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European Research Infrastructures and the impact of the JPI MYBL on Horizon 2020 BMBF/ Berlin, September 17th, 2014 Dr. Rosita Cottone Federal Ministry.

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Presentation on theme: "European Research Infrastructures and the impact of the JPI MYBL on Horizon 2020 BMBF/ Berlin, September 17th, 2014 Dr. Rosita Cottone Federal Ministry."— Presentation transcript:

1 European Research Infrastructures and the impact of the JPI MYBL on Horizon 2020 BMBF/ Berlin, September 17th, 2014 Dr. Rosita Cottone Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) Unit 524: Demographic Change; Human-Technology-Interaction 3rd Research Policy Group Meeting of the JPI MYBL

2 Thematic scope of the RPG workshop Session I European Research Infrastructures ESFRI (European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures) ….and their relevance for the JPI MYBL Lessons learned from SHARE-ERIC Edvard Beem/ Co-Director at the ZonMw National delegate of the NL in the GA of the JPI MYBL Member of the ESFRI Strategic Working Group on Health and Food Rafael de Andrès Medina/ Head of EU and Int. Division at ISCIII/Madrid National delegate of SP in the GA of the JPI MYBL President of the AAL-JP Member of the ESFRI Strategic Working Group on Health and Food Ranjana Sarkar /National Contact Point for SSH at the DLR, Bonn European Infrastructures/ SHARE-ERIC 2

3 3 Thematic scope of the RPG workshop Session II The future Work Programme (WP 2016/2017) of Horizon 2020 Input of the JPI MYBL for the preparation of WP 2016/2017 Implementation of an ERA-Net Cofund for the JPI MYBL Horst Krämer Scientific/Technical Project Officer Unit: Digital and Social Platforms DG Connect/ European Commission Nina Schüle EU Office of the BMBF at the DLR, Bonn Coordinator of ERA.Net RUS PLUS

4 4 Conclusions of Session I: European Research Infrastructures ESFRI: Current alignment of European Research Infrastructures (RI) by clustering/ excluding to a total of 25 RI until 2016 (prioritization will be conducted by ESFRI working groups) goes along with the alignment in programming JPIs should identify the most relevant RI and their services (also with regard to the SRA). For this purpose the EU COM will send questionnaires to JPIs (e- infrastructures ?, databases?, etc.) National approach: ZonMw develops an interactive funding scheme to promote the use of services at RI The added value of JPIs for specific RI should be defined (and vice versa) Exchange with other JPIs and define common needs/interests Calls of JPI MYBL could be opened to specific initiatives as SHARE (in terms of data) Support regular exchange/interaction between JPI MYBL with SHARE and other relevant RI (this is of mutual benefit)

5 Session II: The impact of the JPI MYBL on H 2020 5 Starting point: At the GA meeting of the JPI MYBL (Palermo 22.-23.05.2014) a majority of JPI-MS argued for: active role of the JPI MYBL in the preparation process of the next WP (2016/2017) of Horizon 2020 (thematic input based on SRA, supported by the RPG) 2. the implementation of an ERA-Net CoFund in WP 2016/2017 A task force (consisting of BEL, F, GER, I) was mandated by the GA to prepare an input paper on WP 2016/2017 for the EU COM. Further input should be provided by SAB/SOAB

6 6 GA Position Paper on WP 2016/2017 Based on input from: Discussion at GA meeting in Palermo; set up of a task force Electronic inquiry to explore a common GA position on ERA-Net Cofund (10.- 21.July 2014) on at short notice Exchange with EU COM Consideration of SRA research priorities After approval of the draft statement by Troika/GA the JPI statement was sent to the EU COM/DG CNECT on 31.07.2014 (signed by the JPI-Chair). Request for ERA-Net Cofund in WP 2016/2017-Challenge1 dedicated to the topic of “QoL, Health and Wellbeing” and the implementation of further funding activities dealing with the issue “generation of parameters for the quantitative and qualitative measurement of QoL “.

7 7 SAB/SOAB contributions to the WP 2016/2017 Based on H 2020 Advisory Group Reports the EU COM started public consultations with stakeholders: For Challenge 1 (Health, Demographic Change and Wellbeing) the EU COM/ DG RTD asked for feedback on Advisory Group Report 1 (questionnaire) Feedback from SAB (via ZonMw) Input was forwarded to DG CNECT on September 22 nd by the secretariat Feedback from SOAB (via THL) Additional feedback from SOAB on “Science with and for Society (SWAFS)” programme pillar of H 2020 sent to DG RTD on October, 12 th and to DG CNECT on November 10 th. Conclusion i.) : An efficient response mechanism has been established within the JPI MYBL rapidly; feedback was generated by various JPI MYBL bodies towards H 2020

8 8 News from DG CNECT…. …advised against the combination of Era-Net Cofund with joint calls performed under J-AGE II (due to the potential risk of overlap and double funding). … recommended to use Era-Net Cofund for performing an additional call (independent from J-AGE II) with an added value for the EU COM (e.g. integration of new MS). …highlighted the impact of the H 2020 advisory group reports on WP 2016/2017 and recommended the JPI to use the terminology of the reports and thematic crosslinks. …stressed the importance of international cooperation (e.g. with Japan). …welcomed the feedback/input of the JPI MYBL for the preparation of future WPs.

9 9 Outlook on next steps of WP Preparation Former timetable of EU COM for the preparation of the WP „Horizon 2020: Preparation of Work Programme 2016-2017; Process and Criteria for Choosing Priorities (Draft 23.05.2014)” April – June 2014: Consultation with the Horizon 2020 Advisory Groups May – July 2014: Consultation with other key stakeholders (see Article 12 of the H 2020 Regulation: e.g. European Innovation Partnerships, European Technology Platforms, Joint Programming Initiatives, Enterprise Policy Group, etc.) ; July – September 2014: EU COM services will prepare first drafts of an overarching strategic programming document and aligned scoping papers for each Horizon 2020 challenge and part on the basis of the selection criteria and the input received via the consultations. October – November 2014: Discussion with each Programme Committee configuration on the basis of the draft scoping papers 16 October 2014: Discussion with the strategic configuration of the Programme Committee

10 10 EU COM timetable for the preparation of the WP ff Until end of 2014 : Finalise the overarching strategic programming document and its annexed scoping papers. January – June 2015 : Preparation of the content of the work programme 2016/17, prepared on the basis of the finalised Strategic Programme, including discussion with Programme Committee configurations on basis of draft work programme parts towards providing opinion The overarching strategic programming document will in particular contain proposals for the focus areas for the next work programme, while each scoping paper will contain proposals for the priorities to be covered in 2016-2017 on the basis of the inputs received, including how these could then be translated into calls and focus areas In the course of summer 2015 or later: Adoption and publication of the calls for proposals will take place during the. Conclusion ii.) : Impact on WP 2016/2017 via national delegates in Programme Committee configurations. Further input from JPI could be provided on request.

11 11 Thank you for your attention! Commissioner (2014-2019) Günther Oettinger Digital Economy & Society Commissioner (2014-2019) Carlos Moedas Research, Science and Innovation

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