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Current Trends in ELT around the Globe Sajan Kumar Karn.

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1 Current Trends in ELT around the Globe Sajan Kumar Karn

2 Introduction English Language Teaching (ELT) has tremendously changed over the centuries. Since then, teachers have ever been in search of better and more effective method of teaching. The popular trends of ELT in the past have vanished today and have substituted by others. Several factors have contributed to the adoption of new trends in ELT.

3 The Changing winds and shifting sands of the history of ELT The history of language teaching goes back to the teaching of classical Greek and Latin before the 13 th century, mainly the analysis of grammar, translation works, and rhetoric. Modern language like French, English, and Italian began to be taught as Latin by applying Grammar Translation Method (GTM), dominated from 1840’s to 1940’s. The need for communication and oral proficiency leads to the development of new language learning approaches. New approaches develops up to 1990’s.

4 The Whys and Wherefores of the Paradigm Shifts in ELT New approaches are rediscoveries of old methods neglected but re-illuminated Multiple Intelligences Gardner (1993) Transformational generative Grammar Chomsky (1957) Second Language Acquisition (Krashen) Total Physical Response (Asher) Cooperative Learning Whole Language Approach Neurolinguistic Programming Multiple Intelligence Theory Content-based Task based Participatory approach

5 Key Trends in ELT Today Networking Student centredness Reflective Practice Rethinking aim Conferencing Grammaring Method synergetics or eclecticism Strategopedia Teachers can enrich their learning, not to depend upon theories & methods Not depending on a particular method & not conforming to only one style, Choosing from a wide variety Taking responsibility for self-direction to improve students’ learning effectiveness Teachers play the role of facilitators in the class. Students learn by doing in pairs & groups Teachers learn to improve their teaching by trying to observe, understand, reflect, learn, & tryout something happening in the class Discussing what the aims of ELT should be. The need of an approach to language education that aims at fostering a sense of social responsibility in students Teachers have established professional organizations; seminars, workshops, tarining, and conventions Grammar is seen as more of a process than a product. Grammar is is conceived in its active & progressive sense

6 Key Trends in ELT Today Updating PPP Lesson Locally produced materials CommunicativenessSharing with a colleague Anti-method era Frustration Future trend Teachers read journal, participate in training, seminar workshops, etc to update their knowledge of trneds & techniques around the world Presentation Practice Production Imported materials may not be effective in other countries The focus in on how learners can be made proficient to communicate to others who speak the same TL Uncertain. Keep predicting the future of existing trends and a wave of change. Teachers find a sollution to a teaching problem, speak in confidence about a failure, get an idea how to teach effectively No method is the best for ELT. ELT is now in ‘post method thinking’ Teachers have not been able to follow the trends due to lack of resources available to them

7 Conclusion There is no single most excellent way of teaching foreign languages. Instead, ELT practicioners around the globe put into practice a great deal od diverse activities to keep themselves up-to-date and enhance their practices which have been dealt above.

8 Karn, S.K. (2007). Current Trends in ELT around the Globe. Journal of NELTA, 12: 1 & 2, 60-66. References: Thanks for your attention ;-) How about in Indonesia?

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