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Incorporating the Determinants of Health and Concepts of Community into Nursing Practice: A Collaborative Approach Kerre Willsher, Lecturer, Nursing and.

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Presentation on theme: "Incorporating the Determinants of Health and Concepts of Community into Nursing Practice: A Collaborative Approach Kerre Willsher, Lecturer, Nursing and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Incorporating the Determinants of Health and Concepts of Community into Nursing Practice: A Collaborative Approach Kerre Willsher, Lecturer, Nursing and Rural Health Unit, Whyalla campus University of South Australia

2 Aims and Rationale It is essential for undergraduate nursing students to demonstrate an understanding of community profiles and to gain an appreciation of the concepts of healthy communities in order to provide health promotion. The aim was to enhance the undergraduate nursing student’s understanding of their role and contribution within the interdisciplinary health care team to improve health care outcomes

3 What are the determinants of health? Socioeconomic Cultural Ecological Education Equity of Access to Health Service The determinants of health lie mostly outside the health care sector therefore collaboration is required for effective health promotion (Keleher, MacDougal & Murphy, 2007)

4 What is a community profile? A full description of a community Involves active participation of community members Describes people and their resources Outlines cultural, geographic, economic, political and historical components-determinants of health Can be used to gauge health and development requirements Provides basic resources required to plan health promotion The registered nurse is part of a community and is in turn a community team member

5 eadings should be 15pt Arial Bold and in this colour To change the Major Heading at the top, go to View, Master, Slide Master to update the heading for the whole presentation. Subheadings should be 14 pt arial Page setup is 25.4cm wide x 15cm high as demonstrated here and the slide background should be white. Text starts on page at 4.5cm down and 2cm in from top left corner as shown in this example. Body text is 12 pt arial. Do not use all caps and use default spacing between paragraphs and after headings. Please do not allow text to hyphenate. All text must be left aligned- do not force justify text. if bullets are required please the basic style of bullet as shown here. If you wish to highlight a word please use bold. If you wish to put a reference or footnote in please use 10pt arial. Please refer to next page for combined picture and text template, page 4 for full page picture and page 5 for charts. Please use fade in setting and fade in slowly transition. If you want noise please use arrow setting.

6 Approaches The World Health Organization (WHO) Healthy Settings guidelines were used to emphasise assessment or profiling of communities and to identify different population groups within the chosen community Students explored their own health beliefs, those of others and investigated the determinants of health. Online group discussion was used to communicate and debate findings The collaborative role of the registered nurse in regard to health promotion was identified A written report profiling the community was required

7 Findings Assessments: revealed that the online environment had encouraged problem solving. The students demonstrated heightened awareness of the issues of equity and access and of partnership and collaboration in health care. A problem solving approach was used to assess community awareness and offer viable solutions The Student Evaluation of Teaching and Course Evaluation Instrument showed high levels of satisfaction with the course and resources

8 Benefits to the Community The nursing students demonstrated heightened awareness of community capacity, understanding of rural communities and of their own role in the development and maintenance of healthy communities leading to the future Registered Nurse developing community partnerships and shared strategies for health promotion and policy development


10 Reference List Keleher, H., MacDougal, C., & Murphy, B. (2007). Understanding health promotion. Sydney: Oxford University Press. Mt Laura Homestead Museum Photo Collection University of South Australia, Whyalla campus Photo collection Faculty of Health Science, University of Sydney. (2004). World Health Organisation Healthy Settings and Environment, Mission Statement (2005). Retrieved April 27 th, 2008 from

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