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Ancient Africa Jeopardy Egyptian Achievements Ancient Egypt Ancient Kush Vocab Terms What Kingdom? Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q.

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Presentation on theme: "Ancient Africa Jeopardy Egyptian Achievements Ancient Egypt Ancient Kush Vocab Terms What Kingdom? Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q."— Presentation transcript:


2 Ancient Africa Jeopardy Egyptian Achievements Ancient Egypt Ancient Kush Vocab Terms What Kingdom? Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Q $100 Q $200 Q $300 Q $400 Q $500 Final Jeopardy

3 Egyptian Achievements: $100 Question What was the Egyptian writing system called?

4 Egyptian Achievements: $100 Answer Hieroglyphics

5 Egyptian Achievements: $200 Question Why did the ancient Egyptians feel the need to mummify the dead?

6 Egyptian Achievements: $200 Answer They thought the spirit (KA) must recognize the body so the body could enter the afterlife

7 Egyptian Achievements: $300 Question An imaginary creature with the body of a lion and the head of another animal or human. Many of these were built at the entrance to great temples.

8 Egyptian Achievements: $300 Answer Sphinx

9 Egyptian Achievements: $400 Question A lot of Egyptian writing was saved on scrolls. What were these scrolls made of?

10 Egyptian Achievements: $400 Answer Papyrus

11 Egyptian Achievements: $500 Question In Egyptian paintings, how were the bodies of the people drawn?

12 Egyptian Achievements: $500 Answer The upper bodies are shown straight on, but the legs and feet are shown from the side.

13 Ancient Egypt : $100 Question What RIVER provided for the needs of Ancient Egypt?

14 Ancient Egypt: $100 Answer Nile River

15 Ancient Egypt: $200 Question In 1922 what King’s tomb was found undisturbed?

16 Ancient Egypt: $200 Answer King Tutankhamen

17 Ancient Egypt: $300 Question How did the Rosetta Stone help scholars and historians in their study of hieroglyphics?

18 Ancient Egypt: $300 Answer It provided a Greek text that matched the early Egyptian writing so we could now see what the writing meant.

19 Ancient Egypt: $400 Question Who was the King that unified Upper and Lower Egypt?

20 Ancient Egypt: $400 Answer Menes

21 Ancient Egypt: $500 Question What 4 physical features made it difficult to invade ancient Egypt?

22 Ancient Egypt: $500 Answer Desert on both sides of the Nile River. Cataracts on the southern Nile River Mediterranean and Red Sea

23 Ancient Kush: $100 Question Describe how the geography of Kush changed over time.

24 Ancient Kush: $100 Answer The land became more desert-like

25 Ancient Kush: $200 Question What were most women in Kushite society expected to do?

26 Ancient Kush: $200 Answer Run households and raise children as well as play many active roles including workers and fighters.

27 Ancient Kush: $300 Question What probably caused the serious topsoil erosion problem in ancient Kush?

28 Ancient Kush: $300 Answer Overgrazing of animals

29 Ancient Kush: $400 Question What trade issue hurt Kush?

30 Ancient Kush: $400 Answer Foreign merchants set up trade routes that bypassed Kush

31 Ancient Kush: $500 Question What were the 3 main reasons why the kingdom of Kush fell?

32 Ancient Kush: $500 Answer 1.Erosion of land, so they could not feed their population 2. Forests were used up so they had to shut down their iron production = less weapons made, less trade. 3. New trade routes bypassed major Kushite cities

33 Vocabulary: $100 Question A series of rulers from the same family

34 Vocabulary: $100 Answer Dynasty

35 Vocabulary: $200 Question These people were in the middle class. They were the ones that could read and write texts.

36 Vocabulary: $200 Answer Scribes

37 Vocabulary: $300 Question A system of people in different lands who trade goods back and forth

38 Vocabulary: $300 Answer Trade Network

39 Vocabulary: $400 Question A tall four-sided pillar that is Pointed at the top. Usually found At the entrance gate to a temple

40 Vocabulary: $400 Answer Obelisk

41 Vocabulary: $500 Question The jars in which the organs Would be placed when the body was Mummified. They were then displayed Next to the sarcophagus in the tomb.

42 Vocabulary: $500 Answer Canopic Jars

43 What Kingdom?: $100 Question In what kingdom was the height Of Egypt’s power and glory?

44 What Kingdom?: $100 Answer The New Kingdom

45 What Kingdom?: $200 Question In what Kingdom did the Egyptians build the famous pyramids?

46 What Kingdom?: $200 Answer The Old Kingdom

47 What Kingdom?: $300 Question This Kingdom ended when Egypt had fallen into disorder and the Hyksos ( a group from SW Asia) invaded with horses, chariots and advanced weapons

48 What Kingdom?: $300 Answer The Middle Kingdom

49 What Kingdom?: $400 Question In this kingdom, trade routes extended from Sinai Peninsula, kingdom of Punt on the Red Sea, Asia Minor and Greece.

50 What Kingdom?: $400 Answer The New Kingdom

51 What Kingdom?: $500 Question In what kingdom did they start writing in Hieroglyphics?

52 What Kingdom?: $500 Answer The Old Kingdom

53 Final Jeopardy Tell me three similarities between the Egyptian and Kushite cultures and 3 differences.

54 Final Jeopardy Answer Similarities: Depend on the Nile Egyptian style temples Egyptian goods and clothing Title of Pharaoh Pyramids Women raised children, cooked, ran house, some became Queens Differences: Egyptian Culture: Houses of mud Worshiped Egyptian Gods Hieroglyphics for written language Kushite Culture: Houses of palm, wood, and brick Women worked and fought in wars Worshiped both Egyptian and their own gods Meroitic for written language

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