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Nile River. Nile River = Nile River Hieroglyphics.

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2 Nile River

3 = Nile River

4 Hieroglyphics

5 The form of writing used by the
Hieroglyphics The form of writing used by the Ancient Egyptians

6 Hieroglyphics English is based on 26 characters--letters. Letters that are combined into words...and then into sentences...which tell a story. Ancient Egyptian writing uses more than 2,000 hieroglyphic characters. Each hieroglyph represents a common object in ancient Egypt. Hieroglyphs could represent the sound of the object or they could represent an idea associated with the object. A modern type of hieroglyphic writings would be a rebus. A rebus is a picture puzzle that can be "sounded out" by reading the sounds symbolized by the pictures. When these sounds are read aloud together, the statements often becomes obvious. Try solving the rebus below: Hieroglyphic writing is like a picture puzzle. TRY SOLVING THE REBUS BELOW:



9 Rosetta Stone Archaeologists discovered beautiful hieroglyphic writing on the walls of ancient Egyptian pyramids and tombs. The archaeologists had a problem. They knew hieroglyphics had meanings but there was no one left in the world who remembered what the ancient hieroglyphics meant. No one could read the hieroglyphic messages. It was most frustrating!

10 Rosetta Stone It was not until quite recently, a mere 200 years ago, that a stone was found in Egypt. This stone had the same short story written on it in Greek, in Demonic, and in hieroglyphics. Scientists could read Greek. Scientists could read Demonic. And now, scientists could begin to read hieroglyphics. They named this stone the Rosetta Stone. Today, the Rosetta Stone is on display for everyone to see. Currently, it makes its home in the famous British Museum in London.

11 Egyptian Cartouche  MRS. MACK

12 Egyptian Cartouche  MRS. MACK What is a cartouche?
A cartouche was an oval circle with a name written in it, rather like a nameplate. In the early days of ancient Egypt, a cartouche was attached to the coffins of kings and queens. As time went on, many people hired an artist to create a cartouche for their own coffins. The ancient Egyptians believed that you had to have your name written down somewhere, so that you would not disappear when you died. By attaching a cartouche to their coffin, people made sure their name was written down in one place at least!  MRS. MACK

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