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Mark’s Portrait of Jesus: The Hidden Messiah and Eschatological Judge ©McGraw-Hill Higher Education.

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Presentation on theme: "Mark’s Portrait of Jesus: The Hidden Messiah and Eschatological Judge ©McGraw-Hill Higher Education."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mark’s Portrait of Jesus: The Hidden Messiah and Eschatological Judge ©McGraw-Hill Higher Education

2  Mark the earliest gospel  Portrays Jesus as “hidden Messiah”  Jesus’ role: to serve, suffer, and die  One year ministry, journey from Galilee to Jerusalem ©McGraw-Hill Higher Education

3  Author of Mark not an eyewitness  May derive from variety of oral sources, especially Peter  Dual emphasis on discipleship and suffering to empathize with his readers who are suffering after the failed Jewish Revolution in 65 AD ©McGraw-Hill Higher Education

4  Fits well with situation of persecuted Christians in Rome under Nero ca. 64-65 C.E.  Palestine also possible place of origin  Mark’s puzzling attitude toward Jesus’ close associates  The disciples are ignorant or spiritually weak  Mark wants to separate himself from the Jerusalem church leadership ©McGraw-Hill Higher Education

5  Bipolar structure  First half of Gospel centered in Galilee  Second half focuses on Jesus in Jerusalem  Prelude to Jesus’ public ministry (1:1-13)  States Jesus as “Christ” and “Son of God”  John the Baptist proclaims and baptizes  Jesus’ sojourn in the wilderness to confront Satan ©McGraw-Hill Higher Education

6  Mark as apocalypse  Jesus is the “Son of Man” as a earthly figure, servant, and an eschatological judge  Teaching the mysteries of the kingdom through…  Parables  4:1-9, 4:21-25, 4:3034  Jesus and demons  5:1-20, 9:14-29, 38-41  Jesus the healer… but with conflict  2:1-12, 2:13-17, 2:19-22, 2:25-28, 3:1-6 ©McGraw-Hill Higher Education

7  Mark’s use of literary techniques  Framing or two fold (intercalation)– one story in another  Three fold pattern  Mark’s ironic vision  Failure to recognize Jesus by those who could benefit the most  Willingness of nature and demons to obey Jesus ©McGraw-Hill Higher Education

8  Chapter 8 the center of the Gospel  Peter’s confession of Jesus as the Christ  Jesus’ predictions that he must suffer and die  Read and compare the three predictions  8:31 9:31-32 10:32-34  Addresses suffering of Roman Christian readers of Mark  Divinity of Jesus – Transfiguration 9:2-13  Who is Elijah? Who is Moses? Figures symbolize….  Chapter 10  Marriage and Divorce, Children, Rich Dude,  Blind man Compare and contrast  Mark 8:22-26 to 10:46-52 ©McGraw-Hill Higher Education

9  The triumphal entry  Riding into the city, fulfill prophecy, symbolic actions point to His messiahship  Focus on the Temple 11:1-33  Tables of the money changers, pronouncement of judgment, unproductive fig tree  Confrontations at the Temple 12:1-44  Pharisees over taxes  Sadducees over resurrection  Jesus’ prophecy of the Temple’s fall ©McGraw-Hill Higher Education

10  Longest speech by Jesus in Mark  Predicts destruction of the Temple  Predicts coming of heavenly Son of Man  Seeming contradictory views on the End  The “abomination”  Refers to Daniel 9, 11, and 12  Refers to the Zealots occupation of the Temple during the revolt of 68-70 A.D. ©McGraw-Hill Higher Education

11  Last Supper as a Passover meal  Passover preparation and feast Ch. 14:1-31  Jesus’ new interpretation  Bread as Jesus’ body  Wine as Jesus’ “blood of the [New] Covenant, shed for many” (14:24) ©McGraw-Hill Higher Education

12  Irony: Jesus’ seeming defeat and actual victory  Jesus suffering, praying and abandoned in the Garden of Gethsemane 14:32 -52  Peter denies knowing Jesus 14:53 - 72  Jesus admits his messiahship before the council because of failure in the trial system  Jesus before Pilate: Jesus as “king of the Jews” and is convicted 15:1-15 ©McGraw-Hill Higher Education

13  Pilate releases Barabbas; crucifies Jesus  Jesus’ crucifixion among “revolutionaries”  Specific with times of the day  Veil torn…. What veil???  Irony in Mark’s portrayal of the Crucifixion  Jesus’ suffering and calling out “My God, my God…”  Which Psalm is this????  Loud cry and breathed his last  Centurion –“Truly, this man was the Son of God”  Jesus’ burial 15:42-47  Very specific with names and places  Joseph of Arimathea ©McGraw-Hill Higher Education

14  Women discover Jesus’ empty tomb  Who is this young man?  Women bewildered over the empty tomb  Original ending of Mark at 16:8  Mark’s inconclusiveness: Resurrection or Parousia? ©McGraw-Hill Higher Education

15  Met Mary Magdalene, appearance to two others in the country  Commission of the 11  Proclaim gospel and baptize  Sign – drive out demons, speak in new languages, pick up snakes and drink poison without being hurt, and lay hands on the sick.  *** All of these are recorded in Acts of the Apostles  Ascension ©McGraw-Hill Higher Education

16  Mark focuses on Jesus’ deeds rather than his teachings  Jesus deeds as evidence that God’s rule has arrived; Satan defeated  Context of Roman persecution of Christians and the end of the Temple cult of Jews  Jesus as eschatological Son of Man  Jesus messiahship: his servanthood, rejection, death ©McGraw-Hill Higher Education

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