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The Recent World The Americas. Postwar United States  The Cold War Origins US Beliefs Early Soviet Actions US Policy Eastern Europe NATO House UnAmerican.

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Presentation on theme: "The Recent World The Americas. Postwar United States  The Cold War Origins US Beliefs Early Soviet Actions US Policy Eastern Europe NATO House UnAmerican."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Recent World The Americas

2 Postwar United States  The Cold War Origins US Beliefs Early Soviet Actions US Policy Eastern Europe NATO House UnAmerican Activities Committee Eisenhower Doctrine Key Terms Truman Doctrine HUAC Eisenhower Doctrine

3 Postwar Latin America  Latin America and the Cold War Fidel Castro Bay of Pigs Nikita Kruschev Cuban Missile Crisis North American Free Trade Area (NAFTA) Key Terms Cuban Missile Crisis


5 Postwar Latin America  Brazil Governmental Stresses (1954-1964) Military Dictatorship (1964-1985) Return to Democracy (1985-present)  Luis Inacio da Silva (Lula)  Chile Salvador Allende (1970-73) Augusto Pinochet (1974-90) Key Terms Lula Augusto Pinochet

6 Postwar Latin America  Mexico  Argentina Key Terms MERCOSUR

7 The Recent World Europe

8 Postwar Europe  The Revival of Western Europe Common Market Charles de Gaulle European Union  Decolonization and the Cold War Key Terms Charles de Gaulle

9 The Recent World Africa

10 Postwar Africa  WW II’s Effect on Africa  European Preparations for Colonial Autonomy  African Nationalism and the Cold War  North Africa Key Terms apartheid Front de Liberation National


12 Postwar Africa (cont’d)  Sub-Saharan Africa Britain’s Retreat from Empire  The Gold Coast  East Africa  Central Africa Failure of the French Community Chaos in Belgium’s Empire  Patrice Lumumba  Mobutu Sese Seko Portugal’s Unique Decolonization From Apartheid to Freedom in South Africa Kwame Nkrumah Sékou Touré Mobutu Sese Seko Key Terms Kwame Nkrumah Mau Sékou Touré Patrice Lumumba Mobutu Sese Seko Nelson Mandela

13 The Recent World Western Asia

14 The Soviet Union  Life Under Communist Rule  Challenges to Soviet Authority  The End of the Cold War Détente The Gorbachev Revolution  Mikhail Gorbachev (1985-1991)  Perestroika and glasnost  The Collapse of the Soviet Union Leonid Brezhnev Mikhail Gorbachev Key Terms Brezhnev Doctrine Mikhail Gorbachev Boris Yeltsin


16 The Transformation of the Middle East  The State of Israel The Zionist Movement The Balfour Declaration (1917) Arab-Israeli War of 1948-49

17 The Transformation of the Middle East (cont’d)  Arab Nationalism Gamal Abdel Nasser (1956-1970) Palestinian Liberation Organization (PLO) Six-Day War (1967) Anwar al-Sadat (1970-1981)  Development of Islamist Fundamentalism  Iranian Revolution (1979) Key Terms Gamal Nasser Palestinian Liberation Organization Six-Day War Ayatollah Khomeini


19 The Recent World Eastern Asia

20 India and Pakistan  Independence and Partition  India  Pakistan Key Terms Jawaharlal Nehru Indira Gandhi Benazir Bhutto

21 China and Korea  Civil War in China  Divided China  Divided Korea Kim Il-sung Key Terms Lin Biao Kim Il-sung Syngman Rhee Kim Dae-jung

22 China and Korea (cont’d)  China Under Communist Rule Early Radical Reforms The Great Leap Forward The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution  China Opens to the West  China After Mao Key Terms Zhou Enlai Red Guards Deng Xiaoping Tiananmen Square Massacre

23 Southeast Asia  First Indochina War (1946-1954) The Vietminh Ngo Dinh Diem  Second Indochina War (1959-1975)  Cambodia The Khmer Rouge People’s Republic of Kampuchea Ho Chi Minh Key Terms Ho Chi Minh Vietminh Ngo Dinh Diem Viet Cong Pol Pot

24 Indonesia  Sukarno (1945-1967)  Suharto (1967-1998)  Megawati Sukarnoputri (2001-2004) Key Terms Panca Sila Suharto Megawati Sukarnoputri Suharto

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