact bodies) Diffuse components (DM and Gas) - = [Binney & Evans ‘01]

15 Microlensing observations of GC MACHO CGR = average of 9 fields few < t E /days < 700 10 -3 < M l /Msun < 80 Insensitive to recently discovered Jupiter mass objects, However, below uncertainty: 0.1% mass content MACHO [Popowski et al. 2005] Sources: red clump giant in the bulge

16 Rotation curves: observations Gas clouds moving in the disk: inner Galaxy HI or CO line used as tracers circular velocity assumption Need to adopt (R 0,v 0 ): different values in literature unified rotation curve for (8 kpc, 200km/s) [Sofue et al. ‘08]

17 Checking our baryonic models (and adding DM) With DM: NFW r s =20kpc ;  =1 ;  0 = 0.4 GeV/cm3

18 Test failure: 2 sigma overshoot Observational velocity uncertainties: statistical + systematic (average of literature spread in 0.5 kpc bin) Theoretically reconstructed uncertainties: MACHO 2005 statistical propagated NFW ( ,   ) = (1.8,0.4)Einasto ( ,   ) = (0.05,0.5) The constraints that follow are quite conservative

19 Constraining the parameter space: the “fiducial” configuration Constraints come from 2.75kpc, 7.75kpc bins, thus no worries about kinematic transformations NFW Einasto r s =20kpc

20 Fitting the best DM parameters using Model 5 (includes gas, best shape fitting) Excellent agreement with simulation parameter space, And determination of  0 [Catena & Ullio ‘09]

21 Adiabatic Contraction the embarassing guest Starting point apply adiabatic invariant M(R)R=const Blumenthal flavor of AC: still need to test Gnedin/Gustafsson models Ruled out!

22 Concluding Combining Microlensing observations of galactic Bulge with observations of rotation curves, possible to have information about DM distribution in the Galaxy Agreement with NFW and Einasto suggested by numerical simulations Rule out extreme flavor of Adiabatic Contraction Using a specific baryonic model, possible to find the best fitting NFW/Einasto parameters, obtaining the 1  interval  0 =[0.20-0.55] for spherical halos (R 0 =8kpc, v 0 =230km/s, r s =20kpc, varying  )

23 Past research Primordial Nucleosynthesis (BBN) First Stars in the Universe (Population III) (neutrinos and turbulence) WIMP DM and the First Stars (from producer to customer: idea, modelling, observing) DM and the Reionization of the Universe in CMB Indirect Dark Matter searches (using CMB experiments for DM nature & non-standard cosmology)

24 Interface between particle and astro-physics: organized conferences Testing Astroparticle with New GeV Observations in Positrons And electRons: Identifying the Sources (“TANGO in Paris”, 2009) TeV Particle Astrophysics 2010, Paris Dark Matter all Around 2010, Paris Lithium in the Cosmos! 2011, Paris

25 WIMP DM & Population III (Dark Stars) PopIII live at the center of the halo IF DM is weakly interacting and self annihilating On top of DM cusp! Capture in the star Energy production [Iocco `08] PopIII can be entirely powered by DM annihilation 500 AU

26 PopIII with WIMP DM BUT! Main sequence Stars with DM Expand, cool down and live much longer Cutting a long story short: pre-stellar annihilating DM effects are very small: [Iocco et al. `08], [Ripamonti, FI et al. `09], [Ripamonti, FI et al. `10] [Iocco `08], [Iocco et al. `08], [Yoon, FI, Akiyama `08]

27 Observing Dark Stars with JWST Color-color characteristics! Lensed DM stars [Zackrisson et al. `10] T < 8000 K 8000 K < T < 30000 K T > 30000 K 10  @ 3h, 5  @ 100h Single star detectability in JWST

28 BBN, precision cosmology CMB + 4 HE CMB + D [Serpico, Esposito, FI et al. `04] Nuclear network & rates uncertainties WMAP 2H2H Using the nuclear uncertainties for doing cosmology [Cuoco, FI, et al. `04]

29 BBN: a thorough miscellanea Nuclear network and uncertainties for heavier elements (CNO) production in BBN [Iocco et al. `07] A public BBN code released [Cirillo, Esposito, FI et al. `08] An invited BBN review [Iocco et al. `09]

30 The First Stars (Population III) They explode as powerful SNe ejecting the first metals They start ionizing the Universe They seed the first Black Holes Yet, we have not seen one And the hunt for Population III stars is on Chemical surveys in the galaxyDiffuse backgrounds (IR, UV)Direct observation of PISNe HST ?, JWST

31 Population III diffuse neutrinos Low energy High energy From nuclear burning, thermal production, SN explosion phase From HE pp   in jet, GRB phase [Iocco et al `05] [Iocco et al `08]

32 Turbulence in PopIII explosions (and dust formation) Density Silicon abundance 2-D simulations of initially exploding 1-D models [Iocco 2007, unpublished] [current 3-D sims by Church-Joggerst]

33 Observational prospects for DM PopIII [Iocco `09][Zackrisson,…, FI et al. `10] Submitted to ApJ arXiv available PISNe rate modificationClustered PopIII DM in JWST

34 Joint analysis of non-standard physics in CMB Effects of self-annihilating DM Effects of variating G TE cross correlation spectra [Galli, FI et al. `09][Galli et al. `09]

35 A detailed study of DM annihilation and the electron population (for CMB) [Chluba `09] [Grin & Hirata `09] Ionization efficiency Actual shell population With respect to Saha eq. value

36 DM annihilation and the IGM   e  p W primary HE shower heating and ionization Courtesy of T. Slatyer GeV scale keV scale

37 BBN equations

38 Nuclear reaction analysis [Serpico, Esposito, FI et al. `04] Low energy tail + multiple experimental sets Which are the dominant reactions?

39 Observing Reionization: electrons and CMB z Damping of spectra low(er) l polarization signal

40 Feedback effects during protostellar phase DM annihilation: not only not only heating!!! (Jonathan, you can ignore it ) ionizations DM annihil. induces ionizations ionizations catalize H 2 formation T down H 2 is a coolant : T down [Ripamonti, FI et al `09, `10] Central shell H2H2 e-e- m  =100GeV m  =1GeV m  =10GeV DM induced feedback dominates at 10 6 #/cm 3 < n c < 10 13 #/cm 3 n c > 10 13 #/cm 3 H 2 gets dissociated by DM heating, BUT…

41 Scattering & Capture (prolonging lifetimes) [Taoso et al. `08] DM powered frozen stars are “frozen” as long as environmental DM stays supecritical frozen evolving  SD 0 =10 -38 cm 2 [Iocco et al. `08]  crit (M)

42 The Pamela(/Fermi/ATIC) saga IF intepreted as DM: High annih cross-section ~10 -24 -10 -21 cm 3 /s Forget about thermal decoupling WIMP miracle Unless = (v) DM decoupling:  ~1 Recombination:  ~10 -8 Small halos:   10 -4 Milky Way:  ~10 -4 By courtesy of M. Cirelli “Sommerfeld” enhancement fulfills the requirements (higher masses preferred) E [GeV] e - + e + e + fraction

43 Direct observation (surviving the ages-how much is  ?) (not actual size) [Wechsler et al `02] [Bertone & Merritt `05] Halo merger DM cusp erosion (Baryons + self-annihilation) z  crit

44 Scattering and capture Halo WIMPs are captured Captured WIMPs accumulate inside the star, thermalize and “sink” to the center by scattering off the gas of the star X

45 Scattering and transport Captured WIMPs orbit and scatter over long mean free paths Star core x x x x x DM particles can efficiently transport heat inside the core

46 A little more about “ f ” (coupling DM induced shower to IGM) “ f ” is DM model-dependent: type of secondaries is important! Photoionization, IC scattering, pair production (on CMB  and matter),  scattering [Slatyer et al. `09] “Opacity window” of the Universe

47 Neutral: Ly-  absorber z Ionized: Ly-  free to pass by z ~ 6 A quick view on “Reionization”  = neutral gas

48 WIMPs and the SUN: energy transport  ≈ 10 10 cm,  =10 -36 cm 2 [Taoso, FI, 2010] annihilatingnon annihilating DM annihil & DM transp o.o.m. smaller nuclear DM transp o.o.m. nuclear

49 Asymmetric DM and the SUN: energy transport effects [Bottino et al. `02] asymmetric DM can modify solar structure at > % level in the core ≤ 10 -33 cm 3 /s [Taoso, FI et al. `10]

50 NA DM and Sun: modifying thermal neutrinos [Taoso, FI et al. `10] 8 B produced innermost than 7 Be  modified by asymmetric DM

51 Exclusion power using 8 B neutrinos See also [Cumberbatch et al. `10] (helioseismology, weaker diagnostic) [Taoso, FI et al. `10]  B = 25%  B = 5%  B = 5.046 x 10 6 cm -2 s -1 Benchmark flux [SNO] EXCLUDED! (1pb)

52 Observing Reionization: electrons and CMB z Damping of spectra low(er) l polarization signal

53 Structure formation “boosts” DM annihilation Structure formation starts at z ~ 150 with minihalos of Earth mass 10 -6 Msun Smooth component Structure component Structure formation history (Press-Schechter / Sheth-Tormen) DM density halo profile Burkert / Einasto / NFW

54 Transparency of the Universe & structure formation HE shower gets efficiently absorbed only at high z No DM-induced ionization (no CMB signal modif.) at z < 100 Structure formation takes place in a late Universe (z < 60) [Slatyer, et al.`09] [Cirelli, FI, Panci `09]

55 CR propagation: diffusion equation

56 LCC3 benchmark point

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