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Analysis of the current state of art Arturo Lorenzoni, Fabio Disconzi University of Padova, Italy WORKSHOP 4.1 Low and very Low energy consuming buildings.

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Presentation on theme: "Analysis of the current state of art Arturo Lorenzoni, Fabio Disconzi University of Padova, Italy WORKSHOP 4.1 Low and very Low energy consuming buildings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Analysis of the current state of art Arturo Lorenzoni, Fabio Disconzi University of Padova, Italy WORKSHOP 4.1 Low and very Low energy consuming buildings Rome, October 1 st, 2008

2 State of the art Three different areas of intervention for low energy buildings: 1.Building Materials, 2.House energy systems 3.Control systems Focus on the energy consumption, not other environmental performances A. Lorenzoni, F. Disconzi, October 1°, 2008

3 Overview of the presentation I will bring some examples on these three areas of intervention, with some data on the energy savings achievable with Best Available Technologies and the economic results of investments A. Lorenzoni, F. Disconzi, October 1°, 2008

4 Scope of the work We have investigated the conditions for economic viability of actions: –insulation of walls: when is it profitable? –Solar shields? –New windows, better glasses… –Renewable generation? There are thresholds for profitability A. Lorenzoni, F. Disconzi, October 1°, 2008

5 Some abbreviations adopted CEC = Conserved Energy Cost EC = Energy Conserved HDD = Heating Degree Days PBT = Pay Back Time A. Lorenzoni, F. Disconzi, October 1°, 2008

6 Energy used in the residential sector (2000) A. Lorenzoni, F. Disconzi, October 1°, 2008 Sources: and Energy balance sheets 1999-2000, EUROSTAT ISSN 1609-4166, edition 2002).

7 Energy used per capita in the residential sector (2000) A. Lorenzoni, F. Disconzi, October 1°, 2008 Sources: and Energy balance sheets 1999-2000, EUROSTAT ISSN 1609-4166, edition 2002).

8 Energy use in IEA’s houses A. Lorenzoni, F. Disconzi, October 1°, 2008 Source: IEA, ENERGY EFFICIENCY REQUIREMENTS IN BUILDING CODES, ENERGY EFFICIENCY POLICIES FOR NEW BUILDINGS, March 2008


10 Evaluation of the cost of conserved energy We present some results on the cost of conserved energy in the residential sector. We have made reference to the test buildings of Provincia of Milan: Single family house: – S/V = 0.78 m -1 –200 m 2, 600 m 3 A. Lorenzoni, F. Disconzi, October 1°, 2008

11 Building envelope improvement (winter) Add insulation panels: decrease thermal transmission coefficient of external walls; estimated duration of coating: 40 years Material: polystirene panel width: 20 cm, Cost: 84 €/m 2 Different climatic areas are studied on the base of Heating Degree Days (HDD) Cold climatic area (i. e. Milan – HDD 2404 °C) Warm climatic area (HDD < 600 °C) EC=5.99·10 -3 toe/m 2 y CEC=607 €/toe PBT=14.4 y EC=0.28·10 -3 toe/m 2 y CEC=17682 €/toe PBT=419.7 y A. Lorenzoni, F. Disconzi, October 1°, 2008

12 Building envelope improvement (summer) Add insulation panels: decrease thermal transmission coefficient of external walls; estimated duration of coating: 40 years Material: polystirene width: 20 cm, Cost: 84€/m 2 A. Lorenzoni, F. Disconzi, October 1°, 2008 Southern ItalyNorthern Italy EC=0.34·10 -3 toe/m 2 y CEC=14427 €/m 2 PBT=340 EC=0.4·10 -3 toe/m 2 y (Bolzano) CEC=11897 €/m 2 (Milan) PBT=280.7

13 Replacement of windows (winter) Replacement of old (i. e. single glazed) windows with modern double glazed, low heat transmission coefficient (U-factor) windows. Estimated duration of windows: 20 years. Double glazed window with low U-factor, 1.2 W/m 2 K (traditional windows: 5.8 W/m 2 K), Cost: 56.55 €/m 2 Cold climatic area (HDD>3000°C) Warm climatic area (HDD<600°C EC=68.34·10 -3 toe/m 2 a CEC=67 €/m 2 PBT=1.2 y EC=1.24·10 -3 toe/m 2 a CEC=3672 €/m 2 PBT=63 y A. Lorenzoni, F. Disconzi, October 1°, 2008

14 Replacement of windows (summer) Replacement of old (i.e. single glazed) windows with modern double glazed and with lower transmission coefficient (g-factor) windows. Estimated duration of the new component: 20 years. Double glazed window with medium g-factor g=0.61 (traditional windows g=0.89), Cost: 56.55 €/m 2 Warm climatic area, Southern Italy Cold climatic area, Northern Italy EC=2.62·10 -3 toe/m 2 y CEC=1734 €/m 2 PBT=30 y EC=1.21·10 -3 toe/m 2 y CEC=3753 €/m 2 PBT=64 y A. Lorenzoni, F. Disconzi, October 1°, 2008

15 Solar shading Solar shadings and solar coatings reduce energy gains in summer season. Estimated duration of solar coatings: 5 years; estimated duration of solar shadings: 20 years. Solar coating + solar external shading; Cost: 130.2 €/m 2 ; A. Lorenzoni, F. Disconzi, October 1°, 2008 Southern ItalyNorthern Italy EC=7.28·10 -3 toe/m 2 y CEC=1436 €/m 2 PBT=25 y EC=3.03·10 -3 toe/m 2 y CEC=3444 €/m 2 PBT=59 y

16 Ventilated roof Ventilated roof has an air camera for improving moisture discharge and improving energy transmission. Estimated duration: 40 years. Wooden ventilated air camera Incremental cost: 15 €/m 2 Concrete roofWooden roof EC=1.12·10 -3 toe/m 2 y CEC=781 €/m 2 PBT=40 y EC=0.52·10 -3 toe/m 2 y CEC=1696 €/m 2 PBT=18 y A. Lorenzoni, F. Disconzi, October 1°, 2008

17 Heating systems Boilers with higher conversion energy factor. Estimated duration: 15 years. Single family houses High-rise buildings with collective heating plant Boiler with high efficiency energy conversion factor:  boiler =0.98,  regulation =0.91,  distribution =0.92,  emission =0.907  overall conversion factor  heating-system =0.744 (traditional boiler  traditional-boiler =0.88  overall conversion factor  traditional-heating-system =0.668 ) single family houses cost: 10.83 €/m 2 ; high rise building cost: 6.48 €/m 2 ; Cold climatic area, HDD>3000Warm climatic area, HDD<600 EC=2.2·10 -3 toe/m 2 y CEC=475 €/m 2 PBT=6.8 y EC=0.43·10 -3 toe/m 2 y CEC=2441 €/m 2 PBT=35 y Cold climatic area, HDD>3000Warm climatic area, HDD<600 EC=3.03·10 -3 toe/m 2 y CEC=206 €/m 2 PBT=2.96 y EC=0.59·10 -3 toe/m 2 y CEC=1057 €/m 2 PBT=15.18 y A. Lorenzoni, F. Disconzi, October 1°, 2008

18 Cooling systems Cooling systems with higher Energy Efficency Ratio, Estimated duration: 15 years. Single family houses, multiplits heat pump with inverter technology EER=3.21 (traditional cooling plant: dualsplit heat pump with EER=2.65,) Differential cost: 18.94 €/m2; Warm climatic area, HDD<600 Cold climatic area, HDD>3000 EC=0.88·10 -3 toe/m 2 y CEC=2425 €/m 2 PBT=29 y EC=0.24·10 -3 toe/m 2 y CEC=8787 €/m 2 PBT=107 y A. Lorenzoni, F. Disconzi, October 1°, 2008

19 Regulation valves Only for collective heating systems. Regulation valves permit to regulate single room “heaters”. For high rise buildings, cost: 18.94 €/m2; Cold climatic area, HDD>3000 Warm climatic area, HDD<600 EC=1.92·10 -3 toe/m 2 y CEC=617 €/m 2 PBT=8.9 y EC=0.75·10 -3 toe/m 2 y CEC=1586 €/m 2 PBT=23 y A. Lorenzoni, F. Disconzi, October 1°, 2008

20 Solar water heaters Solar water heaters systems permit to heat sanitary water. Solar water panel, cost: 800 €/m 2 ; (  traditional boiler =0.88,  regulation =0.91,  distribution =0.92, overall conversion factor of traditional sanitary heating water system  s.h.w. =0.737) Southern ItalyNorthern Italy EC=178·10 -3 toe/m 2 y CEC=500 €/m 2 PBT=5.6 y EC=81.75·10 -3 toe/m 2 y CEC=879 €/m 2 PBT=15 y A. Lorenzoni, F. Disconzi, October 1°, 2008

21 Photovoltaic Southern ItalyNorthern Italy EC=45.6·10 -3 toe/m 2 a CEC=1430 €/m 2 PBT=24.5 y EC=37.5·10 -3 toe/m 2 a CEC=1737 €/m 2 PBT=29.8 y Photovoltaic systems generate electricity Photovoltaic modules < 20 kWp cost: 812 €/m 2 ; A. Lorenzoni, F. Disconzi, October 1°, 2008

22 Lighting Lighting bulbs with higher efficiency compared to incandescent lamps Alogen lamp, cost: 0.65 €/m 2 ; Fluorescent lamp, cost: 2.7 €/m 2 ; Alogen lamp, P=100 W,Fluorescent lamp, P=20 W EC=0.19·10 -3 toe/m 2 y CEC=1858 €/m 2 PBT=2 y EC=1.89·10 -3 toe/m 2 y CEC=185 €/m 2 PBT=1.7 y A. Lorenzoni, F. Disconzi, October 1°, 2008

23 Mechanical ventilation Mechanical controlled ventilation systems reduce energy losses by ventilation. For typical single family house, cost: 30-35 €/m 2 ; Northern ItalySouthern Italy EC=2.24·10 -3 toe/m 2 y CEC=1077 €/m 2 PBT=26 y EC=0.77·10 -3 toe/m 2 y CEC=3629 €/m 2 PBT=379 y A. Lorenzoni, F. Disconzi, October 1°, 2008

24 Green roofs Green roofs reduce cooling loads (no overheating) and reduce heating losses (improving thermal insulation and mass). Extensive green roof type, not stomped roof, cost: 50 €/m 2 ; EER=2.6EER=2.4 EC=0.61·10 -3 toe/m 2 y CEC=4783 €/m 2 PBT=113 y EC=0.66·10 -3 toe/m 2 y CEC=4415 €/m 2 PBT=104 y A. Lorenzoni, F. Disconzi, October 1°, 2008

25 Rainwater recovery system Rainwater recovery systems capture and store water for non drinking use. For a 6000 l sink capacity (single family house), cost: 10800€; Water saved (WS): 50%Water saved (WS): 38% WS=100m 3 /y CEC=6.29 €/m 3 PBT=108 y WS=75 m 3 /a CEC=8.39 €/m 3 PBT=144 y A. Lorenzoni, F. Disconzi, October 1°, 2008

26 Conserved Energy Cost A. Lorenzoni, F. Disconzi, October 1°, 2008

27 Energy Savings Energy consumption: -cold climatic areas, HDD>3000: 200 – 350 kWh/m 2 a -warm climatic areas, HDD<600: 100 – 150 kWh/m 2 a A. Lorenzoni, F. Disconzi, October 1°, 2008

28 Energy Savings with PV and ST Energy consumption: -cold climatic areas, HDD>3000: 200 – 350 kWh/m 2 a -warm climatic areas, HDD<600: 100 – 150 kWh/m 2 a A. Lorenzoni, F. Disconzi, October 1°, 2008

29 Passive houses! The calcualtion was made according to the present Italian rules for the issue of White Certificates and could overestimate some savings Nevertheless, it is clearly shown that the adoption of the best available technologies can lead to very low energy consumption, or even negative! The energy intensity of the residential sector can be dramatically reduced with present technologies A. Lorenzoni, F. Disconzi, October 1°, 2008

30 The trade-off challenges

31 Some examples of trade off: Solar thermal vs PV Heat distribution system in buildings (floor, walls, radiators…) Micro CHP vs condensing heaters Hydrogen vs electricity Use of biomass: heat, electricity, fuels? A. Lorenzoni, F. Disconzi, October 1°, 2008

32 All can not be done! Very often budget constraints or the availability of room limit the possibility to adopt all the preferred technologies A technological dilemma is also possible in some cases (condensing heater vs heat pump…, roof insulation vs green roofs, ICT solutions, …), when the tecnological paths are not clearly known Public decision makers can force the growth of some against other solutions Fiscal policy and standards can play a role

33 Analysis of the current state of art WORKSHOP 4.1 Low and very Low energy consuming buildings Rome, October 1 st, 2008

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