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Volunteering, Community Service, Personal Traits Responsibilities: Stuff All Citizens Should do! Mr. Tresky Civics Class.

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Presentation on theme: "Volunteering, Community Service, Personal Traits Responsibilities: Stuff All Citizens Should do! Mr. Tresky Civics Class."— Presentation transcript:

1 Volunteering, Community Service, Personal Traits Responsibilities: Stuff All Citizens Should do! Mr. Tresky Civics Class

2 Volunteering and Community Service: Address the community needs and serve the public good! Someone has to try to make the world a better place.

3 If you want to change the world..Be that Change. Mahatma Gandhi

4 Volunteer- to support democratic institutions (i.e. The League of Women Voters)

5 Express Concern about the welfare of the community as a whole….(I.e. the environment, public health, safety and education). Recycling. The PTA.

6 Help to make the community a good place to live and work. (i.e. become involved in public service, tutoring, volunteering in a nursing home.

7 People are more likely to volunteer if they feel a personal connection or know others involved. Maybe you lost a father as a child and know How it feels and join Big Brother/Big Sisters.

8 Examples of Volunteering! Leading a Scout Troop, adopting a highway, Big Brothers/Big Sisters, homeless shelters, recycling, tutoring…..

9 Personal Traits of a good Citizen If everybody had these following traits, the world would be a great place. Do you exhibit these qualities????????

10 Personal Traits of a good Citizen 1.Trustworthiness and Honesty It takes years to earn trust…….just seconds to destroy it…………

11 Personal Traits of a good citizen 2. Courtesy and Respect for the rights of others.

12 Personal Traits of a good citizen 3. Responsibility, accountability and self- reliance.

13 Personal Traits of a good citizen. 4. Respect for the law

14 Personal Traits of good citizen 5. Patriotism

15 Which Personal Trait is being described???? As John was coming out of the store, he held the door open for an elderly woman who was coming inside. What trait did John demonstrate? Courtesy & Respect for others.

16 Which Personal Trait is being described? Suzanne walked with her grandfather in a Veterans Day Parade. She held a flag and sung the National Anthem. What trait was she demonstrating? Patriotism

17 What Personal Trait is being described? Mr. Jones left Danny in charge of the cash box at the County Fair. What trait had Danny shown to be left in charge of the money? Trustworthiness & Honesty

18 What Personal Trait is being described? To make a good grade in Tresky’s class requires that you read & study your notes, do your homework and listen in class. He will not baby you…he will just fail you! What personal traits does it take to be successful in his class? Responsibility, accountability, self-reliance

19 What Personal Trait is being described? Even though Mr. Tresky drives a phat Mustang and wanted to crank it into 5 th gear and get some serious speed……..he maintained the speed limit of 55 MPH for the safety of others around him. Respect for the law

20 Tresky Educational Production Children have good personal traits and don’t end up like these guys!!!!!!

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