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Formation of New Firms : Lessons from Switzerland Najib Harabi, Professor of Economics, Solothurn University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland.

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Presentation on theme: "Formation of New Firms : Lessons from Switzerland Najib Harabi, Professor of Economics, Solothurn University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland."— Presentation transcript:

1 Formation of New Firms : Lessons from Switzerland Najib Harabi, Professor of Economics, Solothurn University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland

2 Contents Introduction Theoretical Framework An Empirical Investigation of Swiss Firms Discussion of Results and Concluding Comments

3 Introduction Contribution to Employment and Economic Growth Contribution to Structural Change Contribution to Technological Change and Innovation Contribution to Stimulation of Competition in Product and Factor Markets

4 Theoretical Framework Why new firms get formed? What are the major determinants of survival and success of new firms? What is the impact of new firms on the economy?

5 Relevant Theories Question 1 Question 2 Question 3 Neoclassical microeconomic theory Transaction costs theory Industrial Organization Organizational Ecology Industrial Organisation

6 An Empirical Investigation of Swiss Firms Data Results

7 Data 20 Case Studies Survey: Oltner Survey 1999 Sample Frame: 5019 Firms Response Rate: 32%

8 Overall Results Portrait of Business Founders Success of Firm Formations Factors Affecting Success of New Firms Policy Recommendations

9 Portrait of Business Founders Mainly male (84%) Average Age: 42 Stable Family Relationship (Partner and Child) Majority: Swiss Nationals

10 Success of Firm Formations Majority either „rather successful or „very successful“ 70% successful with regard to sales 56% successful with regard to profit 31% successful with regard to # of employees 80% successful successful with regard to non-material criteria

11 Determinants of Success Person-related Success Factors Firm-level related Success Factors Environmental and Sector related Success Factors

12 Person-related Success Factors Type and length of founder‘s school education. Founder‘s professional experience in his current field of activity Founders‘s experience of self-employment

13 Firm-level-related Success Factors Original new firm start-ups more successful than firm takeovers. Age: older firms grow faster (!) Size: smaller firms grow faster Size of sales in the first year has a decisive positive impact of firm growth

14 Environmental and Sector related Success Factors Services-sector (specially „training/education“, „health and social services“) more conducive for firm formation Manufacturing less conducive (No firm formation in agriculture)

15 Policy Recommendations Firm Founders Banks/Financing Institutions Business Organizations Public Authorities

16 End Thank you for your attention!

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