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Student Email Reasons For Student Email Student Email meets Objective 11 of the Instructional Technology Curriculum which encourages students to use online.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Email Reasons For Student Email Student Email meets Objective 11 of the Instructional Technology Curriculum which encourages students to use online."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Email Reasons For Student Email Student Email meets Objective 11 of the Instructional Technology Curriculum which encourages students to use online collaboration and investigation as well as contact experts. The Do’s and Don’ts of E-mail in Liberty Public Schools

2 Reasons For Student Email--continued Comm. Arts classes will be using the anti-plagiarism program –Students must have an email address to turn in assignments – helps teachers determine if the students’ work is original or borrowed from someone else either intentionally or unintentionally. Students might receive the following types of information by email from their teachers: Grade reportsMakeup work Test remindersPaper edits Classroom newsletters

3 Protection For Students using Liberty Public Schools Email Teachers and district administrators reserve the right to monitor all use of student e-mail accounts. What you send and receive is not private. Content of all e-mail must abide by all school guidelines and policies. Consequences of inappropriate use of student email may include, but are not limited to; loss of computer privileges, alternative assignments, detention, ISS, and OSS.

4 LPS Email is Not A timely way for parents to contact students during the day. Parents should still make contact through the main office. A way for students to register on unauthorized web sites. Doing so could result in “Spam” e-mail coming into the network. A way to forward “e-junk” including chain letters, urban myths, free offers, jokes, etc.

5 “ Netiquette” of Email Communication on district email should: Use standard English instead of the short cuts and abbreviations used in I.M and text messaging. Use standard spelling. Follow rules of grammar for punctuation, capitalization and sentence structure. Remember your email represents you and the Liberty Public School District in other settings.

6 Activating Student Email Once you complete this email activity and turn in the paperwork, your account will be enabled. You can access email 24/7 from any computer with Internet by going to : Your email address will be: Example: All other types of web mail (AOL, Yahoo, etc.) will not be available to students at school.

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