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Awards Overview Dr Christine Brown, Academic Development Unit.

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3 Awards Overview Dr Christine Brown, Academic Development Unit

4 Scope Kinds of awards Criteria that shape them What goes into the applications Career benefits Being prepared…

5 Kinds of Awards Those internal to UOW – the OCTALS The Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC) awards The Australian College of Educators Peer Awards

6 Kinds of Awards The UOW “OCTALS” –Faculty and Early Career Awards –General Staff Award –Sessional Tutor/Demonstrator Award ALTC Teaching Awards –Citations –Teaching Excellence Awards –Program Awards

7 Criteria shape your applications 1.Approaches to teaching and/or to learning support that influence, motivate and inspire students to learn 2. Development of curricula, resources and/or services that reflect a command of the field 3. Approaches to assessment, feedback and/or learning support that foster independent learning 4. Respect and support for the development of students as individuals 5. Scholarly activities and/or service innovations that have influenced and enhanced learning and teaching “A” at UOW Or ALTC Teaching

8 Criteria shape your applications 1.Distinctiveness, coherence and clarity of purpose 2.Influence on student learning and student engagement 3.Breadth of impact 4.Concern for equity and diversity “B” at UOW Or ALTC Program

9 Criteria shape your applications 1.Approaches to teaching that influence, motivate and inspire students to learn. 2.Respect and support for the development of students as individuals. 3.Demonstrated reflective practice and development of teaching informed by feedback form a variety of sources. “A” Sessional at UOW

10 What goes into the applications Your CV A statement addressing the criteria Evidence (student surveys etc) Head of School or Subject Coordinator Report Two references Support material… let’s look at the comparison…

11 Career Benefits You can ‘take’ time to reflect and document what you and your students have achieved You are likely to need this material for probation/promotion or other job applications You learn to articulate your practice The effort expended often unfolds some gems for publishing or sharing at conferences Great ideas can emerge for L&T grants And… you meet others who are passionate about your wellbeing and student learning…

12 Being prepared Gather evidence from multiple sources Become familiar with the criteria to identify your strengths Consider contacts for references and talk with your Head of School… Keep your CV up to date youpeers Student reaction Student outcomes

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