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RULES 1)Do not have to answer in “Who is” and “What is” form 2)You will have 25 seconds to answer each question; 30 seconds to answer Final Jeopardy question.

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Presentation on theme: "RULES 1)Do not have to answer in “Who is” and “What is” form 2)You will have 25 seconds to answer each question; 30 seconds to answer Final Jeopardy question."— Presentation transcript:


2 RULES 1)Do not have to answer in “Who is” and “What is” form 2)You will have 25 seconds to answer each question; 30 seconds to answer Final Jeopardy question 3)When you answer a question incorrectly, no points will be deducted or rewarded; however, another team is allowed to steal 4)Judges: Kristen and Christian Time: Vannesa Score: Hillary 5)WINNER GETS A SURPRISE!!!



5 With Host... Your

6 100 200 300 400 500 Clinical Psychology Forensic Psychology School Counseling IO Psychology Psych @ UCI

7 How much does a clinical psychologist make per year? A 100

8 Approximately $64,600 per year* A 100

9 True or False: There are more male clinical psychologists. A 200

10 FALSE A 200

11 How many years of schooling does it take to become a clinical psychologist? A 300

12 Average of 6 years post baccalaureate A 300

13 The highest employment of clinical psychologists is in which 3 states? A 400

14 1)California 2) New York 3) Pennsylvania A 400

15 What does a clinical psychologist do? A 500

16 Work in hospitals, private practice or academic settings and can specialize in treating psychological disorders, research cures and treatment, or teach at a universty A 500

17 B 100 When was forensic psychology officially recognized as a specialty by the American Psychological Association?

18 It was recognized officially in 2001, however, its roots date back to the 19 th century. B 100

19 What are the requirements to become a forensic psychologist? B 200

20 1)Bachelor’s Degree 2) Ph.D. or Psy.D. program in clinical psychology or forensic psychology B 200

21 What is forensic psychology? B 300

22 The intersection of psychology and the law B 300

23 What are some of the functions typically performed within forensic psychology that are not performed by other psychologists? B 400

24 1)Competency evaluations 2)Sentencing recommendations 3) Evaluations of the risks of reoffending 4) Testimony as an expert witness 5) Child custody evaluations B 400

25 What is the expected salary for a forensic psychologist employed in the local or state governments? B 500

26 Average for employment in local/state government: $63,000 FYI: Starting salary: Average $52,000 5 – 8 years experience: $55,000-65,000 15 years: Median $70,000 B 500

27 What does a school counselor do? C 100

28 School counselors help students develop social skills succeed in school. They meet with students and parents to discuss students’ progress towards their goals. C 100

29 What is the typical work environment for these psychologists? C 200

30 Both private and public schools and universities. C 200

31 What is the median annual wage of school and career counselors? C 300

32 Approximately $53,380* About $25.67 per hours C 300 * As of May 2010


34 What percentage is the employment of school and career counselors expected to grow from now to 2020? C 400

35 19%; about as fast as the average of all occupations C 400

36 What is the average a school counselor can make at a college, university, or professional school? (state, local and private level) C 500

37 Approximately $44,000 - $45,000 C 500

38 How much does an industrial organizational psychologist make? D 100

39 The average is approximately $85,000 D 100

40 What types of schooling do you need in order to become an IO psychologist? D 200

41 1)Obtain Bachelor’s Degree (4 years) 2) Complete Master’s Program in IO Psychology (2-3 years) 3) Complete Doctoral Program in IO Psychology (4-5 years) D 200

42 What do Industrial Organizational Psychologists do? D 300

43 1)Apply principles of psychology to human resources, administration, management, sales, and marketing problems 2) Focuses on the individuals and his relationship to the workplace 3) Focuses on the organization and workplace as a whole D 300

44 What percentage is the employment of IO psychologists expected to grow from now to 2018? D 400

45 26%* D 400 According to the Labor Department’s Occupational Outlook Handbook

46 What are the three states with the highest employment of IO psychologists? D 500

47 1) Massachusetts 2) California 3) Minnesota * D 500 *According to Bureau of Labor Statistics

48 What are the two different majors offered at UCI that pertain to Psychology? And what are the differences between the two? E 100

49 Psychology and Social Behavior and Cognitive Sciences. E 100

50 Which program on campus has undergraduate students train with mental health professionals from the Counseling Center? These undergrads will eventually have clients of their own, whom are other current UCI students. E 200

51 C.O.A.C.H Creating Options and Conquering Hurdles E 200

52 Which program on campus is focused on addressing the problem of rape and sexual assault and hires only male peer educators? E 300

53 C.H.A.M.P.S (Challenging All Men to Prevent Sexism) E 300

54 How many free counseling sessions can you receive at the Counseling Center? E 400

55 8 free sessions (individual therapy or couple therapy) in one academic year. There is no limit to group therapy sessions. E 400

56 What programs (that are student led) are associated with the Counseling Center? E 500

57 1)Peer Educator Program 2)C.O.A.C.H Program 3)LGBT Mentoring Program E 500


59 The Final Jeopardy Category is: PSA BOARD Click on screen to begin

60 What are the names of the PSA Board Members and what are their positions? Click on screen to continue

61 Hillary – President Kristen – Vice President Anneji – Treasurer Melissa – Secretary/Webmaster Jessica – Community Service Chair Christian – Social Chair Vannesa – Fundraising Chair Jesse – Publicity Chair Click on screen to continue

62 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy! Game Designed By C. Harr-MAIT

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