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Besides his “Mullet”, name one accomplishment of James Polk’s presidency.

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2 Besides his “Mullet”, name one accomplishment of James Polk’s presidency.

3 What is Manifest Destiny? How did the Mexican War demonstrate that this was “official” government policy of the Polk administration?

4 Chapter 13.4 Today’s Target(s): Explain the impact of the California Gold Rush

5 The blue jean.... What does this have to do with Manifest Destiny and westward expansion? Read “Now & Then” page 398 Levi’s Blue Jeans (previous edition) And now for something completely different...

6 Read, “Rush for Gold” page 439 “My eye was caught by a glimpse of something shining... I reached my hand down and picked it up; my heart thumped for I felt certain it was gold.” James Marshall, 1848 Sutter’s Mill, California  Why was gold valued?  How did people get to California? Wagon train Sailing around South America Crossing the isthmus of Panama

7 GOLD! At Sutter’s Mill, 1848 John A. Sutter

8 California Gold Rush, 1849 49er’s

9 Two Views of San Francisco, Early 1850s  By 1860, almost 300,000 people had traveled the Oregon & California Trails to the Pacific coast.

10 San Francisco, today

11 The California Gold Rush Causes California Gold rush Effects Discovery of Gold near the American River the California Gold Rush rapid population growth attracted people from all over the world San Francisco & Sacramento grew into commercial centers many Californios & Native Americans suffered Thousands of jobs California quickly applied for statehood

12 Which isMost significant effect: Why ? Supporting reasons: a. b. c. rapid population growth attracted people from all over the world San Francisco & Sacramento grew into commercial centers many Californios & Native Americans suffered California quickly applied for statehood

13 How did the California gold rush create major Problems between Northern free states and Southern slave states? Drawing conclusions: resulted in California’s early application for statehood. Caused an imbalance between free and slave states. Free states would gain a one-state advantage. The real impact was the economic boom that resulted because of all the jobs that were created. View Story of US – California Gold Rush & beyond

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