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Beginning of Cold War. B EGINNING ● Potsdam Conference ● Truman and Stalin begin to disagree ● United Nations ● Formed in San Francisco in 1945 ● US and.

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Presentation on theme: "Beginning of Cold War. B EGINNING ● Potsdam Conference ● Truman and Stalin begin to disagree ● United Nations ● Formed in San Francisco in 1945 ● US and."— Presentation transcript:

1 Beginning of Cold War

2 B EGINNING ● Potsdam Conference ● Truman and Stalin begin to disagree ● United Nations ● Formed in San Francisco in 1945 ● US and Soviets begin to use this to influence others around them

3 B REAK - UP OF G ERMANY AND B ERLIN ● After WWII, Germany was divided into 4 parts (US, France, Britain, Soviets) ● Goal- help rebuild and then give back to German people ● Soviets do not give theirs back ● Germany is divided ● West Germany- free and democratic ● East Germany- under Soviet control

4 D IVISION IN B ERLIN ● Berlin divided ● West Berlin- free and democratic ● East Berlin- under Soviet control ● Berlin is in Soviet territory ● Soviets will not allow supplies to be trucked in ● Lead to Berlin airlift ● US and others will airlift supplies into West Berlin

5 The Division of Berlin

6 Iron Curtain

7 Berlin Airlift ● Soviets block all roads into Berlin ● US and Britain will fly aid (food, medical supplies, etc) into Berlin

8 O THER US P ROGRAMS ● Marshall Plan ● US provide aid to countries in Western Europe ● Over 4 years, give close to $13 billion in aid ● Truman Doctrine ● US will help any country trying to resist expansion of Communism

9 E UROPE ● Two Groups ● NATO ● United States and its Allies (France, United Kingdom, Italy, West Germany) ● Warsaw Pact ● Soviet Union and its Allies ( East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, other Eastern European countries)

10 The Bipolarization of Europe

11 C OLD W AR AT H OME ● Fear of Communism Increases ● HUAC (House Un-American Activities Committee) ● 1947 ● Investigate Communism in Movie Industry ● Lead to blacklists (people with Communist ties who were not hired) ● Hollywood Ten- group put in prison for having Communist ties ● hh20 hh20 ● W4z0 W4z0

12 O THER C OLD W AR S TUFF ● Harry Truman ● Become President in 1945 when FDR dies ● Elected in 1948- surprise because he was predicted to lose ● Truman Doctrine- US will send aid to any nation trying to resist spread of Communism

13 HUAC Cartoon

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