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Cryotherapy Sports Medicine 6/21/2016 1. Objectives 1.Review the physiologic effects of cold 2.Explain the indications and contraindications of using.

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Presentation on theme: "Cryotherapy Sports Medicine 6/21/2016 1. Objectives 1.Review the physiologic effects of cold 2.Explain the indications and contraindications of using."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cryotherapy Sports Medicine 6/21/2016 1

2 Objectives 1.Review the physiologic effects of cold 2.Explain the indications and contraindications of using cold 3.Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of cold modalities 6/21/2016Property of CTE Joint Venture 2

3 Bellwork An athlete comes to the training room with shin splints. She asks for ice, and wants to know which method is best for her condition: ice massage, ice pack or cold whirlpool. Which method would you recommend? Why? 6/21/2016Property of CTE Joint Venture 3

4 Terminology cryotherapy: using a source of cold for treatment 6/21/2016Property of CTE Joint Venture 4

5 Physiological Effects of Cold Decreased muscle spasm Decreased pain Decreased blood flow (vasoconstriction) Decreased metabolism Decreased tissue extensibility Increased joint stiffness 6/21/2016Property of CTE Joint Venture 5

6 Write on your Slates List as many indications as you can think of for using cryotherapy. PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010

7 Indications for Cryotherapy Acute injuries Pain Swelling / inflammation Muscle spasm 6/21/2016 7

8 Write on your Slates List as many contraindications as you can think of for using cryotherapy. PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010

9 Contraindications for Cryotherapy Cold-related allergies Open wounds Cardiovascular problems Sensory or circulatory deficits Hypersensitivity to cold High blood pressure Respiratory problems Diabetes or peripheral vascular disease Infection 6/21/2016Property of CTE Joint Venture 9

10 Think-Pair-Share What are the advantages and disadvantages of a cold whirlpool? PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010

11 Cold Whirlpool What it is: Container filled with ice & water at 50 to 60°F Cooling occurs with water movement Where it’s used: Treating an injured extremity Advantages: Effective cooling in 10-15 minutes Can treat large areas Disadvantages: Can’t be transported Requires prep time Constant supervision 6/21/2016Property of CTE Joint Venture 11

12 Ice Cup Using Ice Massage What are the advantages and disadvantages of ice massage? PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010

13 Ice Massage What it is: Water frozen in a cup; the top of the cup is peeled away and the exposed ice is rubbed over the area Where it’s used: Over small treatment areas (tendon, bursa, muscle belly, etc.) Advantages: Short treatment time (5-10 minutes) Cheap (cup + water) Athlete can self-treat Disadvantages: Only effective on small areas Can be messy 6/21/2016Property of CTE Joint Venture 13

14 Ice Pack Using an Ice Pack What are the advantages and disadvantages of using an ice pack? PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010

15 Ice Pack What it is: Flaked or crushed ice tied in a plastic bag Where it’s used: Any body part, especially after acute injuries Advantages: Molds to the body part / treat large areas Cheap (plastic bag) after investment of ice machine Transportable Disadvantages: Requires longer treatment times (15- 30 minutes) 6/21/2016Property of CTE Joint Venture 15

16 PROPERTY OF PIMA COUNTY JTED, 2010 16 Minute Paper You have one minute to write down the key points of today’s lesson. Be prepared to share.

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