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Software Systems for Instruction and Learning Slavi Stoyanov.

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Presentation on theme: "Software Systems for Instruction and Learning Slavi Stoyanov."— Presentation transcript:

1 Software Systems for Instruction and Learning Slavi Stoyanov

2 Performance Support Systems Introduction Demonstration –Designer Edge –Adapt-It –SMILE –Decision Explorer –Concept System –Mind Mapping

3 Designer’s Edge

4 Adapt-it

5 SMILE Maker

6 Decision Explorer (1)

7 Decision Explorer (2)

8 Concept System (1)




12 Concept System (2)

13 Pattern matching

14 Concept System 3

15 Concept System 4

16 EPSS for higher education Focus on active learning Acquisition and application of skills The immense power of technology in addressing instructional issues Appropriate representation and filtering of learning resources Integrative approach for operationalizing performance support

17 Performance Defining a set of authentic problems and constituting tasks related to a specific working environment Shifting the focus from the lower levels of the learning taxonomy such as knowledge and understanding, towards its higher levels such as solving real-world problems Applying adequate summative performance- oriented assessment methods.

18 Support Designing a sequence of easy-to-complex tasks Creating opportunities for deliberate practicing these tasks Gradually diminishing the amount of support (scaffolding) Providing variety of instructional stimuli (resources) Allowing constant access to learning resources Giving formative performance feedback Adapting instruction to level of knowledge and learning style of students.

19 System Using recent developments of information and communication technologies (ICT) Performance support should be embedded into the interface and functionality of the application System depends on how comprehensively performance and support are defined and how well they are operationalized in the architecture and the interface of a system

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