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Open House. My Info O Mr. Rodriguez O Rm. 204 O Mathematics 1&2 O O

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Presentation on theme: "Open House. My Info O Mr. Rodriguez O Rm. 204 O Mathematics 1&2 O O"— Presentation transcript:

1 Open House

2 My Info O Mr. Rodriguez O Rm. 204 O Mathematics 1&2 O Rodriguez.Christian@Franklin- O

3 Welcome Parents!!! O Welcome parents to the second Franklin Academy Cooper City Open House! I am pleased to have the opportunity to meet all of you! O The purpose of Open House is to inform you of my expectations of your child and to help you better assess and assist them with their learning

4 Attendance Email O

5 Class Policies O S eated at bell: Students are expected to be in their seats ready to work at the bell O P ositive attitude: Students should encourage their fellow classmates O O ne voice: Only one person should be talking at a time O R espect others: Students should treat others the way they expect to be treated O T imeliness: Students are expected to be on time to class as well as managing their time for classwork

6 Grading Policy O Tests35% O Quiz25% O Classwork20% O Project20% O Total100%

7 Work Breakdown O Tests: Will be administered for every chapter that is covered O Classwork: There will be classwork weekly as we are a no homework school. Two assignments will be collected and graded. O Quizzes: There will be a quiz administered every week or so, which will include any lessons covered up to that point for that week O Projects: Three graded projects for the year

8 Curriculum Goals O Florida Standards: a set of academic standards that make students challenge their critical thinking skills. Through the use of a cross-curriculum and higher thinking questions students will be able to master the standards that are set.

9 Florida Standards Assessment

10 How can I Help My Child? O Since we are a no homework school it is imperative parents that you make sure your children are practicing the materials and reading daily. O Check PowerSchool frequently O Go over problems with them. Show them how you would do it. O Remember practice makes perfect!

11 Parent/Teacher Conference O You can request a parent teacher conference by either contacting myself or administration at (954) 780-5533

12 Class Rewards O KITE Cash O Music in class (school appropriate music) O Computer time O Board game day O Competitive Math games O Teachers Assistant for the day

13 Opportunities to get involved O Service Hours O PTO

14 Questions

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