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December 9 and 10, 2015 To Kill a Mockingbird Quiz: On a separate sheet of paper, write five questions that could be asked on a quiz about chapters 20,

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Presentation on theme: "December 9 and 10, 2015 To Kill a Mockingbird Quiz: On a separate sheet of paper, write five questions that could be asked on a quiz about chapters 20,"— Presentation transcript:

1 December 9 and 10, 2015 To Kill a Mockingbird Quiz: On a separate sheet of paper, write five questions that could be asked on a quiz about chapters 20, 21, and 22. Here are the guidelines: 1) You have 10 minutes. 2) You must have questions that include each chapter. 3) You must have five total questions. 4) Your questions must require at least a sentence response (no yes/no questions, true/false, etc.). 5) Your questions must only relate to the To Kill a Mockingbird novel.

2 Write these notes in your grammar/writing books. What is an argumentative essay? An argumentative essay attempts to persuade the audience to have a certain stance, the same stance as the writer. Therefore, these essays are always about topics that can be debated. Simple examples: 1)Abortion 2)Gun control

3 Write these notes What does an argumentative essay consist of? In general, it consists of three parts: 1) An introduction paragraph (usually 1, sometimes 2 paragraphs) 2) A body (usually 1 or more paragraphs) ◦This includes your argument ◦This also includes the counter-argument (the opposite opinion) 3) A conclusion (usually 1, maybe 2 paragraphs). Take a look at the handout I gave you.

4 Write these notes What is an introduction paragraph? This is the opening of your essay where you introduce the reader to the issue and explain to him/her your own position. 1) Start with a hook- This is an opening sentence that captures the reader’s interest while introducing the topic. 2) Provide other information- After the hook, you should give background information on the topic. For example, for this assignment, you might tell a bit about your character. 3) Thesis statement/Essay map- This is where you provide the order of arguments that you are giving.

5 Look at this example Hook: Last week in Colorado Springs, a crazed man held up a Planned Parenthood Facility and killed innocent civilians and police officers with his assault rifle. Had the people around him been armed, he could have been stopped before he did more damage. Unfortunately, this was not the case and innocent people had to die. This is an example as to why we have the right to carry firearms. Other information: The founders of this nation ratified the Constitution, which provides us, among other things, the right to bear arms. It is my position that this right should be upheld in the United States and all States thereunder. Thesis statement/Essay Map: Therefore, the purpose of this composition is to argue for the right to bear arms. To illustrate the importance of this, topics such as personal protection, hunting, and civil liberties will be addressed. This evidence will thus prove that our right to bear arms should not be limited.

6 Those same words make an introductory paragraph! Last week in Colorado Springs, a crazed man held up a Planned Parenthood Facility and killed innocent civilians and police officers with his assault rifle. Had the people around him been armed, he could have been stopped before he did more damage. Unfortunately, this was not the case and innocent people had to die. This is an example as to why we have the right to carry firearms. The founders of this nation ratified the constitution, which provides us, among other things, the right to bear arms. It is my position that this right should be upheld in the United States and all States thereunder. Therefore, the purpose of this composition is to argue for the right to bear arms. To illustrate the importance of this, topics such as personal protection, hunting, and civil liberties will be addressed. This evidence will thus prove that our right to bear arms should not be limited. The bolded and underlined words give the topics that will be addressed in the body paragraph (s).

7 Your turn Take five minutes and fill out the introduction section of your essay’s outline on page 3 of your packet.

8 Body Paragraph (write this down) The body of your essay is where you give the “meat” of your argument. In my gun control example, I have three topics: (a) personal protection, (b) hunting, and (c) civil liberties. I have two choices: 1) Write one or more body paragraphs for each topic making three body paragraphs total ◦One on protection ◦One on hunting ◦One on civil liberties 2) Write one total body paragraph where all three are addressed in that one paragraph. In the case of this assignment, we are only going to write one body paragraph that addresses all three arguments in that one paragraph. In the future, we will do multiple body paragraphs.

9 Writing your body paragraph (write this down) In the case of this assignment, your body paragraph consists of the following: 1) A topic sentence 2) Each reason given in your essay map/thesis statement ◦Personal protection ◦Hunting ◦Civil liberties 3) Textual evidence (quotes from your book) that supports each of those reasons. 4) You will address the counterargument (opposite view) and then explain why it’s wrong (refute it) 5) A closing sentence

10 Introductory sentence for the body paragraph The introductory sentence brings the reader to your body paragraph and reminds him/her of your topic. Some examples: “In order to better understand the issue of gun control, it is necessary to explore all these topics in depth.” “There are several reasons why citizens should not be limited in their ownership and use of guns.” “Even though gun ownership is a constitutional right, it seems that it is necessary to explain why this right is important to uphold.”

11 Write your introductory sentence On page 3 of your packet, go ahead and write your introductory sentence. We will share it out.

12 Textual evidence (write this down) After your topic sentence, for each of the reasons you gave in your map (in this case we have personal protection, hunting, and civil liberties), you must include the following: 1) A statement of that reason 2) Followed by a quote (citation) from your text 3) Followed by an explanation of that quote.

13 Example textual evidence Topic sentence: Even though gun ownership is a constitutional right, it seems that it is necessary to explain why this right is important to uphold. Statement of the first reason: First, it is imperative that regular citizens maintain the right to bear arms because these people have a right to protect themselves. Taking guns away from good people makes those people more vulnerable. Quote supporting the first reason: The words of Dr. Mortimer sum up this argument the best. He writes, “Taking guns away from law abiding citizens is like taking away the tanks from an army. As Americans, we are expected to protect our freedoms, and one of the ways we do this is by exercising our right to bear arms” (23). Explanation of the quote: Dr. Mortimer’s point is clear. We should not have our gun rights limited simply because in so doing, we lose our freedom to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

14 How this paragraph looks Even though gun ownership is a constitutional right, it seems that it is necessary to explain why this right is important to uphold. First, it is imperative that regular citizens maintain the right to bear arms because these people have a right to protect themselves. Taking guns away from good people makes those people more vulnerable. The words of Dr. Mortimer sum up this argument the best. He writes, “Taking guns away from law abiding citizens is like taking away the tanks from an army. As Americans, we are expected to protect our freedoms, and one of the ways we do this is by exercising our right to bear arms” (23). Dr. Mortimer’s point is clear. We should not have our gun rights limited simply because in so doing, we lose our freedom to protect ourselves and our loved ones. This paragraph is not done, we still have two more examples to write about: 1) Hunting 2) Civil liberties We will approach these exactly the same way we approached the above reason.

15 Quoting correctly using MLA (write this down) When citing the book, you can do it one of two ways 1) Author in parentheses: As it is written, “I am a proud gun owner” (Mortimer 22). 2) Author in text: As Mortimer writes, “I am a proud gun owner” (22). If a character is speaking: When the character Joe stated that he was unhappy, he said, “’I am unhappy’”. (Mortimer 15)..

16 Your task Take 10 minutes and fill-out the body paragraph section of your packet on page 3 including ALL 3 quotations. Follow the pattern I showed you!

17 Counterargument (write this down) A counterargument is the opposite viewpoint as yours. Here are some examples: ArgumentCounterargument The right to own gunsGun control is important I am pro lifeI am pro choice CSU is the best Football TeamCSU is the worst team OR UW (or any other) is actually the best Atticus gets the most discriminationAtticus does not get any discrimination OR Another character actually gets more

18 Writing your counterargument After arguing all your reasons and giving all your quotes, you must show that you understand the opposite view (counterargument). Then you dispute that argument. This actually makes you more persuasive. Why?

19 Example counterargument My counterargument: Despite all these reasons, some still argue that gun control is necessary. Many of these folks agree that hunting is necessary, but they argue that certain weapons and concealed carry permits actually increase violence. They point out the fact that most mass shootings are because people who shouldn’t have guns got ahold of them. My dispute to the counterargument: This argument makes sense to a certain degree. However, it is clear that criminals will get their hands on guns regardless of the legality of that ownership. In addition, as stated earlier, if law- abiding citizens have guns, they can be used to protect innocents against illegal gun owners and other criminals. Therefore, limiting gun ownership is less likely to reduce crime and may even increase the effects of criminal acts.

20 How my body paragraph looks Even though gun ownership is a constitutional right, it seems that it is necessary to explain why this right is important to uphold. First, it is imperative that regular citizens maintain the right to bear arms because these people have a right to protect themselves. Taking guns away from good people makes those people more vulnerable. The words of Dr. Mortimer sum up this argument the best. He writes, “Taking guns away from law abiding citizens is like taking away the tanks from an army. As Americans, we are expected to protect our freedoms, and one of the ways we do this is by exercising our right to bear arms” (23). Dr. Mortimer’s point is clear. We should not have our gun rights limited simply because in so doing, we lose our freedom to protect ourselves and our loved ones.... Hunting...... Civil liberties... Despite all these reasons, some still argue that gun control is necessary. Many of these folks agree that hunting is necessary, but they argue that certain weapons and concealed carry permits actually increase violence. They point out the fact that most mass shootings are because people who shouldn’t have guns got ahold of them. This argument makes sense to a certain degree. However, it is clear that criminals will get their hands on guns regardless of the legality of that ownership. In addition, as stated earlier, if law-abiding citizens have guns, they can be used to protect innocents against illegal gun owners and other criminals. Therefore, limiting gun ownership is less likely to reduce crime and may even increase the effects of criminal acts.

21 Your turn Take a few minutes and write your counter-argument on p. 3 of your packet.

22 Concluding your essay (write this down) The conclusion is the most basic part of the essay. You’ve already done the hard work, now you just need to hit it home before bowing out. 1) Restate your thesis statement/essay map. Just do it in different words than you did before. 2) Summarize some of the general information you gave in your introduction. 3) Make final statement. DONE!! Now work on your essays. Rough draft due Friday! 1)Skip lines (write on every-other line) 2)Write on one side of the page. 3)Number your pages. 4)Put your name on every page.

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