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THE WEST BETWEEN THE WARS CHAPTER 17. CAUSES OF WORLD WAR II War Guilt German Land Taken German Economy Reparations Too High Hitler Japanese Expansion.

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2 CAUSES OF WORLD WAR II War Guilt German Land Taken German Economy Reparations Too High Hitler Japanese Expansion

3 CAUSES War Guilt: Versailles Treaty blamed Germany for WWI Caused resentment toward Allies Used as political tool by Hitler German Land Taken Rhineland – Demilitarized and occupied by France Saar – Given to France Alsace Lorraine – Given to France Poland – Made from German and Russian Land German’s want their “Fatherland” back


5 CAUSES German Economy: Inflation and Depressions in Germany Hyperinflation 1918 – $1 = 5 Marks. 1923 - $1 = 4 Trillion Marks Money is worthless. Lose life savings. 1923 Costs – Loaf of Bread = 200 Billion Marks Reparations Too High $33 Billion in payments to Allies made a bad economy even worse. How much is that in 1923 Marks?


7 CAUSES Adolf Hitler His personal views influenced millions Aryan superiority, Anti-Semitism, Anti-Allie, Anti-Versailles Treaty Called for reform Wanted a rebirth of German Nationalism Gave hope to the suffering citizens of Germany

8 CAUSES Japanese Expansion: Militaristic Society Expansionists Wanted land, resources, and slaves Goal – expand and control the entire Pacific Ocean United States Stands in their way

9 RISE OF EUROPEAN DICTATORS 1919-1939 – Many European nations adopt some kind of Dictatorship Totalitarianism One person or a small group having total control over a nation and creating a new mass society One ruler, one party, limits on individuals, demands total loyalty of the people Authoritarianism A leader who has total control but does not try to create a new mass society. Fascism Nazism

10 DICTATORS Benito Mussolini Fascism – Italy 9419443#synopsis 9419443#synopsis Joseph Stalin Russia – after Lenin Francisco Franco Spain Adolf Hitler Nazism – Germany


12 RISE OF NATIONALISM Colonized people seek self-government from imperialists Independent nations form Turkey – former Ottoman Empire Iran – formerly Persia

13 AFRICAN NATIONALISM Independent nations break away from European Imperialists

14 INDIA Fight for independence from western powers. Rise of Indian Nationalism – Indian National Congress (INC) Gandhi Started in South Africa then motivated Indians with non- violent resistance Us Used the Hunger Strike and boycotts to get his way British fear him! Arrest him many times. Limited self-rule granted. Eventually Indian Independence in 1947. Gandhi assassinated in 1948 by extremists

15 JAPAN Wanted more western trade. Increase in militarism and trade with the west. Build huge Navy and Army East second fiddle to West Japan lacks natural resources of their own. Seeks trade for industrial resources. Foreign Trade – Oil, Rubber, Steel

16 JAPANESE LEADERS Hirohito Emperor – God on Earth Symbolic Powerful Military Leaders power struggle Hideki Tojo Prime Minister – Real Leader Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto "In the first six to twelve months of a war with the United States and Great Britain I will run wild and win victory upon victory. But then, if the war continues after that, I have no expectation of success.” Pearl Harbor

17 CHINA Corrupted by western influence. Sun Yat-Sen Ended Qing dynasty. Wants West out of China Civil War 1949 Mao Zedong (Communist) vs. Chiang Kai-Shek (Nationalist) Mao defeats the Nationalists and drives them to Taiwan Cultural Revolution Little Red Book – Bible of Chinese Communism

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