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Ch 38 Digestive and Excretory Systems 38-1 Nutrients 38-2 Digestive System 38-3 Excretory System 38-1 Nutrients 38-2 Digestive System 38-3 Excretory System.

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2 Ch 38 Digestive and Excretory Systems 38-1 Nutrients 38-2 Digestive System 38-3 Excretory System 38-1 Nutrients 38-2 Digestive System 38-3 Excretory System

3 38.1 Nutrients RChemical substances necessary for organisms to grow and function properly are called Nutrients ROne Calorie is equal to 1000 calories, or 1 kilocalorie RBiochemists classify nutrients into six groups R4 Organic-Contains Carbon RCarbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, Vitamins R2 Inorganic-No Carbon RMinerals & Water RChemical substances necessary for organisms to grow and function properly are called Nutrients ROne Calorie is equal to 1000 calories, or 1 kilocalorie RBiochemists classify nutrients into six groups R4 Organic-Contains Carbon RCarbohydrates, Proteins, Lipids, Vitamins R2 Inorganic-No Carbon RMinerals & Water

4 38.1 Nutrients RCarbohydrates-Broken down in aerobic respiration for majority of your body’s energy RSugars that are quickly converted into ATP RThese sugars can be absorbed directly into the bloodstream and are quickly available for respiration RCarbohydrates-Broken down in aerobic respiration for majority of your body’s energy RSugars that are quickly converted into ATP RThese sugars can be absorbed directly into the bloodstream and are quickly available for respiration

5 38.1 Nutrients RProteins- The major structural and functional material of body cells RLong chains of Amino Acids that help our body build and repair itself when eaten RVegetarians who do not eat animal products get their proteins by eating combinations of two or more plant products or by combining seeds or grains with legumes (Peas,Beans) RProteins- The major structural and functional material of body cells RLong chains of Amino Acids that help our body build and repair itself when eaten RVegetarians who do not eat animal products get their proteins by eating combinations of two or more plant products or by combining seeds or grains with legumes (Peas,Beans)

6 38.1 Nutrients RLipids- Fats that are made from carbohydrates and used to store energy RTo use fats, the body has to break it down- back into carbohydrates RSaturated- all single bonds (Animal) RUnsaturated- Some double bonds in the chain (Most Plant) RLipids- Fats that are made from carbohydrates and used to store energy RTo use fats, the body has to break it down- back into carbohydrates RSaturated- all single bonds (Animal) RUnsaturated- Some double bonds in the chain (Most Plant)

7 38.1 Nutrients RVitamins- Complex organic molecules that serve as coenzymes RThe body cannot make vitamins so including them in your diet is vital RMinerals- inorganic molecule required for normal functioning of the body RExample-Iron is needed for the formation of the protein hemoglobin in red blood cells RExcess minerals are excreted in sweat and urine RVitamins- Complex organic molecules that serve as coenzymes RThe body cannot make vitamins so including them in your diet is vital RMinerals- inorganic molecule required for normal functioning of the body RExample-Iron is needed for the formation of the protein hemoglobin in red blood cells RExcess minerals are excreted in sweat and urine

8 38.1 Nutrients RWater accounts for over 50% of your body weight RNeeded for most reactions in body RCarries nutrients in blood RMedium in which waste is dissolved and removed from body RHelps regulate body temperature RWhen the cell has lost so much water it cannot function is has reached Dehydration RWater accounts for over 50% of your body weight RNeeded for most reactions in body RCarries nutrients in blood RMedium in which waste is dissolved and removed from body RHelps regulate body temperature RWhen the cell has lost so much water it cannot function is has reached Dehydration

9 Pg 977 1-5

10 38-2 Digestive System RDigestion is the process of breaking down food into smaller useable molecules RThis process occurs in the Gastrointestinal tract which starts at the mouth and ends at the anus RYour mouth uses mechanical digestions to break down food to increase surface area RSalavary glands in the mouth produce water, mucus and an enzyme Amylase which softens and lubricates food RDigestion is the process of breaking down food into smaller useable molecules RThis process occurs in the Gastrointestinal tract which starts at the mouth and ends at the anus RYour mouth uses mechanical digestions to break down food to increase surface area RSalavary glands in the mouth produce water, mucus and an enzyme Amylase which softens and lubricates food

11 38-2 Digestive System ROnce food is swallowed it goes down the Esophagus once it passes the Epiglottis RThe food moves down the throat through a series of rhythmic muscular contractions and relaxations called Peristalsis ROnce food is swallowed it goes down the Esophagus once it passes the Epiglottis RThe food moves down the throat through a series of rhythmic muscular contractions and relaxations called Peristalsis

12 38-2 Digestive System RThe Stomach does both chemical and mechanical digestion once the food goes down the esophagus RThe stomach is lined with Gastric pits in its epithelial cells that produce mucus, digestive enzymes, and hydrochloric acid RThe Stomach does both chemical and mechanical digestion once the food goes down the esophagus RThe stomach is lined with Gastric pits in its epithelial cells that produce mucus, digestive enzymes, and hydrochloric acid

13 38-2 Digestive System RGastric fluid called Pepsin carries out chemical digestion in the stomach ROnce pepsin is mixed with food it creates a paste called Chyme which is forced through a Sphincter into the small intestine RTo help digestion, the Liver produces bile that aids in digestion of fats RThe bile is stored in the Gallbladder and release into the small intestine RIn the Pancreas, a digestive enzyme that mixes with chyme in the small intestine is called Pancreatic fluid RGastric fluid called Pepsin carries out chemical digestion in the stomach ROnce pepsin is mixed with food it creates a paste called Chyme which is forced through a Sphincter into the small intestine RTo help digestion, the Liver produces bile that aids in digestion of fats RThe bile is stored in the Gallbladder and release into the small intestine RIn the Pancreas, a digestive enzyme that mixes with chyme in the small intestine is called Pancreatic fluid

14 38-2 Digestive System RThe small intestine which follows the stomach in the digestive system at full length is 7m RMost absorption of nutrients into the circulatory system occurs here RIt is composed of 3 parts RDuodenum-First coiled section-25cm RJujunum- Second section-2.5m RIleum- Last section-4m RThe small intestine is covered in projections to increase surface area called Villi, in which have smaller projections called Microvilli RThe small intestine which follows the stomach in the digestive system at full length is 7m RMost absorption of nutrients into the circulatory system occurs here RIt is composed of 3 parts RDuodenum-First coiled section-25cm RJujunum- Second section-2.5m RIleum- Last section-4m RThe small intestine is covered in projections to increase surface area called Villi, in which have smaller projections called Microvilli

15 Villi with Microvilli

16 38-2 Digestive System RFollowing Peristalsis through the small intestine the remaining nutrients go to the Large intestine or Colon RPg 984 (1-5) RFollowing Peristalsis through the small intestine the remaining nutrients go to the Large intestine or Colon RPg 984 (1-5)

17 38-3 Urinary System RThe process of removing metabolic wastes is called Excretion, and is vital to keep the body at homeostasis RThe two main byproducts of our body are Carbon Dioxide which is excreted in the lungs and nitrogenous waste which is eliminated by the Kidneys RThe kidneys have 2 parts RInnermost part 2/3-Medulla ROutermost part 1/3-Cortex RThe process of removing metabolic wastes is called Excretion, and is vital to keep the body at homeostasis RThe two main byproducts of our body are Carbon Dioxide which is excreted in the lungs and nitrogenous waste which is eliminated by the Kidneys RThe kidneys have 2 parts RInnermost part 2/3-Medulla ROutermost part 1/3-Cortex


19 38-3 Urinary System RThe functional structures in the kidneys are called Nephrons, which remove urea and ammonia in the form of Urine RWhen the blood enters in the renal artery, it goes inside of a structure called Bowman’s Capsule, that has a bed of capillaries called the Glomerulus RThe functional structures in the kidneys are called Nephrons, which remove urea and ammonia in the form of Urine RWhen the blood enters in the renal artery, it goes inside of a structure called Bowman’s Capsule, that has a bed of capillaries called the Glomerulus

20 Got it?

21 38-3 Urinary System RMaterials from the blood are forced out of the glomerulus and into the Bowman’s capsule during a process called Filtration RWhen the substances are removed they go down the Loop of Henle on the way out RThe substances that the body doesn’t want to be removed are Reabsorbed in this loop RMaterials from the blood are forced out of the glomerulus and into the Bowman’s capsule during a process called Filtration RWhen the substances are removed they go down the Loop of Henle on the way out RThe substances that the body doesn’t want to be removed are Reabsorbed in this loop

22 38-3 Urinary System RThe fluid removed in the kidneys goes to the Urinary Bladder by a narrow tube called the Ureter RMuscular contractions squeeze the bladder to force the urine out of a tube called the Urethra RThe skin, and lungs also excrete toxins check Table 49-4 RThe fluid removed in the kidneys goes to the Urinary Bladder by a narrow tube called the Ureter RMuscular contractions squeeze the bladder to force the urine out of a tube called the Urethra RThe skin, and lungs also excrete toxins check Table 49-4

23 Can you Draw this on a test?

24 Questions RPg 989-(1-5) Study for test  wed RPg 989-(1-5) Study for test  wed

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