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Polarities SPS 14/11/2015 Stéphane Cettour Cavé. Outline Stéphane Cettour Cavé a)How to establish a convention b)How to create a checklist files c)Polarity.

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Presentation on theme: "Polarities SPS 14/11/2015 Stéphane Cettour Cavé. Outline Stéphane Cettour Cavé a)How to establish a convention b)How to create a checklist files c)Polarity."— Presentation transcript:

1 Polarities SPS 14/11/2015 Stéphane Cettour Cavé

2 Outline Stéphane Cettour Cavé a)How to establish a convention b)How to create a checklist files c)Polarity check d)Archived checklist files

3 How to establish a convention Convention for the Ring SPS and Transfer line. All the checking of polarities will be done in agreement with the rules describe below : -The observer position is like if he is riding on the beam line with the beam arriving in his back and just before the magnet. -All the functions sent for each test must be positive. -For each test: -A single FGC must be driven. -A single Power Converter must be switched on. -Vertical corrector:- Octupole: -Horizontal corrector: -Quadrupole F:- Sextupole: -Quadrupole D: -Bend as a function of the line curvature.- Squew quads

4 How to create checklist files Create a polarity checklist with the layout file to use the convention to define the polarity. -Do several families for the Ring -Orbit correctors, Octupole, Sextupole, Squew quad, Bumper, Main bend, main quad -Injection transfer line -Extraction transfer line AIMANTALIMENT.POLARITETESTREMARQ. MQID 20100 RQID 20100 (1) Magnet MBIDH 20150 RBIH 20150 (2) Magnets MQIF 20200 RQIF 20200 (1) Magnet MBIDH 20214 RBIH 20150 MQID 20300 RQID 20300 (1) Magnet MCIAV 20304 RCIBV 20304 (1) Magnet MQIF 20400 RQIF 20400 (1) Magnet MQID 20500 RQID 20500 (1) Magnet MCIAV 20504 RCIBV 20504 (1) Magnet MQIF 20600 RQIF 20600 (1) Magnet MBIAV 20637 RBIV.20637 (17) Magnets MBIAV 20646 RBIV.20637 POLARITES TI2 2007

5 Polarity check Tools to check the polarity -Polarimeter- Polarity check file -Current clamp

6 Procedure to check polarity -Call CCC operator and ask him to load a positive function to the magnet which must be checked. - Put the polarimeter probe face N under the magnet pole like indicated on the checklist scheme and check that the polarity read by the polarimeter matches the file. -Put the current clamp on the power cable of the magnet and check if the value measured by the clamp matches the settings and the measurment in CCC. -Indicate on the polarity checklist if the tests results (polarity and current intensity measurment) are correct. -The CCC operator writes in the logbook the tests results: -Polarity. -Current intensity. -Power supply following the programmed function. Polarity check

7 - Put all documents in EDMS. - Put all the test results in the logbook or EDMS. Archived checklist file Thanks for your attention

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