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Pelbagai isu Week 14.

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1 Pelbagai isu Week 14

2 Isu semasa dalam kaunseling - 1
Kaunseling kanak-kanak dan remaja Kaunseling Kerjaya Kaunseling Keluarga Kaunseling Pasangan Intervensi dalam kaunseling Intervensi krisis

3 Isu semasa dalam kaunseling - 2
Isu gender Internet Dadah Pengujian dan Pengukuran Penilaian dan Pemyelidikan

4 Gender Ramai pembimbing adalah wanita Pengguna juga wanita
Perkhidmatan ala ‘kewanitaan’ Kenapa kurang lelaki jadi pembimbing? Kenapa kurang lelaki jadi klien?

5 kepenggunaan Kaunseling masih belum diterima secara positif
Penasihatan lebih popular Satu isu universal Isu stigma masih wujud Mempelbagaikan kaedah menolong

6 Rujukan Bila perlu buat rujukan Kepada siapa Mendapatkan persetujuan
Pihak ketiga – sejauhmana maklumat dilapor atau dikongsi

7 Wajib Perlu vs. wajib Sukarela vs. paksaan Menilai keberkesanan

8 Ujian dan pengukuran Ujian apa bagi mengukur apa Klien yang perlu?
Kemahiran pembimbing - interpretasi Boleh tanpa ujian?

9 Silang budaya Semua individu membawa budaya mereka sendiri
Memahami budaya orang lain adalah mencabar Melihat keindividuan yang berbeza sangat penting

10 Counseling in Mental Health
Diversity Issues Mental health counseling embraces all aspects of diversity. Training programs have a multicultural component and train mental health counselor to be culturally sensitive. Culture must be considered in all phases of counseling.

11 Counseling Special Populations
Multicultural Counseling Practices Assessment Perspectives: Are assessment tools culturally sensitive and appropriate? Culturally-Specific Inventories: It is important to assess clients from their own frame of reference. Clinical Research Issues: Most theories and assessment instruments were developed with white, middle class subjects as models.

12 Teknologi Isu kepenggunaan – kos, gender
Menarik sebahagian jenis klien Kaunseling vs penasihatan Isu etika – kerahsiaan Informed consent perlu jelas

13 Keberkesanan Isu samada klein dapat manfaat
Mengubahsuai manusia perlukan masa Elemen luaran saling bertindakbalas

14 Isu pelbagai budaya Menolong berteraskan latar belakang klien
Kaunseling pelbagai budaya

15 Current Trends in Counseling
Postmodern Trends Conceptualizes the self to include: interpersonal, systemic, and sociocultural forces. Psychological problems are seen from a phenomenological perspective. Process is emphasized over content.

16 Current Trends in Counseling
Postmodern Trends (continued) Contextual/relational perspectives are emphasized. Goal setting and intervention comes after exploration of the client’s story and narrative. The counseling relationship is collaborative. Research and evaluation are mostly qualitative.

17 Current Trends in Counseling
Counseling and the Internet Helps counselors communicate with clients but also adds an element of risk regarding confidentiality. Chat Rooms: Self-help groups can be conducted in this manner and clients can share information. Web-Sites: Information can be disseminated to larger numbers of people.

18 Cyber Counseling Counseling and the Internet (continued)
Search Engines: Can help counselors and client’s locate information on the internet. WebRings: These facilitate interdisciplinary communication between laypeople and professionals. Online Communities: Allow many internet users with similar interests to interact.

19 Current Trends in Counseling
Counseling and the Internet (continued) Scholarly Publications: Journals and newsletters can be accessed online to aid the counselor in his or her work. Education and Training: Colleges and Universities offer online classes and continuing education opportunities online. “Copyright © Allyn & Bacon 2004”

20 Current Trends in Counseling
Diversity Issues Counselors and counselor education programs are working diligently to become more sensitive to cultural and diversity issues in counseling. Diversity includes but is not limited to: Culture, gender, individuals with disabilities, and spirituality. It has been recognized that many of the traditional therapies are based on research done with white, male, middle-class individuals and may not apply as well to diverse groups.

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