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Who Wants to be pharaoh?!?! Rules of the Game  You will be allowed 15 minutes to study pp. ? through ?  You must work in groups (max # in group is.

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Presentation on theme: "Who Wants to be pharaoh?!?! Rules of the Game  You will be allowed 15 minutes to study pp. ? through ?  You must work in groups (max # in group is."— Presentation transcript:


2 Who Wants to be pharaoh?!?!

3 Rules of the Game  You will be allowed 15 minutes to study pp. ? through ?  You must work in groups (max # in group is 4)  No cheating (The wrath of Pharaoh will be released upon you!!!)

4 Question #1 Why did early civilizations develop in river environments? A. To cool off during hot summer months B. In order to transport goods C. They liked to river raft D. It supplied them with everything they needed

5 Nice Job!!! The river was the chief source of life for all civilizations. In order to survive, early groups lived near rivers in order to get water, irrigate crops, and also a river was a good place to get food.

6 Question # 2 What river supplied the Egyptians with the means of living? A. The Tigris B. The Nile C. The Euphrates D. The Mississippi

7 That’s Correct!!!  Way to go!!! The Nile supplied the Egyptians with everything they needed to survive: –Water for irrigation –Food –Transportation Egypt has been called “the gift of the Nile.” Without the Nile, all of Egypt would be a desert.

8 Question #3 The Egyptians used many types of writing. This type of writing is called? A.CuneiformCuneiform B. HammurabiHammurabi C. ChineseChinese D. HieroglyphicsHieroglyphics

9 Incredible!!! And you thought it was hard to learn your ABC’s!!! Egyptians developed this form of writing called Hieroglyphics. It was carved or etched into stone on walls and also written on a form of paper. Do you know what that paper was called?

10 Find the Hieroglyphic alphabet and tell me how to pronounce the word “hand” in Egyptian. A. broad ‘A’ as in (car) B. ‘F’ as in (feel) C. ‘D’ as in (Dog) Question # 4  To answer this next question, you must double click on the website below and find the answer there. If you have any questions about this, you may ask Pharaoh's assistant (your teacher) for help. Double Click here to go to the website!Click here to go to the website!

11 Way to go!!!! Question # 5 If you wanted to write a letter in Egyptian to your ‘mummy’, what kind of paper would you use? A. Isthmus B. Papyrus C. Gluphein D. Toilet Paper

12 Sweet!!!  At first Egyptians carved hieroglyphics in stone and other hard materials, but this was a long and difficult process. Searching for a better material on which to write, they discovered how to make use of the papyrus plant that grew in the marshes near the Nile.

13 Question # 6 The most significant development to come out of the Old Kingdom was? A. Created an empire B. Created horse-drawn chariots C. Built a rollercoaster D. Built the largest pyramids

14 Nice!!!! That’s correct, during the period known as the Old Kingdom, the biggest pyramids were built. These giant buildings were used as tombs for the pharaohs when they died.

15 Question # 7 The Tigris and Euphrates rivers were very important to this region and its inhabitants. A. Mesopotamia. B. Assyria C. Disneyland D. Mediterranean

16 Awesome!!! The Tigris and Euphrates rivers formed a valley called Mesopotamia, or “land between the rivers.” Mesopotamia was part of the Fertile Crescent. Its soil was very good for farming.

17 Question # 8 DDDD oooo uuuu bbbb llll eeee c c c c llll iiii cccc kkkk h h h h eeee rrrr eeee !!!! !!!! !!!! Once again, visit this website to answer the following question: How many different cultures have lived in the Mesopotamia area?. A. Eight B. Seven C. Six D. 100

18 Great!!! Question # 9 The Sumerians used this type of writing, what is it called? A. Papyrus B. Cuneiform C. Post modern mud art D. Acrylic

19 That right!!! The Sumerians created this form of communication by rolling out soft clay and imprinting their language in it. It was then placed in the sun and that allowed the clay to dry till it became hard. Hardened clay would last for many years. It might shatter, but the pieces could usually be fitted together.

20 Question # 10 The Sumerians called this sun-dried clay building what? A. Luxor B. Cuneiform C. Ziggurat D. Pyramid

21 Fabulous!!!! These huge buildings were made completely out of clay!!! It took hundreds of workers and many years to complete each Ziggurat.

22 End of Game!!!  Add up your points and let’s find out who won?

23 YOU ARE WRONG!!!! Click the button below to receive mercy from the Pharaoh!!!

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