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TABOR Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights Candidates Briefing Independence Institute Denver, CO May 25, 2016 Paul T. Prentice, Ph.D.

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Presentation on theme: "TABOR Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights Candidates Briefing Independence Institute Denver, CO May 25, 2016 Paul T. Prentice, Ph.D."— Presentation transcript:

1 TABOR Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights Candidates Briefing Independence Institute Denver, CO May 25, 2016 Paul T. Prentice, Ph.D.

2 "Rebellion to Tyrants is Obedience to God“ Great Seal Of The United States – original 1776 motto by Thomas Jefferson, Ben Franklin, and John Adams

3 Public Tyranny  “The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first.” -- Unknown (misattributed to Thomas Jefferson)

4 Burden of Government  “To secure these rights, government is instituted among men.” – Thomas Jefferson (restating John Locke)  Government, at its very, very best, has one purpose: to help protect us in our natural freedoms -- freedom of mind, freedom of speech, freedom to keep the fruits of our own labor, freedom to associate with whom we choose. It can do no more. Should it try, should it attempt to give to some what others have created, it must betray its very purpose: helping to protect us in our natural freedoms. -- Thomas Krannawitter

5 Burden of Government (cont’)  Government has no (preexisting) money. Before it can spend $1 more, it must take $1 from the private sector by taxes or debt (promise to tax in the future).  Unlike the federal government, state governments cannot print money.  “The real burden of government is spending.” – Milton Friedman  “It’s the Spending, Stupid” Independence Institute bumper sticker

6 TABOR  During the 1980s, Colorado State and Local spending increased from 14% of Gross State Product, to 18%.  This 30% increase in the burden of government left fewer resources in the hands of the people.  In 1992, the people passed the Taxpayer’s Bill of Rights as a constitutional amendment (Article X, Section 20).  This gave the people the right to (1) Set a limit on growth of overall spending, and (2) Allow them to vote if they wanted more spending.  6Qw 6Qw 6Qw


8 TABOR “Timeout” Passed in 2005  The five-year 2006-2010 TABOR Timeout due to Referendum C, allowed CO State and Local spending to rise back to a new record of 19% of Gross State Product by 2010.  This has since declined to about 17%, but is still nearly as high as pre-TABOR spending in the 1980s.  If CO spending can grow this much with TABOR, imagine what would happen without it!  If we want a strong economy, and if we wish to remain a free people, we must fight to retain and strengthen the Taxpayers’ Bill of Rights.

9 You cannot have a controlled economy, and maintain a free society  Due to the TABOR timeout, CO government spending is now $3.5 billion per year higher than it would have been.  That is $3.5 billion less for the people to spend on their own hopes and dreams.  “Man is not free unless government is limited… As government expands, liberty contracts.” – Ronald Reagan  UGwo UGwo UGwo

10 Reason v. Emotion

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