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Let’s Talk About 2 nd Grade!! Kristin Holt: Heather O’Brien:

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s Talk About 2 nd Grade!! Kristin Holt: Heather O’Brien:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s Talk About 2 nd Grade!! Kristin Holt: Heather O’Brien: Shelly Phillips:

2 Example of Our School Day  8:00 – 8:15 Arrival  8:15 – 10:30 Reading/Language Arts  10:30 – 10:55 Social Studies/Health  10:55 – 11:25 Specials (10:25 – 11:25 Tuesdays and Fridays)  11:25 – 11:55 Science  11:55 – 12:25 Lunch  12:25 – 12:50 Recess  12:50 – 1:05 Science cont’d  1:05 – 2:15 Math  2:15 – 2:25 Pack up/Dismissal

3 Grades  2 nd grade uses letter grades  A = 100-90  B = 89-80  C = 79-70  D = 69-60  E = 59 and below  Stay up to date with your child’s grades by checking SchoolMax.

4 2 nd Grade Curriculum  Reading  Comprehension and Fluency  Reading Strategies (predict, summarize, visualize, question, evaluate, monitor, clarify, connect)  Big Skills: Author’s Purpose, Main Idea and Details, Cause and Effect, Point of View, Genres studies  Oral and Written Composition  Analyzing texts and comparing 2-3 texts through writing  Scaffolding writing from sentences to paragraphs to essays  Using text evidence to support written responses  Cursive  Differentiated spelling lists  Writing Fundamentals  How Writers Work, Personal Narratives, Gail Gibbons Author Study, Poetry

5 2 nd Grade Curriculum  Math  Place Value, Money, Time, 2-3 Digit Addition and Subtraction, Word Problems, Graphing, Line Plots, Equations, Number Lines, Arrays, Geometry, Fractions, Prep for 3 rd grade  Science  Earth, Physical, Life, Space and Technology  Social Studies  Being a good citizen, Our government, Economics, Geography

6 Grade Level Expectations  How to use an Agenda Book  Work habits  Transition from heavily-teacher guided workers to independent workers  How to study  Test-taking skills  Being responsible (socially and academically)  Taking on an active role in learning

7 Homework  Homework is generally assigned every night (except for Friday night).  Homework assignments will be written in their Agenda Books each night.  Please encourage your child to turn in his/her homework on time.  Great learning and support opportunity at home: go over your child’s homework with him/her  Textbooks will be sent home prior to tests marked with the correct pages to study.

8 2 nd Grade Website  Stay informed by checking the 2 nd Grade Website!!  Tulip Grove Website  Parents  Teachers’ Web Pages  2 nd Grade  The website is updated daily.  View Homework, Topics of the Week, Reminders, Upcoming Events, and resources to use at home

9 Helping at Home  Read to your child/have your child read to you.  Go over homework together.  Study for tests together.  Use resources that are sent home for extra practice.  Check the 2 nd grade website for current topics in class.  Online practice:  Tulip Grove website  Students  Sites for Young Learners

10 Field Trips  We plan to have a few field trips. Parent chaperones will be needed for some of the trips.  All chaperones must have a current background check and fingerprinting done prior to the trip. Both must be on file with the office.  Some trips will have a limit on the number of chaperones that may attend.  Permission slips will be sent home well in advance along with notification of any fees due.

11 Ways to Succeed in 2 nd Grade  Always try your best!!  Complete your homework, turn it in on time, and study for tests.  Follow the rules and pay attention during lessons.  Have fun learning and have a positive attitude. Believe in yourself; you can do it!!  Ask the teacher if you have a question or feel confused. We’re here to help!!

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