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Guesthouse Management and Marketing Training in Karakol.

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Presentation on theme: "Guesthouse Management and Marketing Training in Karakol."— Presentation transcript:

1 Guesthouse Management and Marketing Training in Karakol

2 Marketing & Promoting YOU and Your Business

3 What to expect from the training

4 Your attitude & mindset – growth or fixed?

5 Why are you here?

6 Ownership Acceptance Responsibility _____________________________________ Blame Excuses Denial

7 Since the last training…. What have you implemented? What are your results?

8 What specifically did you implement? 1.Business boundaries & mindset 2.Financial reporting 3.Team 4.Technology & online presence 5.Position in the market 6.Additional revenue streams/upselling 7.Database – management and communications 8.Guest attraction system 9.Website 10.Learning & Development

9 Email me now

10 Performance indicators Occupancy rates Income Profit Trip Advisor/ reviews

11 Successful businesses run on systems The 3 systems we need in hospitality are:

12 Attract More Guests Increase Guests’ Spend Repeats and Referrals

13 System # 1 Your Guest Attraction System

14 Your Circle of Influence Social Media Joins your list Build relationship Makes an enquiry/asks a question Makes a booking Notices you online



17 Research On Trip Advisor Travel Forums The questions your guests have asked you

18 Gather 7 – 10 questions Gather pictures

19 Create your Free Guide

20 Add… Title Table of contents Short description of you and why you are qualified to write this guide Picture of you/your team Contact details – at the top and at the end Links to other places to find you online

21 And… Font & spacing Links Border & watermark Logo/banner Footer

22 Save it As a Word document As a PDF

23 Upload it to your website or send as an attachment Not available without name and email

24 Make a pretty cover image in

25 Create a new page on your website and name it http://yourdomainname/free-guide

26 Go to Create a web form inside your list manager and embed it on your new page

27 To do over lunch… Create a new page on your website called /personal-introduction Locate the 5 email templates for your free guide (not booked in guests) Modify the templates to your business Personalise them with your photos If you get this far, ask Tyncht to help you upload them to Active Campaign

28 Your homework Your “landing page” Ebook cover Pretty button in Canva

29 Shoot a personal introduction video using the script and instructions provided

30 Environment Equipment Props Mental Preparation

31 Upload it to You Tube following the instructions provided

32 Create another new webpage for your video and name it http://yourdomainname/personal- introduction

33 Grab the “embed” code from your video on YouTube and put it on your new web page

34 Undeneath, write what you’ve said in the video

35 Download a Facebook image from and add your Facebook link under your video

36 Create between 5 and 7 email follow up messages in your list manager to build a relationship with links back to specific pages on your website (Templates provided)

37 Create a pretty button in Canva like this:

38 Put your pretty button linking to your landing page on every page of your website (in the sidebar)

39 System # 2 Your Guest Upselling System

40 Overview

41 Choose at least one upsell from the list of suggestions in your Training Manual

42 How do they say yes? How are you going to get paid? When are you going to get paid?

43 Create new pages on your website if necessary with short testimonial and “call to action”

44 Design the sales process for your 1 st upsell

45 Shoot your Personal Introduction Video following instructions given

46 Upload it to YouTube following instructions given

47 Create a new page on your website and name it http://yourdomainname/welcome

48 Grab the embed code from your video on YouTube and put it on your new webpage

49 Underneath, write what you’ve said in the video

50 Create a series of emails in your list manager to send out with links back to your website where appropriate (Templates already provided) Test everything

51 Your homework! Shoot 2 videos Upload them both to You Tube Get the “embed” codes Embed the videos onto your two web-pages – Free guide subscribers - /personal introduction Booked in guests - /booked guests

52 New cool stuff! Active campaign – Go to your booking form for your booked in guests Add another custom field – call it language Select check box and configure the two options, delete the third Integrate the form again and embed on your webpage again for your booked in guests

53 And more! Go to your automation sequence for booked in guests Add another text box underneath your original text Add Russian/English text here Click on the “cog wheel” on the right of your text box and choose “Make conditional” Choose “language” then Russian Repeat for all your emails

54 And finally… Create two more automation sequences Choose “date based” for the pre-arrival sequence and post-departure sequence Set to arrival date – 5 and departure date - 5 Make both active Add these new sequences to the main automation sequence Send test emails to yourself and check format and links Make active!

55 Enter in some recent bookings to test your system and your upsells (date format)

56 Your email signature and enquiries linking to your landing page to encourage sign ups to your free guide

57 Links to your “landing page” for your free guide on social media and around the web

58 Social Media Facebook Linked In Twitter You Tube Trip Advisor

59 Write a blog post and share around the web

60 System # 3 Repeats and Referrals System

61 Upload your database of past guests into your list manager

62 Create a re-introduction email for your list of past guests with a link to your Free Guide landing page

63 Send out your re-introduction email from your list manager to your past guests

64 Create your annual Marketing Plan for reasons to return to Karakol (Template provided)

65 Monitoring and reporting in Active Campaign

66 Wrap Up & Next Steps

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