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WEL-COME All Seed are grain but all grain are not Seed.

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1 WEL-COME All Seed are grain but all grain are not Seed

2 Seed Production Technique of Cole crops Submitted by: Santosh pathak Roll no: HRT-07M-2015 Department of Horticulture AFU, Rampur Submitted by: Santosh pathak Roll no: HRT-07M-2015 Department of Horticulture AFU, Rampur

3 Introduction  Seed is a fertilized ovule consisting intact embryo, stored food and seed coat which is viable and has got the capacity to germinate.  Seed materials includes tubers, seedling, bulbs, rhizomes, roots and stem cuttings, all kinds of grafting etc.  Seed production, specialized job and their culture requires more detailed attention and handling as compared of field crops.  Cole crops consists of Cauliflower, Cabbage, Sprouting broccoli, Knol-khol, Brussel sprouts, kale, Chinese cabbage etc.

4 Contin……  The area, production and yield of vegetable in Nepal is given in table 1. (VDD, 2069/70) Seed production status of Nepal (VDD, 2069/70) Table 2: Crops Area (ha) Production (MT) Yield (kg/ha) Vegetable 254932 3421035 13420 Potato 205725 2817512.2 13695.5 Government production 7.83 MT Private Production 1044.9 MT Total 1052.73 MT Seed Requirement 2114 MT

5 Breeding behaviour  Cole crops are highly cross pollinated. The percentage of cross pollination varies with the type of crops i.e. i) Broccoli-95% ii) Cabbage-73%, iii) Cauliflower-70%  Characterized by both self-incompatibility and protogyny.

6 Seed Production of Cole crops Climate:  They prefer cool and somewhat humid weather and perform best under the conditions of high relative humidity.  Av. Chilling temperature is 7ºC for 1-2 month.  Optimum monthly Av. temperature is 15-20ºC for cauliflower. Soil:  Abundance of humus, Organic matter.  loamy soil with pH of 6-7 is the best for cultivation of cucurbits.  The field should be free from volunteer plants with good texture, fertile and well drained.

7 Suitable area for seed production  Mid hills (1000-1400 m) is the best place for seed production.  The seed production of cole crops can be done in Nepal from Terai to high hilly region (VDD, 1990).  Variety selection and adjustment in sowing time should be considered.  Dhankuta, Mustang, Jumla, Rukum, Kathmandu, Lalitpur, Dadeldhura, Dolpa, Palpa and Kavre are the major centre for seed production in Nepal.

8 Contin……… Field standards: Table 3 Isolation distance: 1600 m Foundation, 1000m Certified Rouging:  Off-type plants and those forming poor curds or head are rouged out.  In cabbage, first rouging is done at the time of handling the mature heads and second roguing is done before the heads start bursting.  Selection of curds is done when curds are well developed in cauliflower. Crop Maximum off type plant (%) Maximum diseased plant (%) Designated diseases Cole crops FoundationCertifiedFoundationCertified Alternaria spot, Black rot 0.1 0.2 0.1 0.5

9 Cultivation practices Land Preparation Land is prepared by 4 to 5 cm deep with cross ploughing and harrowing followed by laddering. The land to be used for seed production should be free from volunteer plants. It should be well leveled and the soil suitable for cultivation of crops. Source of seed Collect the seeds of appropriate generation of seed (nucleus/breeder's/foundation) certified by seed certifying agency. Sowing Time, Seed Rate and Spacing

10 Contin……….. Seed Treatment Vitavax or Captan @2 g/kg of seed. Seedling Raising and Transplanting  Nursery bed require an area of  It will take the seed about 10 days to germinate.  Generally, 4-6 weeks old healthy seedlings are selected for transplanting in the main field.  Hardening can be done for better survival and establishment upon transplanting. Categories Dimension Length 3-4 m Breadth 1m Height 10-15 cm

11 Contin………………….  Seedlings should be thoroughly irrigated a day before uprooting for transplanting.  Transplanting of seedlings be done in the evening. Fig: Raising seedlings and transplanting

12 Contin…….. Fertilizer and their application  Depends upon soil condition, crop varieties, climatic condition, time of planting, etc.  For one ropani land in seed production (Shakya 2006) FYM-1 ton, Nitrogen-6kg, Phosphorus-5kg and Potash-4kg is desirable.  Time of application:  Full FYM + ½ N+1P+1K as basal dose  ¼ N = 1 month after at first weeding  ¼ N = during bolting stage.  For micronutrients apply Agromin, Multiplex,apply Borax @15- 20kg/ha as basal dose

13 Contin……. Weed management  Hand-hoeing is recommended for weed control.  Critical stages: Flowering stage and seed development stage.  Earthing up is quite beneficial.  Staking is essential to make the harvest easy as well as minimize the loss due to crop lodging.  Weeding and hoeing is done twice, 1st at 1 month after transplanting and 2nd at 2 month after transplanting. Irrigation  A crop after transplanting may need irrigation twice a week and later once a week.  Adequate moisture supply during flowering and seed development are necessary to obtain high yield.

14 Method of Seed Production in Cabbage  Mainly by 3 methods i.e Head to Seed, Seed to Seed method and Stump method.  Seed to seed method is mostly used for the production of market seed. Head to seed method:  Rouging and field inspection.  Fully matured true to types are uprooted and remove outer whorl of leaves.  wider spacing of 45-90 cm between the plants and 90-180cm in row.  Two cuts of 2.5-5 cm deep are given at right angles across each head so that the seed stalk may develop.

15 Conti…… Seed to seed method:  requirement for this method is high quality FS.  Rouging is done for time to time.  A shallow furrow is plouged, on each side of the row and a large ridge of soil is thrown against cabbage plant.  top is exposed.  Partially buried plant can withstand a quite low temp. and plant exposed in spring.

16 Conti…… Stump method:  The head after their formation are deheaded with the help of sharp knife.  The heads are marketed and the selected stumps are either left insitu or transplanted during autumn.  The axillary buds of the outer leaves develop and give rise to flowering stalk.  Extra income is possible from the sale of heads.

17 Method of seed production in cauliflower  Seed production is done mainly by seed to seed method.  Rouging is done after curd formation for size, quality, color etc.  The plants are then left for bolting when rouging is done again for those which show bolting form the center of the curd.  Flowered within 30-45 days.  Sometimes Scooping can be done for highly compact cultivar.  Longitudinal half cutting of the curd is important for compact cultivar, helps for bolting and early flowering.  harvesting is done in 2-3 shifts because all pods do not mature at same time.

18 Contin……. Plant Protection Insect: Cabbage Butterfly, DBMApply Metacid 50EC (1ml/l). Nuvan 100 EC 2ml/l Disease: Black legHot water seed treatment (50º C) for 30 min and spray with organomercuric chloride compound (2-3g/l of water. Disease: Downy mildewSpray 1% of Bordeaux mixture or spray Dithane M-45 Disease: Black rotSeed treatment (52ºC to 30 min) and soil drench with bleaching powder

19 Contin……. Field inspection First before emergence of curd or head, second during curd or head formation and last inspection at after flowering. Harvesting of Fruit  Pods do not ripen all at once, but rather in the same sequence of flower opening.  Harvesting is generally done when a noticeable proportion of the pods have become yellow and before older pods become dry and dehisce.  After harvesting, curing should be done for 4-5 days in a shaded place.  When the pods show sign of drying or brownish appearance, they are dried in sun.

20 Contin……  Then after threshing is done followed by grading in specified sieves for separating the under developed grains. Yield Cauliflower : 250- 400 Kg/ha Cabbage: 500-650 kg/ha

21 Thank You

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