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Overview of TI-Nspire™ CX Handheld. 2 Numeric region of the keyboard Alphabetic region of the keyboard Navigation Keys Three Keyboard Sections.

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Presentation on theme: "Overview of TI-Nspire™ CX Handheld. 2 Numeric region of the keyboard Alphabetic region of the keyboard Navigation Keys Three Keyboard Sections."— Presentation transcript:

1 Overview of TI-Nspire™ CX Handheld

2 2 Numeric region of the keyboard Alphabetic region of the keyboard Navigation Keys Three Keyboard Sections

3 3 Click Touchpad

4 4 Escape ScratchPad Tab Control Home Document Menu Backspace Shift Computer Like Keys

5 5 Punctuation Relational Keys Trigonometric Math Templates

6 6 10 9 123 4 5 8 6 7

7 7 Escape (Undo) 9 Scratchpad (Save) 1 Touchpad 2 “Click” (Grab) 3 Home (Off) 4 Document Tools (Add Page) 5 Next Page 8 Previous Page 6 Menu (Context Menu) 7 Tab

8 8 TI–Nspire Structure Documents Contain Problems Problems Contain Pages Pages Contain Apps Apps are Menu Driven

9 9 TI–Nspire APPS Notes Calculator Lists & Spreadsheet Data & Statistics Vernier DataQuest Graphs Geometry

10 10 Multiple Ways to Access Tools When using computer software there are often multiple ways to access features of the software. In a similar fashion there are often multiple ways of accomplishing a task with TI-Nspire. Many of the shortcuts you are familiar with when using a computer are also implemented on TI-Nspire. Ctrl-z or Ctrl-ESC Undo Ctrl-y or shift-esc Redo Ctrl-x Cut Ctrl-c Copy Ctrl-v Paste Ctrl-s Save When in doubt try it! Do not hold down the ctrl key. Use two separate key presses.

11 11 Let’s get started!!

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