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Immigration 1860-1900 US History Rose. A Wave of Immigrants  1860-1900: _____________ immigrants  Many immigrated because the US offered: immigrant.

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Presentation on theme: "Immigration 1860-1900 US History Rose. A Wave of Immigrants  1860-1900: _____________ immigrants  Many immigrated because the US offered: immigrant."— Presentation transcript:

1 Immigration 1860-1900 US History Rose

2 A Wave of Immigrants  1860-1900: _____________ immigrants  Many immigrated because the US offered: immigrant ________________, few restrictions, avoidance of military service, ___________________________, and a chance to move up in society  Many immigrants of the time were _____________________________.  Most traveled by _____________________ in steerage, the cheapest way to go. Was a _________________ trip.

3 Arrival in America…  Arrived in New York Harbor and were processed at ______________________.  Some immigrants were sent back to Europe due to _________________ problems.  Most immigrants settled in the _____________. Neighborhoods were separated into ethnic groups. Made it similar to their homeland.  Immigrants who learned __________________and adapted to ________________________ adjusted well to living in the US.

4 Immigration From Asia  Increase of Chinese immigration in the mid-1800’s due to severe _________ and ___________________ in China. Demand for railroad workers interested them.  Chinese worked as laborers, servants, ______________, and ________________.  In 1910, _____________________ was opened in California to process ___________ immigrants.

5 NATIVISM??  The increase of immigration led to _______________________, or a preference for native-born people and the desire to limit immigration. Many _________, _________, and _____________ were persecuted.  Nativism led to the creation of 2 anti- immigration groups. The _______________ ______________________________ was led by Henry Bowers and disliked Catholics. The Workingman’s Party of California worked to stop _________________________________. Violence often erupted.  ______________________________: barred Chinese immigration for ______ years and prevented Chinese already in US from becoming citizens. Was not repealed until ___________.

6 Did You Know??? It is estimated that the ancestors of almost one-half of all people living in the United States today passed through Ellis Island as immigrants. Today Ellis Island is open to the public and contains an Immigration Museum.

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