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Warm-Up What are some things that you must do here at school? (this means if you don’t do them you will get in trouble) What are some things you should.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up What are some things that you must do here at school? (this means if you don’t do them you will get in trouble) What are some things you should."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up What are some things that you must do here at school? (this means if you don’t do them you will get in trouble) What are some things you should do here at school? (if you do not do them you don’t really get in trouble)

2 9/24/12 8 th Grade CE.3C/D

3 Agenda: Warm-Up Review the Duties of Citizens Responsibilities of Citizenship The differences between duties and responsibilities of citizens. Exit Ticket

4 Homework Blog Question

5 SOL 3c & 3d The student will demonstrate knowledge of citizenship and the rights, duties, and responsibilities of citizens by - c) describing the duties of citizenship, including obeying the laws, paying taxes, defending the nation, and serving in court. - d) examining the responsibilities of citizenship, including registering and voting, communicating with government officials, participating in political campaigns, keeping informed about current issues, and respecting differing opinions in a diverse society.

6 American Citizens: In your Notes: Civic Duties of Citizens Civic Responsibilities of Citizens

7 What is a Civic Duty? For government to be effective, citizens must fulfill their civic duties. Citizens who choose not to fulfill these civic duties face legal consequences. Civic Duties MUST be done

8 Civic Duties Serve in the military starting at the age of 18. All men when they turn 18 must sign up for “Selective Service” (Draft Card) This is a fancy term for during war that you may be called up for military service. PAY Your TAXES!!!! Even if you really hate too Not paying taxes will mean Uncle Sam will pay you a visit

9 More Civic Duties Obey the law Duh America would look like Garbage if we had zero laws Serve on a Jury or as a witness Jury duty means you sit in judgment of a person accused of a crime Juries help keep the court system honest because average people serve on them If you witness a crime you must appear in court to tell your story, no ifs ands or butts

10 What is a Civic Responsibility? A basic responsibility of citizenship is to contribute to the common good. Civic responsibilities are fulfilled by choice; they are voluntary This means you do not have to do them if you do not want too Not doing your civic responsibility does not make you a bad American It makes you the person that gets me very upset!!

11 Civic Responsibilities Register to vote Voting means your allowed to complain Run for and hold elective office Such as President or Senator Communicate with government to influence actions Write a letter to someone in government, hope they listen, if they ignore you, write them another one, and another one…if they still don’t listen, vote against them! Participate in local campaigns Helping a person run for their election

12 Serve in voluntary, appointed government positions If the President wants you to take a position running some committee you can turn him down Keep informed of current issues That way maybe you can debate and argue Mr. Marchinetti! Respect other people’s right to an equal voice and opinion in government Even if you think the person is a moron for thinking the way they do. You should still respect their opinions! They are entitled to that opinion. Always respect other people’s Constitutional rights!!! The rest of those Civic Responsibilities

13 American Citizens: In your Notes: Civic Duties of Citizens Civic Responsibilities of Citizens Obey Laws Pay Taxes Serve in the military if called Serve on a jury or witness in court when summoned If you do not do your duties you will face legal consequences Register to vote Run for and hold elective office Communicate with government to influence actions Participate in local campaigns Serve in voluntary, appointed government positions Keep informed of current issues Respect other people’s right to an equal voice and opinion in government You should try and do as many of your civic responsibilities!!!

14 Rock the Vote Rock the Vote Commercial Spider Man wants you to vote!!!

15 Exit Ticket What are your Civic Duties??? What happens if you do not do your Civic Duties? What are your Civic Responsibilities? Do you have to do your Civic Responsibilities??? Should you do them???

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