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Teacher: Miss Thomas Other Staff: Miss Smale: Tuesday-Friday mornings (Part of the afternoons) Mr Roussaire : Last session Monday Multiflex : Second session.

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2 Teacher: Miss Thomas Other Staff: Miss Smale: Tuesday-Friday mornings (Part of the afternoons) Mr Roussaire : Last session Monday Multiflex : Second session Friday

3 It is important to be on time and arrive at 8.45am. Any children on the school premises before this time must be supervised by a parent or carer. Children are set Morning Challenges to complete until 9am. These challenges vary but all aim to develop creative thinking skills. In addition, children may be given time to correct and improve their work from the previous day. If you arrive later than 9am (when the gate is locked), you must accompany your child through the main entrance and report to the office. You can find the attendance policy on our website. Punctuality and Attendance


5 8.45 Arrive at school 8.45 – 9.00 Morning Challenge 9.00 – 9.30 Guided Reading 9.30 – 10.30 Lesson 1 10.30 -10.45 Break 10.45 – 11.45 Lesson 2 11.45-12.15 Comprehension/Individual reading/Spelling/Times tables 12.15 – 1.05 Lunch 1.05 – 1.30 Assembly (Monday, Wednesday, Thursday) (Friday 2.45-3.15) 1.30 – 2.20 Lesson 3 **TUESDAYS – 2.10 – 2.25 Afternoon play. 2.20 – 3.20 – Lesson 4 3.20 – Class teachers will escort children meet you in the Junior playground. Routine

6 8.45-9.00 Registration & Morning Challenge 9.00-9.309.30-10.30 10.30- 10.45 Break Time 10.45-11.1511.15-12.15 12.15-1.05 Lunch Time & Registration 1.05-1.451.45-2.252.25-3.05 3.05-3.20 Tidy, story and home Monday Guided reading Literacy Maths Independent reading Head assembly Music/ RE Spanish Tuesday Guided reading Literacy Maths Comprehension P.E Break History/ Geography Wednesday Guided reading Literacy Maths Independent reading KS2 assembly Art Science Thursday Swimming Spellings Times tables Maths Guided reading Music assembly Literacy History/ Geography Friday Guided reading Maths Multiflex Literacy PSHE/ Computing Celebration assembly 8.45-9.00 Registration & Morning Challenge 9.00-9.309.30-10.30 10.30- 10.45 Break Time 10.45-11.1511.15-12.15 12.15-1.05 Lunch Time & Registration 1.05-1.451.45-2.252.25-3.05 3.05-3.20 Tidy, story and home Monday Guided reading Literacy Maths Independent reading Head assembly Music/ RE Spanish Tuesday Guided reading Literacy Maths Comprehension P.E Break History/ Geography Wednesday Guided reading Literacy Maths Independent reading KS2 assembly Art Science Thursday Swimming Spellings Times tables Maths Guided reading Music assembly Literacy History/ Geography Friday Guided reading Maths Multiflex Literacy PSHE/ Computing Celebration assembly

7 MONDAYComprehensionBook taskReading with teacherHandwritingComprehension TUESDAYIndependent readingComprehensionBook taskReading with teacherHandwriting WEDNESDAYHandwritingIndependent readingComprehensionBook taskReading with teacher THURSDAYReading with teacherHandwritingIndependent readingComprehensionBook task FRIDAYBook taskReading with teacherHandwritingIndependent readingComprehension

8 Main changes with the new national curriculum Maths: The content will be more challenging Greater emphasis on recall of facts, logical thinking and problem solving. Children to develop resilience and perseverance. English: An increased focus on grammar, spelling and punctuation. A requirement for children to recite poetry from memory. Greater emphasis on story over non-fiction

9 Abacus was introduced last year and is a maths toolkit that has been written for the new primary maths curriculum. Usernames and logins are the same as last year. To help children make sense and practise their maths, Abacus provides a combination of maths games, interactive activities and videos. Your child can earn rewards whilst learning key mathematical skills. Abacus Username: joeyblog Password: dog Code: eger

10 All children need an Egerton PE kit. Pumps for indoors. Trainers for outdoor activities. No borrowing  responsibility. No jewellery. No nail varnish. Hair tied up. Earrings – only studs. If your child forgets their PE Kit regularly, there will be a letter sent home. All kit needs to be clearly labelled. Phys Kids – 4 week chunks in each half term. 2 days a week. 15 minutes. Physical Education

11 In Year 4 children attend swimming lessons at Knutsford Leisure centre throughout the year. Myself and Mr Talbot leave school at 8.30am and arrive at the centre around 8.45am. Please ensure that your child has all the necessary equipment needed for swimming and that this swimming kit is taken home on the same day. Swimming

12 The main focus will be Maths and English. Sometimes children will be set tasks in other subject areas. Homework is given out on Friday and should be returned by Tuesday at the latest. Tests will be on Thursday. The children have a homework book in which to complete tasks. A weekly timetable (including homework tasks, important dates and other information) will be in the children’s homework diary. Children should read daily. Please sign your child’s Reading Journal each time they have completed a book. They will have an opportunity to change their books when a signature is seen. NO HOMEWORK AT CHRISTMAS OR EASTER HOLIDAY – FAMILY TIME. Homework

13 Reading- Reading a range of books with your child as much as possible, asking questions about the text. Educational games- Encouraging children to play educational games such as those on abacus. Maths- Practising times tables and other aspects of maths through real life situations e.g. Measuring when cooking, adding up prices when shopping. Writing- Giving children exciting opportunities to write at home. e.g. Writing their own story and creating a book, entering competitions, writing information booklets on favourite hobbies/ interests. Handwriting- Supporting children with hand writing booklets.

14 School Vision: Every Day Matters Respect and Golden Rules Star Chart Teddy Cheeky Charlie Celebration assembly Writing assembly Sanctions Rewards and Behaviour Policy

15 We encourage healthy eating (as outlined in the welcome booklet) so please consider the type of snack your child brings to school. No sweets, chocolate or crisps. As a Junior, your child can buy half a bagel or a piece of toast (25p) or double this (50p). Snacks

16 Please do not send your child to school until 48 hours after symptoms stop. (Advice from school health team and public health services). If your child is too ill to swim, your child will come with the class to the Leisure Centre and complete work there. Illness

17 Mornings are very busy times of the day but please feel free to talk to your teacher in the Junior Playground at the end of the day. If you wish to speak to the class teacher urgently, please ring the School Office and we will call you back as soon as possible. If you wish to write a note in your child’s diary, please remind your child to hand the diary in to the teacher. When is a good time to talk?

18 Before you leave, please tick next to your child’s name to confirm you were here. In addition, there are columns where you can tick if you wish to: -Volunteer to be a mystery reader. -Volunteer to be a parent helper. Please remember to take a hard copy of the Curriculum Overview for the Autumn Term and a list of dates for your diary that has been compiled. Attendance register


20 If there has not been an opportunity for you to ask a question, or you would prefer to ask a question in private, please write this on a post-it note, with your name and we will write a response in your child’s homework diary as soon as possible.

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