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Review for 8 th grade final Immigration- Old-Northern and Western Europe New-Southern and Eastern Europe large wave of immigrants after civil war-1920’s.

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Presentation on theme: "Review for 8 th grade final Immigration- Old-Northern and Western Europe New-Southern and Eastern Europe large wave of immigrants after civil war-1920’s."— Presentation transcript:

1 Review for 8 th grade final Immigration- Old-Northern and Western Europe New-Southern and Eastern Europe large wave of immigrants after civil war-1920’s Cultural Pluralism- “Salad Bowl Theory”- immigrant customs become part of American culture Immigrants faced discrimination when they came

2 Suffrage-Right to Vote-Women’s suffrage movement- 19 th amendment- Laissez-faire=gov’t hands off the economy-stay out Of the lives of business-Industrial Revolution-mass Production of goods-lower prices-assembly line 1865-1900-Period of Big Business-Rise of Corporations-stock holders Rise of Labor-Unions-help working condition- higher wages, shorter hours, safer conditions

3 Progressive Movement- 1900-1920 eliminate unfair business practices 16 th amendment-graduated income tax 17 th amendment-direct election of senators 18 th amendment-prohibition 19 th amendment-women’s suffrage Muckrakers-exposed the problems of society- novels/articles Jacob Riis-How the Other Half Lives-exposed problems of the cities (urban) Jane Addams-settlement house movement-Hull House Chicago-help the poor/immigrants

4 Imperialism-strong nation dominates a weaker nation Imperialism for US-need for new markets, fueling stations for the Navy, additional resources for industry Spanish American War-Cuban Revolution from Spain/US Navy growth-Admiral Dewey(fueling stations) causes-yellow journalism, U.S.S. Maine, DeLome Letter FDR-expanded Presidential power through his New Deal Programs LBJ-expanded Presidential power with the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution-Vietnam War

5 US fails to join the league of nations following WWI-US wanted to avoid involvement with European nations Teddy Roosevelt- “Big Stick Policy”- US must look strong to nations around the world-build up our Navy 1920’s-changing of social values- traditional vs. new modern thinking, free time, 18 th amendment- prohibition, lawlessness, Scope’s Monkey Trial Immigration laws passed that restricted access to many from Southern and Eastern Europe(Nativism), consumer spending increased bc of easy credit-cars, radio, vacuum

6 Depression-high unemployment, low demand Stock market crash-buying on margin-banks failed Dust Bowl-Great Plains-little rainfall and over cultivation of land FDR-New Deal-increased size and power of the gov’t 1941-US declared War on Japan bc of Pearl Harbor- WWII WWII helped the US get our of the Great Depression-Women went into the work force in high numbers(rosie the riveter)

7 WWII-Japanese internment(relocation) camps- Public fear and distrust of Japanese Americans Truman-Atomic bomb-bring an immediate end to The war and save American lives Marshall Plan-$$$$ to Western Europe to help Recovery after the war- Containment After WWII- Containment-Iron Curtain, Berlin Wall, Stopping Stalin in Asia(Korea, Vietnam)-Domino Theory NATO-North Atlantic Treaty Organization-collective Security against the spread of communism

8 Cold War-War of tension between US and USSR Civil Rights Movement-equal rights for African Americans MLK-Civil Disobedience-sit ins, marches, peaceful protest Kennedy-Berlin Wall, Bay of Pigs invasion, Cuban Missile Crisis-all developed bc of the Cold War between US and USSR Red Scare(1920’s) & MaCarthyism(1950’s)-fear of Communism spreading-threatening Civil Liberties League of Nation(WWI)/United Nations(WWII)-created To try to establish world peace


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