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Importance of sustainable internal management structures on implementation of the international projects – TEMPUS funded projects as case studies KICK.

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Presentation on theme: "Importance of sustainable internal management structures on implementation of the international projects – TEMPUS funded projects as case studies KICK."— Presentation transcript:

1 Importance of sustainable internal management structures on implementation of the international projects – TEMPUS funded projects as case studies KICK OFF MEETING Tirana, 2016 QAinAL

2 Project facts:  Project Title: “Support to the Internationalization of Kosova Higher Education System through establishment of the Kosova Students’ Union”  Project Number: 544357- TEMPUS-1-2013-1-AT-TEMPUS- SMGR  Short title: SIHEKSU  Financed by: TEMPUS IV – 6th Call for proposals  Duration: 36 months (3 years) 2013-2016

3 Project Objectives:  Development of legal framework on establishment of the Kosova Students Union;  To facilitate student elections for establishment of the Kosova Student Union;  To support Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of Kosovo on setting up the Kosova Student Union Office and develop administrative regulations and guidelines for sustainable operation;  Supporting membership of Kosova Students’ Union at the European Students’ Union;  Facilitating the international cooperation and networking of Kosova Students’ Union.

4 Project Partners: 1. Paris – Lodron University Salzburg 2. University of Edinburgh 3. University of Alicante 4. National Union of Students Scotland 5. Austrian Students` Union at Paris-Lodron University Salzburg 6. Ministry of Education, Science and Technology 7. Kosova Center for International Coorporation in HE Science and Technology 8. WUS Kosova 9. University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina” 10. University of Prizren “Ukshin Hoti” 11. Public University “Haxhi Zeka” 12. Kosovo Accreditaion Agency 13. Vrije University Brussels

5 Project Outcomes and Outputs:  Development of status quo report;  Development of Legal framework for establishment of Kosova Students’ Union (KSU);  Administrative Innstruction  Interim Statute  Regulation for students elections  Establishment of Kosova Students’ Union;  Membership at the European Students’ Union;  Purchasing the equipment and literature for KSU;  Dissemination and  Sustainability of project activities.

6 Challenges:  Lack of Legal base - No law to support the establishment of National Student Union in Kosovo  Change of Management – Government level / Minister  Change of Management of HEI`s – Rector/ Deans/ Students Representatives  On-going elections process at different HEI`s  Representativeness - Inclusion of all HEIs (Public and Private)  Offices  Funds to support the sustainability of the Union after project ends…

7 Basic Project facts: Project: “Modernizing the 3rd cycle at the University of Prishtina and Developing a PhD Program at the Faculty of Economics”, Project acronym: MODPhD Financed by: TEMPUS IV – 6th Call for proposals Project number: 544188-TEMPUS-1-2013-1-XK-TEMPUS-JPCR Grant Holder: Prof. ass. Dr. But Dedaj -Faculty of Economics, University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”

8 Project partners: 1. University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, beneficiary 2. Johannes Kepler University Linz 3. Università degli studi “G. D’Annunzio” di Chieti – Pescara 4. University Nice Sophia Antipolis 5. World University Service Kosova – WUS Kosova 6. Kosovo Accreditation Agency 7. Ministry of Education, Science and Technology 8. Kosova Center for Int. Cooperation in Higher Education

9 Objectives:  Supporting the modernization of 3rd cycle at the University of Prishtina, in accordance with the Bologna Process,  Revision and amending the legal documents, development of guideline for setting up the modern PhD studies in accordance to the latest trends of the Bologna Process,  To develop, accredit and implement a pilot PhD program at Faculty of Economics of the University of Prishtina, and  Supporting the scientific work and publications, through establishing a scientific journal for the Faculty of Economics of the University of Prishtina.

10 Project Outcomes and Outputs: 1. Development of Gap and Need Analysis Report 2. Modernization of PhD regulation at UP 3. Development and Accreditation of PhD program 4. Implementation of the PhD Program at Faculty of Economy 5. Establishment of Scientific journal 6. Purchasing the Scientific Literature 7. Management of the Project 8. Quality Control 9. Dissemination 10. Sustainability of the project outcomes.

11 Challenges:  Change of Management of University  Support from the Management on Accreditation process – bureaucratic procedures  Lack of Capacities of University to be involved in the PHD studies

12 Thank you for your Attention!

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