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CIRTL Network Administrative Meeting Wednesday, December 4, 2013 12:00-1:00 ET/ 11:00-12:00 CT/ 10:00-9:00 MT / 9:00-8:00 PT.

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Presentation on theme: "CIRTL Network Administrative Meeting Wednesday, December 4, 2013 12:00-1:00 ET/ 11:00-12:00 CT/ 10:00-9:00 MT / 9:00-8:00 PT."— Presentation transcript:

1 CIRTL Network Administrative Meeting Wednesday, December 4, 2013 12:00-1:00 ET/ 11:00-12:00 CT/ 10:00-9:00 MT / 9:00-8:00 PT This meeting will be recorded Begin by running the Audio Setup Wizard Select : Tools>Audio> Audio Setup Wizard or click the audio setup wizard button Backup Call-in: Number: 1 (571) 392-7703 Passcode: 931 749 952 188#

2 Agenda Announcements: Spring Registration Update Mailing Lists & Communication methods Topic I: Membership-in-Good-Standing Policy Topic 2: NSF call for proposals – Improving Undergraduate STEM Education

3 Spring 2014 Preliminary Registration by Institution

4 Spring 2014 Preliminary Registration by Course In total, we have space for 218.

5 Future Faculty “Potential Participants” Current Faculty “Potential Participants” Local CIRTL Learning Community “Participants” Local CIRTL Team STEM = natural and social sciences, engineering, math Graduate students, post-docs Faculty, instructional staff Institutional leaders Administrative staff Graduate assistants Evaluation staff Steering Committee

6 Local CIRTL Team Institutional leaders Administrative staff Graduate assistants Steering Committee Local CIRTL Team Institutional leaders Administrative staff Graduate assistants Steering Committee CIRTL Network Administration Communication How do people in your CIRTL Team keep abreast? Institutional Leaders send announcement to: CIRTL Central sends announcement to Institutional Leaders (cirtl leaders list)

7 Potential Participants All future STEM faculty at your institution Current STEM faculty as appropriate Potential Participants All future STEM faculty at your institution Current STEM faculty as appropriate Local Learning Community Graduate student and post-doc participants Faculty and staff participants Instructors Local CIRTL Team CIRTL Institutional Leaders Local Learning Community Graduate student and post-doc participants Faculty and staff participants Instructors Local CIRTL Team CIRTL Institutional Leaders Broadcasting CIRTL Network Opportunities How do people at your institution hear about opportunities in the CIRTL Network? Broadcast contact person sends announcement to: CIRTL Central sends announcement to local broadcast contact person (cirtl broadcast list) cirtl announce list

8 Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) Division of Undergraduate Education Improving Undergraduate STEM Education Program (IUSE) NSF 14-7513 Program Description: NSF 14-7513 Webinar November 22 and 26, 2013

9 Improving Undergraduate STEM Education (IUSE) Website: _id=504976924 _id=504976924 February 4, 2014Proposal Target Date: February 4, 2014

10 IUSE Objectives NSF is seeking projects that: Increase student retention in STEM Prepare students to participate in science for tomorrow Improve students' STEM learning outcomes Generate knowledge on how students learn and on effective practice in undergraduate classrooms Broaden participation

11 IUSE Projects DUE supports the improvement of the undergraduate STEM education enterprise through funding the following: –Projects that build on fundamental research in undergraduate STEM education and prior R&D –Research on design, development, and wide- spread implementation of effective STEM learning/teaching knowledge and practice –Foundational research on student learning

12 IUSE Projects (cont.) “IDEAS Labs”In FY14, NSF is also accepting proposals for developing “IDEAS Labs” in biology, engineering, and geosciences Intent discipline-specific workforce development needsIntent: bring together relevant disciplinary and education research expertise to produce research agendas that address discipline-specific workforce development needs

13 What are IDEAS Labs? The process is modeled on the "IDEAS Factory" program developed by the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council of the UK Goal: to develop new and bold approaches to grand challenge questions for topics that require new dimensions of thought Structure: 20-30 participants are brought together for intensive interactive multidisciplinary workshops called “Sandpits”

14 Will there be budget limits? No. The Program Description does not include budget limits. The project budget should be appropriate for the proposed effort. d=504976&org=DUE&from=home

15 Are there any identified categories or tracks? PD 14-7513 does not describe categories or tracks.

16 Human Subjects - IRB IRB exemption or approval documentation is required at the time of the award - in order to receive FY 2014 funding Please plan for the timing necessary to obtain institutional IRB approval

17 Can I submit a proposal prepared in response to a previous DUE program? (e.g., TUES, WIDER, or STEP) You could submit a proposal prepared for one of those programs to the IUSE program. However, it should be noted that the IUSE program description provides fewer restrictions and, thus, an opportunity for greater creative freedom than the previous programs. address immediate challenges and opportunities facing undergraduate STEM education new structures and function of the undergraduate STEM learning and teaching enterprise A stronger proposal is one for which the PI team has considered more directly the structure of the proposed project in meeting the goal of IUSE to “address immediate challenges and opportunities facing undergraduate STEM education, as well as those that anticipate new structures and function of the undergraduate STEM learning and teaching enterprise.”

18 Must a project be evidence-based or evidence-generating? As per the Program Description: “Proposals should describe projects that build on available evidence and theory, and that will generate evidence and build knowledge”


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