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DO NOW What does the word freedom mean to you? When you imagine freedom what do you see? What do you smell, hear, and taste? Agenda.

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Presentation on theme: "DO NOW What does the word freedom mean to you? When you imagine freedom what do you see? What do you smell, hear, and taste? Agenda."— Presentation transcript:

1 DO NOW What does the word freedom mean to you? When you imagine freedom what do you see? What do you smell, hear, and taste? Agenda

2 Freedom “Children should be educated and instructed in the principles of freedom.”- John Adams

3 Why do we study government? Good government requires educated citizens. Public education was founded to create effective citizens. Everything the government does affects you directly or indirectly.

4 American Values Equality Liberty Justice The rights we enjoy as US citizens are based on these values.

5 Think, Pair, Share What qualities make a good citizen? (at least 5) What qualities make a bad citizen? (at least 5)

6 The Paper Clip Game

7 Why do we need government? We need laws to protect our rights and freedoms. Laws also tell citizens what is expected of them.

8 Types of Government Nondemocratic: Monarchies, dictatorships, and theocracy. Democratic: direct democracy, representative democracy.

9 Monarchy Monarch- King or Queen England, Sweden and Saudi Arabia are examples. Monarchs today have limited power.

10 Dictatorship Dictator- rules with complete and absolute power. Dictators only answer to themselves. Totalitarian- try to control religion, culture, politics, an personal activities.

11 Theocracy Controlled by one or more religious leaders. Rulers respond to divine guidance. Vatican city is an example of a theocracy.

12 Democracy- “rule of the people.” Direct democracy- all voters are in one place to make laws. Representative democracy- people are ruled by elected officials. This system of government is called a republic.

13 Declaration of Independence

14 Wrap up Name some important qualities of good citizenship Name the two categories of government we learned about today. Name the 5 different types of government. Why is government important? What are some rights we have as US citizens?

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