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National Military Fish & Wildlife Association 2016 Awards.

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1 National Military Fish & Wildlife Association 2016 Awards

2 Recognizes technicians, scientists, researchers, volunteers, and personnel from non-profit organizations, government agencies, academic institutions, contractors, cooperators, and the DoD who have contributed to significant research that has either: - taken place on a military installation or - was funded by DoD Subject research improves the understanding and management of natural resources on DoD lands in support of the military mission Military Natural Resource Conservation Research

3 Mark Swartz Fort Indiantown Gap NGTC 15 years of service with regal fritillary program Largest population: Grew from 1000 to over 5000 under his attention Dedicated to population research and documenting management strategies for species Continued efforts on several dozen state-watched species and climate change Conservation Research: Insects

4 Recognizes resource managers (e.g. technicians, program managers, biologists, and project managers), regardless of their source of employment Honors those who further natural resource management on military installations in support of the military mission through developing programs or projects which can serve as models for conservation on military installations Model Programs and Projects

5 Created a stable population of RCW Negotiated for relocation of state- listed gopher tortoises Conducting research into insecticide dispersal systems and application techniques Prescribed burned to promote longleaf pine restoration for RCW and gopher tortoise Research and establishment of bear corridors Environmental Program Staff Camp Blanding Joint Training Center Model Programs/Projects

6 Janet Bracey Gray Fort Bragg and Camp Mackall Model Programs/Projects Multi-decade monitoring for 47 listed, at-risk, and rare plant species. Instrumental in working toward achieving species’ recovery through novel strategies, initiatives, and cooperative ventures 22 years of service: developing conservation partnerships, habitat management and genetic diversity research

7 Michael Wright Naval Air Station Oceana Model Programs/Projects Purses partnerships that collectively identify ways to save money Developed the installation's nest sitting protocol manual for Kemp's Ridley Sea Turtle Completed 1st aerial survey for Feral Hogs in SE Implemented an enhanced reporting process for responses to annual dolphin strandings

8 This award recognizes game wardens, conservation officers, police officers, range regulation enforcers, wildlife services personnel, lawyers and judges. Honors those who have contributed to natural resource conservation on military lands in support of the military mission through their enforcement of law, policy, and regulations. Natural Resource Conservation Management: Enforcement

9 Provides education and enforcement of wildlife laws Supports law enforcement efforts on Wood's Reservoir, AFB roadways, and as needed throughout the Base Ensures natural resource violations are investigated Enhances DoD relations with the surrounding community Wes Winston Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency / Arnold Air Force Base Enforcement

10 Honors those who promote public awareness of the military role in conserving the nation’s natural resource legacy Includes DoD personnel who promote external understanding of conservation and external organization representatives who promote awareness of these issues Recipients may include volunteers, educators, negotiators, public affairs personnel, journalists, and DoD natural resource personnel, non-profit staff, and non- DoD government staff Promoting Public Awareness

11 Founded 2nd Mountain Hawkwatch 1984 on installation Provided 32 straight years for hawk migration Valuable and long time volunteer at the installation and active proponent of regal fritillary program Met and educated thousands of public visitors over decades in support of natural resources. Morris Cox Fort Indiantown Gap NGTC Public Awareness

12 Recognizes those who have contributed significantly over the course of their career to NMFWA’s progress as an organization or to conservation on DoD lands in support of the military mission. The current history-in-the-making and progress of NMFWA rests on the shoulders of giants – these are the giants. Lifetime Achievement

13 Provided 38 years of support as the DoD Conservation Lead Key role in passage of the Sikes Act Improvement Act, and associated implementation guidelines Developed the first DoD Environmental Conservation Instruction Strong support and love for DoD Legacy Program / DoD PIF / DoD PARC L. Peter Boice Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense (EI&E) Lifetime Achievement

14 National Military Fish & Wildlife Association 2016 Awards

15 Promoted teamwork and innovation in Natural Resource Conservation Policy, Partnerships and Programs Has been the Navy’s environmental voice for a generation. Pushed for increases in conservation funding and legislative Instrumental in completion of consultation for the $9B Marine Corps base on Guam Ability to resolve disputes and complete critical and often controversial projects Donald R. Schregardus Office of the Assistant Secretary of the Navy (EI&E) Special Recognition Award

16 6:45 pmDinner 7:30pm NMFWA Awards – Janet Johnson Award Committee Chair 30 min 8:00pm Banquet Speaker – Lew Gorman – 30 min 8:30pm Hall of Fame – 30 min 9:00pm Presidential Award – Coralie / Liz 16 National Military Fish & Wildlife Association 2016 Awards

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