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Module Code : AURH453 Management Principles Assessment Number 1 (a) Nature of Industry In the form of an illustrated written report Weighting : (part)

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Presentation on theme: "Module Code : AURH453 Management Principles Assessment Number 1 (a) Nature of Industry In the form of an illustrated written report Weighting : (part)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Module Code : AURH453 Management Principles Assessment Number 1 (a) Nature of Industry In the form of an illustrated written report Weighting : (part) 80% (as a percentage of the overall assessment) Date of issue : To be submitted by: Scenario : The purpose of this assignment is to explain the nature of the construction and property industries and the central role they play in society Tasks; The publication of the Lathan and the Egan reports in the 1990’s had a significant impact on the construction industry. Discuss these impacts, the resultant game changers and the challenges the industry still faces. Within the above, include maximum use of explaining your employers contribution within the industry, but extend such explanation to relate to the overall contribution of either the Civil Engineering sector or the building construction and maintenance sector. Include relevant examples of good practice and or projects which demonstrate the central role they play in society. Complete this with a conclusion to your argument. Aim for an approximate word count of 700 Signed: Date: Tutor S igned: Date: IV pre-issue Signed: Date: IV post-assessment Please turn over for submission instructions and authenticity statement …….. Student name: ………………………………………….…. Course of study: (Please tick)  HNC Building Studies  HNC Civil Engineering tutor Louise Duff

2 Module Code : AURH453 Management Principles Assessment Number 1 (b) Construction Processes In the form of an illustrated written report Weighting : (part) 80% (as a percentage of the overall assessment) Date of issue : 15 th September, 2014. To be submitted by: Scenario : The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate understanding of the construction process and the inter relationship between the key members of the construction team. Tasks; Describe your involvement within the construction process Preferably taking your own role with your employer as a basis; Create a mission statement that you believe best describes your current employer. Describe : The organisational structure – using a relevant diagram form to indicate both lines of authority and lateral working relationships, with simple job descriptions of the roles noted in the structure. Working relationships within that structure and any direct associations to professional bodies. For those who believe their employer cannot provide a suitable platform for such discussion, please discuss with me to appraise an alternative. Aim for an approximate word count of 700 Signed: Date: Tutor S igned: Date: IV pre-issue Signed: Date: IV post-assessment Please turn over for submission instructions and authenticity statement …….. Student name: ………………………………………….…. Course of study: (Please tick)  HNC Building Studies  HNC Civil Engineering tutor Louise Duff

3 Module Code : AURH453 Management Principles Assessment Number 1 (c) Current Issues In the form of an illustrated written report Weighting : (part) 80% (as a percentage of the overall assessment) Date of issue : 2 nd March 2015 To be submitted by: 20 th April 2015 Scenario : The purpose of this assignment is to recognise current issues in construction and describe alternative strategies to achieve required outcomes. Tasks; For either (not both) of the following topics: a)Building Information Modelling b)Sustainability/ Zero Carbon building Discuss the current impact on the construction industry and the endeavours employed to maintain competitiveness. For (a), It is suggested that the implementation of BIM provides greater clarify for all stakeholders across the project lifecycle. Suggest ways in which BIM may expand traditional boundaries to provide effective and innovative solutions and how it may help to increase profit margins through varying economic climates. For (b), Suggest how utilisation and reuse of resources, reduction of wastage and improvements in techniques can not only enhance the image of the industry but also increase competitiveness. Show how ‘best practice’ and ‘benchmarking’ may be used to direct the construction industry towards making greater contributions within more sustainable practice. Either of the above may be approached from the perspective of your own employment, or more globally in terms of the entire industry. Aim for an approximate word count of 700 Signed: Date: Tutor S igned: Date: IV pre-issue Signed: Date: IV post-assessment Please turn over for submission instructions and authenticity statement …….. Student name: ………………………………………….…. Course of study: (Please tick)  HNC Building Studies  HNC Civil Engineering tutor

4 Module Code : AURH453 Management Principles Assessment Number 1 (d) Planning Weighting : (part) 80% (as a percentage of the overall assessment) Date of issue : 2 nd March 2015 To be submitted by: 27 th April 2015 Scenario : The purpose of this assignment is to demonstrate the application of planning and monitoring techniques for an agreed construction project. Tasks; A case study / project to be agreed with the tutor will be used as the basis for this assignment. Produce: a)A method statement b)A Gantt chart c)A critical path analysis or precedence diagram (or both) d)An indication of cash flow forecasting e)Suitable monitoring techniques to include for plant, labour and materials, quality, risk and health and safety. f)Describe the common procurements methods available and discuss how these methods can give flexibility to client and contractor. Access to relevant pro-formas and software will be provided within lectures and may be accepted as suitable for your application however, where employer or personal preferences suggest alternatives, these may be accepted providing pre- approval is negotiated. Aim for an approximate word count of 1000 or equivalent. Signed: Date: Tutor S igned: Date: IV pre-issue Signed: Date: IV post-assessment Please turn over for submission instructions and authenticity statement …….. Student name: ………………………………………….…. Course of study: (Please tick)  HNC Building Studies  HNC Civil Engineering tutor

5 Module Code : AURH453 Management Principles Assessment Number 2 – Viva Presentation Weighting : 20% Date of issue : 9 th March 2015 To be submitted by: 27 th April 2015 Tasks; During the development of the module, you have produced project management documentation which has reflected upon many issues such as contract procurement, human resources, supervision, risk, etc. Within a presented discussion of the case study, highlight the factors that you believe combine to produce effective construction management methods, techniques and strategies using material that you have produced from aspects of Assignment 1. Signed: Date: Tutor S igned: Date: IV pre-issue Signed: Date: IV post-assessment Student name: ………………………………………….…. Course of study: (Please tick)  HNC Building Studies  HNC Civil Engineering tutor

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