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Focus 2/3 In the 1920s and 30s, a leader named Mohandas Gandhi headed the Indian nationalist movement. He taught that nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience,

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Presentation on theme: "Focus 2/3 In the 1920s and 30s, a leader named Mohandas Gandhi headed the Indian nationalist movement. He taught that nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Focus 2/3 In the 1920s and 30s, a leader named Mohandas Gandhi headed the Indian nationalist movement. He taught that nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience, rather than bloodshed, were the best way to achieve rights. Point for Discussion: What are the three major religions of India? Critical Lens: Gandhi’s use of civil disobedience led to change in India. Term to Know: Civil Disobedience

2 Mohandas Gandhi

3 Gandhi Gandhi, a Hindu, was educated in England and eventually became a lawyer in South Africa. Gandhi, a Hindu, was educated in England and eventually became a lawyer in South Africa.

4 Gandhi 1914 – Gandhi returns to India and joins Indian National Congress 1914 – Gandhi returns to India and joins Indian National Congress

5 Gandhi While leaders like Ataturk adopted western solutions to national problems, Gandhi embraced Hindu traditions. While leaders like Ataturk adopted western solutions to national problems, Gandhi embraced Hindu traditions.

6 Gandhi “Passive nonviolent resistance is a method of securing rights by personal suffering. It is the reverse of resistance through arms…If I do not obey an unjust law and accept the penalty for its breach, I use soul force.” “Passive nonviolent resistance is a method of securing rights by personal suffering. It is the reverse of resistance through arms…If I do not obey an unjust law and accept the penalty for its breach, I use soul force.”

7 Gandhi Gandhi was influenced by American philosopher Henry David Thoreau, who believed in civil disobedience. Gandhi was influenced by American philosopher Henry David Thoreau, who believed in civil disobedience.

8 Gandhi Gandhi refused to wear western clothing, called for boycotts of British goods, and encouraged Indians to only wear clothes made of cotton weaved in India. Gandhi refused to wear western clothing, called for boycotts of British goods, and encouraged Indians to only wear clothes made of cotton weaved in India.

9 Gandhi Salt March – Gandhi leads a 78 followers on a 240 mile march to the sea in order to protest British monopoly on salt. Salt March – Gandhi leads a 78 followers on a 240 mile march to the sea in order to protest British monopoly on salt.

10 Gandhi Gandhi’s campaign of non-violence slowly forced Britain to hand over SOME power to Indians. Gandhi’s campaign of non-violence slowly forced Britain to hand over SOME power to Indians.

11 Gandhi Complete independence is achieved in 1947 Complete independence is achieved in 1947

12 Gandhi As Muslims and Hindus continue to clash – Ali Jinnah continues to support a separate Muslim state. As Muslims and Hindus continue to clash – Ali Jinnah continues to support a separate Muslim state.

13 Gandhi Northern India becomes the Muslim country of Pakistan Northern India becomes the Muslim country of Pakistan

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