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CCCApply 2009 Annual Updates April 2009 CCCApply & CCCTran User Workshops 2009 Rev. 1a.

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Presentation on theme: "CCCApply 2009 Annual Updates April 2009 CCCApply & CCCTran User Workshops 2009 Rev. 1a."— Presentation transcript:

1 CCCApply 2009 Annual Updates April 2009 CCCApply & CCCTran User Workshops 2009 Rev. 1a

2 Overview of 2009 Updates  About 50 change requests submitted  2008 updates more numerous (75+) and complex  Over half of submitted requests approved by Steering Committee  A few deferred/delayed by Xap  80-page specification submitted to Xap in November  On CCCApply project website,  Updates live on March 30  Urgent changes implemented earlier

3 Focus of 2009 Updates  Meet newly-mandated requirements  Enhance CCCApply-en-Español  Continue to enhance security  Strengthen account & data integrity  Make CCCApply easier to use  Application  Control Center

4 Focus of 2009 Updates  2009-2010 BOG Fee Waiver Application  Launch new website  Now in beta  Back-end data entry for paper apps cont’d

5 New Ethnicity Questions  Change required to meet federal IPEDS reporting purposes and California state law  Gather racial and ethnic data using a two-part question  Yes/No question: Hispanic/Latino?  Checkboxes: Select one or more races/ethnicities  Optional; no ‘decline to state’ choice

6 New Ethnicity Questions cont’d  On Standard and International Apps

7 New Ethnicity Questions  Required beginning Summer Term 2009  Asked by CCCApply if term begins on May 1, 2009 or later  Implemented October 2008  New MIS field SB29  21-character field  Y/N character for each question/checkbox  New ‘raceEthnicity’ field in CCCApply  Need to add this field to your downloads cont’d

8 New Ethnicity Questions cont’d

9 Enhancing Spanish Application  CCCApply-en-Español originally conceived in two phases  Phase I (basics): account creation, logon, application (questions, answers, error messages), school finders, help  Phase II (everything else): customized Intro, Supplemental page, business rule messages, emails, account finder,

10 Enhancing Spanish App  Spanish translation for Account Finder  Toggled Supplemental Questions  Colleges don’t need Spanish and English questions on same page  Colleges must provide Spanish translations  Angle brackets ( ) denote Spanish in Supplemental Questions wizard  Delay in implementation by Xap? cont’d

11 Enhancing Spanish App cont’d

12  Toggled Introduction Page  Currently, Spanish and English sections on same page; can be awkward for users  Request for toggled page for consistency and clarity  Customized Intro page is common function for Xap customers  Xap will consider this change for future upgrade of Control Center Enhancing Spanish App cont’d

13  Bilingual ‘welcome’ email  CCCApply send ‘welcome’ email when new account is created  Providing email in English or Spanish according to account creation would involve too much added logic  Steering Committee opted for Spanish text following English text Enhancing Spanish App cont’d

14 Security Enhancements  Implement PCI Data Security Standards to make logon more secure  Longer passwords combining alpha and numeric characters  No re-use of recently used passwords  Limited number of failed access, then user is locked out  Separate implementation from updates  Tim Calhoun working with Xap on this

15 Security Enhancements cont’d  Hide SSN on Student Print  Previously, someone who gained access to a user account could view the SSN by looking at Student Print  Student Print now shows ***-**-****  Now there is no way to view or retrieve the SSN from a user account

16 Account & Data Integrity  Don’t let user change name and date of birth at the same time  Added to Standard App in 2008 updates  Added to BOGFW and International Apps in late 2008  Added statement that, by creating an account, the user agrees to the Privacy Policy

17 Account & Data Integrity  Account recovery without email address  Users may not remember the email address they used for account  Previously, both account recovery methods required the email address  Now, one method does not  Uses name, date of birth, ZIP  ZIP compared only when there are multiple matches for name and date of birth cont’d

18 Account & Data Integrity  Encourage users to provide SSN  If user declines to provide SSN …  CCCApply displays text explaining importance of SSN for integrity of student records, transfer, financial aid, etc.  User may fill in SSN or confirm not providing SSN  Added to all three applications (Standard, International, BOGFW) cont’d

19 Account & Data Integrity ADD SCREEN CAPTURE WHEN/IF AVAILABLE cont’d

20 Account & Data Integrity  Added an integrity flag  80 - Unmarried, independent minor  Based on emancipated minor questions added in 2008  Visa question: added checkbox for ‘No documents’ cont’d

21 Account & Data Integrity  Added error checking  Consistency regarding California Certificate of Proficiency  Clarified Military Status section  Now explicitly says “U.S. Military Status”  “Veteran” consistently applied in status menu Member discharged within last year (veteran) Member discharged over a year ago (veteran) cont’d

22 Changes for Ease of Use  Added spam reminder to ‘Check email’ message on Confirmation page  Removed ‘CCCApply Email’ link from Links & Opportunities page  Added numeric equivalent for 1-800- GO-TO-XAP  Added ‘No degree’ option for College: Degree Type

23 Changes for Ease of Use  Improved wording  For clarity: Instruction to verify before submitting  For consistency: High School Ed Level options  For consistency: ‘Is the applicant’ to ‘Are you’ on Residency 2 cont’d

24 Control Center Changes  We requested changes to enhance functionality and ease of use  Improve applicant searching (applicant data is current rather than submitted; application reports are not searchable, sortable, or filterable)  Less important as we reduce sharing of accounts  Improve application archiving (alpha order)  Improve Supplemental Design Kit  Sometimes hard to understand and use  Xap fixed automatic alphabetizing of dropdown menu options VERIFY

25 Control Center Changes  Changes affect tools used by other Xap customers  Xap will consider these requested changes in future upgrade of Control Center cont’d

26 Summary of 2009 Updates  Support for new IPEDS ethnicity requirements  Expansion of CCCApply-en-Español  Continued enhancement of security, account & data integrity  Changes to make CCCApply easier to understand and use

27 CCCApply Website Redesign  Users surveyed for likes & dislikes  CCCApply project team developed basic layout and all content  Steering Committee reviewed, modified, and approved a specification  Xap developed a design based on our spec









36 2009-10 BOG Fee Waiver App  Updates to years  New income table  Financial aid acknowledgement (AB668)  Five new Dependency questions  Existing questions re-ordered  Question 5 significantly revised  New downloadable fields  Dependency questions  Financial aid acknowledgement



39  Six new downloadable Dependency fields 2009-10 BOG Fee Waiver App cont’d

40  New downloadable field for Financial Aid Acknowledgement 2009-10 BOG Fee Waiver App cont’d

41 For More Information  Complete specification of 2009 Updates available on CCCApply project website  Explanation for each change request  Complete specification for each approved request  Reason for each deferred or declined request  Project website:

42 Thank you for attending!

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